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Human and Demihuman Assets.


Druids who have lived in an area for a long time should cultivate friendly contacts among the surrounding manors and villages. If the people openly follow druidism, they generally inform the druid of unusual happenings as a matter of course. Otherwise, druids try to place one “agent” in each village or castle in their area; low-ranking servants often have reason to go into the wilds every now and then (chopping firewood, grazing the animals, etc.), giving them an excuse to secretly meet the druid. Some druids befriend children for this purpose, since no one will miss them when they go out to play, nor will most people suspect children of passing information.


Druids try to keep in touch with a friend at every roadside and village inn within their territory. This source isn’t necessarily the innkeeper: Someone less obvious, like a servant or stablekeeper, works better. Since adventurers and other interesting travelers usually stop at inns, the source can update druids on newcomers. The druid must contact these aides regularly to advise them of the sort of information they should look for and receive their news. Just as important as having agents is having a means of collecting updates from them, after all. The 2nd-level messenger spell suits this purpose ideally. Innkeepers and the like tend to stay terribly busy, so providing them with a trained messenger animal (often a bird) can ensure periodic reports. If the agent (or druid) cannot read or write, the pair can arrange a simple code: a red ribbon on the bird’s foot means, “Come immediately,” a blue ribbon means, “Interesting strangers staying at the inn.” A druid’s agents almost never work professionally as spies, and few know much about the druid’s doings (helpful, if an enemy questions them). Most are just ordinary (0-level) men and women. Druids don’t have to reveal their identity to these contacts—they just use their natural charm (Charisma of 15 or better) to appear as romantic, mysterious figures who will pay well if kept informed of local gossip.


Just as often, druids recruit from among those who are in their debt. For instance, a druid who used magic to save a child from disease might recruit the grateful mother as another set of eyes. Also, druids utilize members of families that have followed the druidic faith for generations (often in secret). Finally, druids do not hesitate to use charm person or mammal to create excellent involuntary spies when necessary! Besides these local folk, druids should also strive to be on good terms with travelers like tinkers, Gypsies, bards, merchants, entertainers, and rangers. These people, often the first to bear news from the next county, always know what the neighbors are talking about. Being on “good terms” usually requires making friends with a few prominent members of these groups and offering magical assistance at times.

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