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I think I'd model this as Detect with Time-Spanning and Reflexive myself. I'd call "Damage Received in Combat" a Rare category, with "Damage" as an Occasional category, with general sickness/injury of oneself as Common, and "the maladies flesh is heir to" as Very Common. Going from there you could get something like this:

Detect (Damage Received in Combat; Accessibility, Only from attacks that will affect you within 1 second, -40% Analyzing, +100% Reflexive, +40%; Reliable 4, +20%; Time-Spanning, Future only, +0%) [11].

So before you roll your Active Defense, make an Perception roll. Success means you know the exact amount of damage you will take (the GM should just roll the damage beforehand for this purpose), what type of damage it is (e.g., piercing, impaling, burning, etc.), if it's a carrier for another damaging attack, and if it has side effects, symptoms, etc.

11 points is nothing to sneeze at and it only works against attacks that are happening within 1 second, but you don't need to take a maneuver to sense them.

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Guardian has been raised to be an icon. As a child her father trained her as a soldier. As her powers developed Guardian found she was free in the air adapting to mid-air combat. To keep her focused her father would run drills forcing her to endure hours of combat. This led to an acrobatic and slightly flamboyant style, much to his chagrin.  

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Okay, so the newer rifle has a greater range, more shots, more damage . . . but it also totally fails at the job of non-lethal tranquilization, since it deals 2d of damage per dose of the drug delivered, whereas the Dan-Inject can deliver up to six doses per shot.

What would be the TL9 stats of a Dan-Inject (i.e. a longarm made for use with six-dose darts)?


Now, regarding the tranquilizers themselves. Things get interesting fast. Basic Set offers a tranquilizer that disables the target for Margin of Failure on a HT-3 roll. High-Tech offers a tranquilizer that does 1d worth of FP damage per Margin of Failure on a HT-3 roll. Neither has a name to refer to it.
Note that since the Dan-Inject can deliver up to six doses, it can provide a HT-7 roll and 6d of FP per MoF.

Side note: Dan-Inject can also do up to 24d of Tox damage by loading up on Cyanide instead! If one decides to go lethal, that is. Seems like a powerful way to take out a non-armoured target reliably without having to target the Brain.

Nooow, let's see what other options there are for disabling a target (preferably) nonlethally:

Sleep Poison (TL9)
Drowies on a HT-6 roll, sleeps on a HT-1 roll. Kinda underwhelming for TL9, but okayish and safe with Dan.

Curare (TL0)
Paralyzes on HT-6 after one minute - quite reliable. But it can Choke on a critfail, and does Tox damage periodically. The antidote is essential.

Torpine (TL9)
Disables on a failed HT roll. Safe, but unreliable. Once gain, using Dan can help lower the HT roll.

Seems like the nameless drug from Basic Set is the best, but I kinda don't like it.


Finally, there's the idea of using a small-calibre bullets of the Poison subtype (HT167). This seems somewhat counterintuitive, but against non-armoured targets, it's probably better to use a (1d pi- / 2) attack (beyond ½D range) per dose than the ugly Needle Rifle with its short range and high damage-to-dosage ratio.

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