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Hello All. I'm working on an herbalism setup for a campaign, and I'm trying to come up with more ideas than just "heal xd6, only for y-affliction". Everyone always says there's a hundred different ways to build a power in Hero, so let's hear some ideas :)


The types of things I'm looking to do would be: heal broken bones, salve burns, induce sleep, heal minor wounds, etc.

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Re: Herbs


Without going into detail, you could do things like:


  • Klah, The Black Herb: Steeped in an infusion, this popular drink gives energy to the drinker; abuse can lead to insomnia. [1d6 Aid END, Side Effects (Major, always happens when the user does some specific thing)]
  • Ornamude Balm: This salve can be rubbed into the skin to provide some protection from heat and flame. Frequently used by smiths, although the smell can be revolting. [Either Minor Transform (ED into ED with Resistant advantage) or a naked Resistant Advantage, Extra Time, Side Effects (Minor - +2 to Smell PER Roll against the character, always occurs), Rapid Healing (wears off over a week)]
  • Travellers' Aid: A rub that is applied to the feet to counteract soreness from long travel. [+10 END, Only To Pay For Running, Extra Time]

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Re: Herbs


Alhazred has pretty much started this line of thought already. But why not just give all herbal remedies the limitation "Conditional Power - Only heals X type of damage." So you have some herbs for burns, some for particular poisons, some for bruising, some that are good for lung/suffocation damage etc. Painkillers are Stun Aids that can only be used to 'heal', (temporarily), lost Stun. Some more powerful potions may actually heal stun but have exciting side effects.


Alternatively herbal healing could have the limitation "Variable Foci". It can heal anything but requires specific herbs for each kind of injury.

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Re: Herbs


Kings foil comes to mind as an interesting healing herb. Herbs that have to be ingested or brewed into a topical paste, etc. But healing herbs are just the beginning. Gillyweed comes to mind from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Breath water + extra swimming + safe environment: cold + maybe safe environment high pressure for the salt water variant. All with a one hour charge.


One of the best limitations on an herb is that it loses efficacy if not consumed fresh. This can be a fade toward zero or two different "modes" the more powerful when fresh, the weaker when dried properly.


Other herbs could bestow infra vision or enhanced sensitivity perhaps with a vulnerability side fx. Remember to specify what environment the herb grows in, how difficult it is to find, what part of the plant is needed( leaf, root, blossom, fruit, pollen, petals, etc.) and what season that part is available. This should sometimes be thematic as an herb from which an oil can be extracted that protects from heat (safe environment + rED) which grows only near active volcanoes and hot springs/geysers.


Psycotropic effects can also be produced with herbs. Zombie drugs that cause a person to obey any order given to them. Hallucinogens that cause confusion or allow The imbibed to have Visions of various sorts, cut a berry of the rare idififie plant in half, feed it to two people and those two people have mind link for X time. And it is a closely guarded secret of the Mendicants Guild (Beggars, pickpockets, and spies for hire) that you can extend the mind link indefinitely as long as both parties drink Y quantity of idififie juice every Z time period.


To control powerful herbs geographic and temporal distribution, difficulty of finding, processing, preserving, onerous side fx and cultivability can all be used. I personally feel that some powerful fx should be common and in general use such as caffeine and nicotine in our own society. Side fx should certainly include addiction, but some herbs might actually have a burnout roll after which the user is immune.


Method of use is another issue which needs to be addressed. Ingestion, topical application, injection, inhalation, sublingual absorbtion, suppository etc. These choices can be suggested by the speed of effect you want and the duration. A cigar that has to be continually puffed on restricts the use of incantations and takes the OAF limitation.


This is all just of the top of my head, but the point is: Yes, I agree. The possibilities of herbalism are limitless. I would suggest doing a little research into aromatherapy for more ideas. And always be wary of Druids!




Other possible

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Re: Herbs


A few I worked up:



Bella Donna: Nightvision (5 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (2X Vulnerability to Sight Flash; uncomfortable in bright light, nearly blind in full daylight; -1), IIF (-1/4) Real Cost: 2


Bella Donna was actually used to make women more attractive by expanding the pupils of the eye. For this purpose an extract of the plant would be used as eye drops. It is also, of course, a deadly poison if ingested.



This was inspired by the use of datura in one of the Earth's Children books (Clan of the Cave Bear and sequels) in which someone whose bones had broken and set badly was put into a deep coma so that the bones could be re-broken and re-set (an intensely painful process that I suppose could kill someone from sheer system shock if they weren't both unconscious and with their muscles in such a relaxed state as to offer no resistance to the healer's manipulations.)


Deathlike Sleep: Simulate Death (+2 to roll) (5 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), IIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1/4) Real Cost: 2

Note: The attending herbalist may use PS: Herbalist as a complementary roll to the patient's EGO or CON rolls.



I think Transform effects are ideal for herbalism. Transform depends on the subject's BOD which fits an effect that will vary by the size of the individual. Some examples:



Pennyroyal is infamous in some circles for its effects.


Pennyroyal: Minor Transform 2 1/2d6 (Pregnant woman into not pregnant woman; woman into menstruating woman) (13 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, To brew and drink tea; -2), 2 Boostable Charges (-1 1/4), No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (Just Say No) (Although force or trickery are possible, it can normally only be used on the willing; -1/2), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act (taking more than 2 doses per day, or taking more than 5 days straight), Side Effect only affects the recipient of the benefits of the Power; Some side effects possible even with normal use; overdose can be fatal. Side effects include vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive bleeding, diarrhea and delirium; -1/2), IIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Not normally used in combat, so full OAF bonus not appropriate, but it's an herbal tea; -1/4) Real Cost: 2



It has been alleged that the secret of the berserkers was the use of a certain mushroom.


Berserkergang: Major Transform 1d6-1 (Person into Berserker, Unconsciousness, or passage of time), Damage Over Time (5-6 damage increments, damage occurs every Minute, can be negated by Purging; +1 1/2) (12 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), Rapid Healing (-1), Restrainable (Just Say No) (Although force or trickery are possible, it can normally only be used on the willing; -1/2), IIF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Not normally used in combat, so full OAF bonus not appropriate, but it's an herbal preparation (probably with mushrooms); -1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect occurs when character stops using power; Character falls into a somnolent state and is not rousable for a time. ; -1/4)



I'm thinking of making up some “Generic Herbal Powers” based on Transform, to use as “templates.”


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thought Lucius would just put

Herbs: +3 with PS: Cooking (3 Active Points); IIF Best if fresh; can go bad Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness; -1/4) Real Cost: 2

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Re: Herbs


Herbs that have ongoing fx take continuing charges and consumable focus.


There are many advantages & limitations that herbs can take:


side fx: especially dependance, vulnerability, susceptibility and negative levels.

Extra time

Area effect (hex) for herbs that can be scattered as a dust in the air with either a blow tube or as a thrown missle.

NND for almost any herb that can be used as a attack.

Cumulative and invisible fx (w/fringe) for things like slow poisons administered through food, drink, bath water, etc.

Trigger for two stage fx that need a second herb to cause their effect. An example of this is a poison that is only poisonous if both parts are ingested. So if your target has already been some how given the first half, they can be targeted by, say, spiking the punch at a party. Everyone drinks, but only target is affected.

Activation roll for herbs that are inconsistent in efficacy.

Burnout for herbs to which an immunity develops.

Gestures for the process of applying topical ointments and possibly for unstoppering and drinking a potion, etc.

Gradual effect.


Requires a skill roll for some herbs that are finicky in application, and for many that require specialized brewing before use.

Restrainable in that it might be possible to prevent the use of the herb or herbal preparation.


The other build is to set up a multipower with slots for each herbal preparation the chacter has learned, some number of consumable charges and defined circumstances for replacing charges.

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