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Re: Ctrl+V


fterwords, if you're lucky, your shield gives you a defense bonus and you have to dodge every other attack. Unfortunately the bonus is crap. So why not just have a sword in the other hand and use a parry? You can even make a second parry at -4 where you can't even make a second block at -4. You can even do two sword attacks like double strike and two weapon attack with a second sword.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Ken's problems began the same way most of his problems began – with a fight.



She was fast, there was no denying that. He watched her dart around the street, slipping from shadow to shadow, seeming to become one with the darkness only to reappear a moment later with a thunderous kick taking aim at one of his vital spots. This chick was good, that much was clear. Ken didn't mind. He liked the challenge, and it seemed others did as well. The crowd was eating it up, cheering the two fighters on with increasingly loud shouts and jeers. This was the final round: Ken had taken the first; she had taken the second – and in only a few short moments, there would be a winner and a loser. Ken knew which of the two he wanted to be.

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Re: Ctrl+V


On Jun 12, 7:22*pm, Arthur Lipscomb wrote:

> On 6/12/2011 5:36 PM, David Johnston wrote:


> > On Jun 12, 6:12 pm, Anim8rFSK *wrote:


> >>>> How was it established that no record of it existed?


> >>> Besides them cross-referencing their computer banks and finding nothing?


> >> Yep. *It's very clear in Q Who that Starfleet has no record of the Borg,


> > _How_ is it very clear?


> It's been a while since I saw it, but I don't recall them checking their

> computers. *I'm not even sure if they asked Data. *All I remember is

> Picard asking Guinan and she told him.


> Also absent from this discussion (and any real analysis on the show

> itself) is that the Borg had apparently already entered Federation and

> Romulan space and scooped up a couple of colonies at the end of the

> first season. *Although Guinan claimed humans weren't due to meet the

> Borg yet, Q actually gave them a heads up for a threat that was probably

> more imminent than they realized.

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Re: Ctrl+V


10 p.m.: Meet and Greet


10:30 p.m.: Video presentation


11:00 p.m. Have group decided whether to take the offer or not. Everyone who arrives is paid 1000 dollars out of the safe. Anyone who doesn't accept the offer should be directed to leave.


11:10 p.m. Hand out document packets and the kits from the storage room.


11:30 - 1:00 a.m Celebrate New Years.

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Re: Ctrl+V




A 13-gallon canister of satanic ichor weighs 250 pounds. A typical canister has hardness 5, 15 hit points, and a break DC of 18. If the canister sports a lock, the lock is usually high quality (Open Lock DC 30). Once released from its canister, satanic ichor can crawl across surfaces or float through the air with ease.


Species Traits

Blindsight (Ex): Satanic ichor is blind but can ascertain all creatures and objects within 120 feet by nonvisual means. Beyond that range, all targets have total concealment with respect to the satanic ichor.

Corrupt the Mind (Su): As an attack action, satanic ichor can dominate any creature it can contact telepathically (as the domination psionic power manifested by a 10th-level Telepath). A successful Will save (DC 18) negates the effect and protects the creature against further domination attempts by the satanic ichor for 24 hours. Satanic ichor trapped within a container will typically use a dominated creature to break the container that confines it. Freed satanic ichor will typically use a dominated creature as a vessel (see below) or thrall to attract other potential thralls.

Immunities: Satanic ichor is immune to all weapons except ones that deal energy damage.

Ooze: Satanic ichor has the traits and immunities common to all oozes.

Telepathy (Su): Satanic ichor can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Vessel of Flesh (Su): If it succeeds at an attack roll against a living creature, satanic ichor can enter the creature’s body through one or more orifices (usually the mouth, nostrils, or ears) or an open wound. The target gets a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the satanic ichor’s Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier) to keep the satanic ichor from entering and taking control of its body. If the save fails, the satanic ichor seizes control of the creature’s body, using it as a vessel to commit murder and other atrocities. A remove curse spell can expel satanic ichor from a creature’s body, but the caster must succeed at a level check (1d20 + caster level) or the spell fails (DC 10 + 1/2 the satanic ichor’s Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier). The creature possessed by satanic ichor has no memory of the possession once the satanic ichor is expelled. If the host drops to 0 or fewer hit points, the satanic ichor inside spills out through the mouth, ears, and nostrils and tries to commandeer a new “vessel” as quickly as possible. While possessing a creature, satanic ichor cannot be attacked directly.

A living creature possessed by satanic ichor takes 1d2 points of temporary Constitution damage per day, or 1d6 points per day if the satanic ichor’s size category is larger than its host’s. The Constitution damage cannot be healed until the satanic ichor is expelled.


Satanic Ichor: CR 4; Small ooze; HD 2d10+10; hp 21; Mas —; Init +0; Spd 10 ft., climb 10 ft., fly 20 ft. (average); Defense 11 (+1 size), touch 11, flat-footed 11; BAB +1; Grap +0; Atk +1 melee touch (1d4–1 plus special, slam); Full Atk +1 melee touch (1d4–1 plus special, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ blindsight 120 ft., corrupt the mind, immunities, traits, telepathy, vessel of flesh; AL evil; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 9, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 18.

Skills: None.

Feats: None.

Advancement: 3–5 HD (Small); 6–9 HD (Medium-size); 10–15 HD (Large).



Advanced Satanic Ichor: CR 10; Medium-size ooze; HD 8d10+36; hp 80; Mas —; Init +0; Spd 10 ft., climb 10 ft., fly 20 ft. (average); Defense 11 (–1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 9, flatfooted 11; BAB +6; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee touch (1d6+4 plus special, slam); Full Atk +9/+4 melee touch (1d6+4 plus special, slam); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ blindsight 120 ft., corrupt the mind (DC 18), immunities, ooze, telepathy, vessel of flesh (DC 18); AL evil; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5; AP 0; Rep +0; Str 17, Dex 9, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 18.

Skills: None.

Feats: None.

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