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Scion Hero of sorts


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Sometime in the future I am thinking of doing something along the lines of White Wolf's Scion Hero. I have read a previous thread on this board regarding this and would like to get some people's thoughts as I try to get clarification in my mind.


I am thinking of making the players, as well as a host of NPCs children (or perhaps "children") or some inheritors of those known as the deities of the various past human pantheons. The pantheons will not be actual gods for a number of reasons, but suffice to day the discrpencies in history and world view makes it too confusing. More likely they will have been people with miraculous powers who "ascended" in power and over time they grew to the point to perhaps leave for other realms...or perhaps their "age" was ended.


But now for whatever reason the "children" now roam the earth, perhaps discovering their identity for the first time (maybe it has been shrouded).


I am not sure if I want to have political arrangements according to pantheons but rather this will be a time for forming new pantheons of sorts.


I would also like to add the magical stuff to this day and age. With maybe magic hiding creatures who interact with us without us knowing....and if there is, and with their eyes now open the protagonists may have a sudden discovery (a la "THEY LIVE").


In some ways I would like to have tropes and items from mythology and sometimes with perhaps with a new twist.


I am also thinking of making some areas multi dimensional...for example, maybe Union Station is actually an access point to multiple realms.


I would like to combine the feel of the Thor comic book (the Walt Simonson run), Mage the comic book (http://www.mattwagnercomics.com/comics_mage.html) with some intensity and weirdness.


But before I can do this...I need to work out some logical issues in my head....Like


* If people had such powers, what keeps them from making themselves rulers of the world?


* If magical creatures exist in magical time whey don't they rule the world?


* If realms can be crossed what keeps others from crossing over and ruling the world?


* If there are some crossroads/nexus points.....what just keeps people from other realms from walking over?



Any thoughts?

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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


One possibility is that the different realms have differing effects on people...normal denizens. Perhaps orcs and trolls coming to our realm, if they are here long enough, become more 'civilized' and take office jobs, are cabbies and build up their 401K.


I thought about giving the more 'normal' monsters some sort of illusion that they would appear to humans as humans but would still have some of their physical traits. And maybe that illusion only works with humans but not human scions.

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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Well, maybe they do rule the world and are just quiet about it. They have discovered that if they rule behind the scenes that they face less less opposition and what opposition they do face has less of a handle on how to deal with them.


If you don't like the magical Illuminati campaign idea, you could arrange it so the internal rivalries in the magical community prevent any one person or faction from taking over. The werewolves/ goblins/water spirits just refuse to let the vampires/elves/air spirits from taking over because they are afraid of persecution from their mystical brethren.


As for the crossroads/nexus point question, I would treat these as strategic points that are carefully controlled by various factions and random crossing over is something that the factions don't permit.

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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Some stories have a neutral, and more powerful part to ensure that "balance" is kept.


Maybe having them really in charge isn't a bad idea. Perhaps even the various Pantheons being in charge to some degree in various nations...Hmmmm


Must contemplate.

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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Some suggested reading. "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman and the first three books of the Alvin Maker stories by Orson Scott Card (Seventh Son, Red Prophet and Prentice Alvin). "American Gods" sounds quite similar to what you're talking about, in terms of tone, and is a very different take on the concept of gods and god-like power. The Alvin Maker series are a different kind of take on magic and powers in society in general, and are very good reading, if nothing else.



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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Yeah, I don't have Scion Hero yet but plan do by the PDF tomorrow or sometime in the near future. On WW's website they stated their game was inspired largely by "American Gods". I am under no time pressure to get this thing launched and plan to do a fair amount of conversion in the mean time. I think reading those books will help me. I also look forward to watching Percy Jackson for some inspiration.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Sometime in the future I am thinking of doing something along the lines of White Wolf's Scion Hero. I have read a previous thread on this board regarding this and would like to get some people's thoughts as I try to get clarification in my mind.


I am thinking of making the players, as well as a host of NPCs children (or perhaps "children") or some inheritors of those known as the deities of the various past human pantheons. The pantheons will not be actual gods for a number of reasons, but suffice to day the discrpencies in history and world view makes it too confusing. More likely they will have been people with miraculous powers who "ascended" in power and over time they grew to the point to perhaps leave for other realms...or perhaps their "age" was ended.


But now for whatever reason the "children" now roam the earth, perhaps discovering their identity for the first time (maybe it has been shrouded).


I am not sure if I want to have political arrangements according to pantheons but rather this will be a time for forming new pantheons of sorts.


I would also like to add the magical stuff to this day and age. With maybe magic hiding creatures who interact with us without us knowing....and if there is, and with their eyes now open the protagonists may have a sudden discovery (a la "THEY LIVE").


In some ways I would like to have tropes and items from mythology and sometimes with perhaps with a new twist.


I am also thinking of making some areas multi dimensional...for example, maybe Union Station is actually an access point to multiple realms.


I would like to combine the feel of the Thor comic book (the Walt Simonson run), Mage the comic book (http://www.mattwagnercomics.com/comics_mage.html) with some intensity and weirdness.


But before I can do this...I need to work out some logical issues in my head....Like


* If people had such powers, what keeps them from making themselves rulers of the world?


* If magical creatures exist in magical time whey don't they rule the world?


* If realms can be crossed what keeps others from crossing over and ruling the world?


* If there are some crossroads/nexus points.....what just keeps people from other realms from walking over?



Any thoughts?



Well if people had such power, would that power be enough to protect them from "mortals" trying to destroy or control out of fear or greed?


Maybe there is a "cold war" by the Gods or beings of power that prevents them from overtly controlling the earth.


Maybe, (my favorite), mortals of the past brokered a deal, and that deal is almost up. Earth had it's time of peace for mortals to grow. Times up.


On magical creatures ruling, let's say some cosmic catastrophe changed, removed or lessened magic and it affected them, or they are part of some pact with the other beings of power.


The realms being crossed or nexus points, maybe it takes a great deal of power to crossover and some to remain in our reality. Maybe scions are being made and they are charged with preventing unauthorized crossovers, heh maybe a "Men in Black" type thing.


You know me Azato, I am weird that way.

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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


Also depending on the Scion, wouldn't his powers be weaker in places where his father/mother/uncle/ancestor didn't have a presence.


An example of what I am talking about is the Fairy Courts in the Dresden Files. usually Summer and Winter have little power in the other's playground. And both would have problems in the Erlking's Goblin Hall.


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Re: Scion Hero of sorts


* If realms can be crossed what keeps others from crossing over and ruling the world?


* If there are some crossroads/nexus points.....what just keeps people from other realms from walking over?



Any thoughts?


Here is a possibility from the Solar System - The different realities are in orbit around each other. Only at certain times can one use the portal into this reality and then it is only open for a certain amount of time and into a certain location. If someone would like to either enter or leave this reality at any time outside this given "free time", then they will have to make some form of price, as determined by the GM.

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