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Stuffed Animal


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One of my players, is trying to build a character, that when the character stays still he looks like a stuffed animal. He's a moogle! When he's active there is no advantage in play, but when he stays still and takes no action (cant talk either), he looks like a stuffed animal. This has certain advantages. But at the same time, if a villain is familiar with him, it wont fool the villain.


How should this be built? My best guess right now is a limited form of shape shift.



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Re: Stuffed Animal


One of my players, is trying to build a character, that when the character stays still he looks like a stuffed animal. He's a moogle! When he's active there is no advantage in play, but when he stays still and takes no action (cant talk either), he looks like a stuffed animal. This has certain advantages. But at the same time, if a villain is familiar with him, it wont fool the villain.


How should this be built? My best guess right now is a limited form of shape shift.




Images, Mental Illusion, Invisibility, Shapeshift... there are lots of options here. I would probably start with images if I were building this. (I don't have 6th ed yet so if any of these powers have changed I'm sorry if I am being misleading.)

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Re: Stuffed Animal


It could just be a special effect.

If the character just looks like a stuffed annimal. unusual looks, high appearance [cuteness], shrinking maybe and they still breathe etc. when still, there could be no need for more. It does not give a huge benefit.

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Re: Stuffed Animal


Shape Shift specifically allows changing into an inanimate object. So I don't see Simulate Death as necessary.


Unless possibly you're using it instead of Shapeshift, if the character basically looks like a stuffed animal all the time, except of course that if it's moving and talking it can't

be mistaken for a mere toy.


Other possibilities include Acting or Concealment (hidden in plain sight) with Striking Appearance: Harmless (which would give a bonus, in my opinion, to either skill) of course with a severe Limit - anyone who has ever seen the creature moving and talking won't be fooled because it's still and silent now.


I have no idea what a "moogle" is.


Lucius Alexander


Then again, lots of people don't know what a palindromedary is, and that's all okay.

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Re: Stuffed Animal


I have no idea what a "moogle" is.


It's a race from the final fantasy series of games... appearance changes considerably from game to game, but they are alwasy small and cute.


When they were first introduced, they looked a bit like living teddy bears... if teddy bears were walking white cats with bat wings and powerful magic...

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