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Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


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That is, rather than throwing off Blasts or punches, the character's primary schtick is to use Barriers, Darkness, Change Environment, Entangles, etc to condition the battlespace, creating tactical opportunities for your team while hindering or delaying the tactics of your opponents.

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Re: Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


Certainly. I have run characters who have that as a schtick. Flash attacks, Entangles (that need to be specifially targeted), Barriers all of that can be used to shape the battlespace. You can definatly be a "controller" to use a City of Heroes archetype.


I have seen melee types who's whole job was tripping, throwing and otherwise cause opponents to lose DCV. It's all easy to do in hero. Just depends on your character concept ie the special effect to all of your controller powers

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Re: Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


I once created a character for a low power game whose powers were all teleportation based. Most of her powers were bought usable as an attack. She spent all combats transporting enemies out into the open so the blasters could blast them with out cover, and transporting the brick right into the midst of the enemy. It worked great and totally negated the cover of the enemies. Another character in the same group used barriers to protect other characters and innocent bystanders and block retreat routes for the enemies. The two combined were very powerful.

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Re: Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


also learn timing

tossing an entangle on a foe who has a good chance of getting out even with your heavy or exotic hitting friend near by makes it a waste of time

if they cannot exploit the battlespace change you have given them

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Re: Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


I really encourage this sort of character. It's all too easy to have fights feel like consecutive games of solitaire with each hero operating entirely independently of the others. IMHO it's a lot more fun and interesting to have the characters interacting and working together during combat.

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Re: Battlefield control a viable concept in Champions?


It can definitely work, if you have some decent teamwork.


For instance, when Entangling a foe, what can be extremely effective is an Entangle with the "target and entangle both take damage" or "transparent" advantage, and a teammate or two ready to lay the smackdown as soon as it hits (delay actions so that they act immediately after you, if possible). In a game with hit locations - instant headshot, at DCV 0. Even without those, it's a great time for inaccurate attacks like move-through, and provides an opportunity for even the clumsiest brick to wallop a speedster foe. You don't need a super-strong Entangle for this, because they won't get a chance to break out before they get smacked.


Another fun one - delay until right after your teammates, then create a big Change Environment zone that covers the whole area - inhibits movement, hinders sight, generally makes it hard to act. Then on the next phase, your teammates delay until after you, and you end the CE right before they act. So your foes have to deal with all the negative effects, and your teammates are unhindered.


If you have a teammate who can teleport foes, an interesting option is to create a darkness field in a corner and have them teleport foes inside. Without knowing which way they're facing, foes will likely waste movement bumping into the wall when trying to leave it. For extra effect, use Barrier to box the field in - now they won't know which are the real walls and which are the barriers. Sans teleportation, a brick grabbing people and tossing them into the field could also work.


But you do need teammates who will take advantage of the opportunities you set up. If you've got the big foe stuck there defenseless - and your allies are over on the other side of the room, beating up some minions - it doesn't work so well.

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