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Extra effort and hero points allow characters to accomplish a lot.
However, there are those times when even extra effort isn’t enough
and extraordinary effort is called for. In these cases, you may wish to
use the following option.

Once per adventure (more or less at the GM’s discretion) a player
can decide to use extraordinary effort. The player may spend any or
all of the character’s remaining hero points as well as up to three
fatigue results (which renders a normal character unconscious).
These can apply to any of their normal uses, and the benefits stack.
So a hero who uses extraordinary effort, expending three hero points
and suffering two fatigue results, can apply five levels of extra effort
to a task. The player cannot spend hero points (if there are any
remaining) to offset the fatigue from extraordinary effort.




This option goes beyond even extraordinary effort (previously): in addition
to all the effects of extraordinary effort, characters can also suffer
damage from pushing beyond the limits of their abilities. The progression is staggered,
disabled, unconscious,
dying, dead; each grants an
additional level of extra effort. This
extra effort can be combined with
hero points and the expenditure of
fatigue levels as desired. So a hero could
gain up to five additional levels, but it means the character dies at the
end of the effort. Last-ditch effort is usually reserved for truly dramatic
situations where the heroes sacrifice all in order to succeed.





With this option, rather than automatically suffering a stun result
from damage, the character makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10
+ attack’s damage bonus) to avoid being stunned. This adds some
variability to the chances of a stun, and provides a slight edge to
characters with better Fortitude saves, but also adds another die roll
to combat, which may slow things down.



Normally, when characters suffer fatigue results due to extra effort,
the result is automatic unless the player spends a hero point to offset
the fatigue. In this variant, when characters use extra effort, the
player makes a saving throw against the fatigue result. If the save
is successful, the character suffers no fatigue. If it fails, fatigue is
applied normally. The Difficulty Class for the saving throw is (10 +
power level) and the save can be either Fortitude or Will, as the GM
prefers. You can even give players the option of choosing which save
to use (making it easier for characters to succeed overall).

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Henry IV. Can no man tell me of my unthrifty son?
'Tis full three months since I did see him last;
If any plague hang over us, 'tis he.
I would to God, my lords, he might be found:
Inquire at London, 'mongst the taverns there,
For there, they say, he daily doth frequent, 2580
With unrestrained loose companions,
Even such, they say, as stand in narrow lanes,
And beat our watch, and rob our passengers;
Which he, young wanton and effeminate boy,
Takes on the point of honour to support 2585
So dissolute a crew.

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