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The criminal level list


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So I was thinking about a different kind of campain. It would start off with the Pc's as criminals. I know not so different, but hear me out. First the adventers the pc's would have would be based on a Villany chart. So of course you need the chart. Sitting down for the first pass I made this, not complete but you get the idea..


1. Cannon fodder- You get told nothing. You get to be the lookout, or move the boxes of things you can't ask about. In the event of trouble you get to face it first. If you don't die, get pinched or squeal eventually you'll move up


2. (No name)- O.k. your a solid guy. You are now invited to hang with the gang. Here's whats in those boxes. Course you show some talent an ambition you mioght move on.



3. Lieutenant- Day to day work is not for you. You now manage everyone else, and report directly to the Boss. Depending on how hands on he is. You just might basically run the operation. And if something should happen to the boss.


4. Crime Boss- You do run the operation. You decide what kjobs to pull and how to pull them. THough now you no only have to worry about the targets of your crimes and the cops, but the other crime bosses who don't want your operation getting too big.


5. Mastermind (Thinking of moving the name up to #6) The other crime bosses may not obey you, but they have a healthy respect for you. In fact the whole criminal community seems to. Peoplee will offer to let you cut in on their activities if your willing to lend you expertise.


6 through 8 Not really sure. Though one would be where you take over a national crime group.


9. Henchman- Your standing next to the throne. Sure the Fbi, Cia, and interpol want your head, but the whole world is your plaything. You can basically go anywhere, and do anything. Except ther e is one guy you still have to answer to.


10. Mastercriminal- You've done it. You now lead an orginization that streches around the glode. You make more than most small nations. Your world is law. Now all you have to worry about are the people who want revenge, and yor position at the top


Players in say Cannon fodder level would spend an adventure helping knock over a warehouse, and not being sure who their working for. Higher up an adventure would be losing the fbi tail so they could rob a diamond valut. THis of course leads to my other idea, but before I mention that let's see what the assembled thinks of this one.

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Re: The criminal level list


Some of the terms are pretty similar. Is there much of a difference between a flunky and a mook? If so, maybe you can expand the list.


I do remember the original Top Secret game produced by TSR. The characters had level titles like AD&D characters. I can't remember the lists, but level 1 titles included "informant" for the Investigation Bureau and "thug" for the Assassination Bureau.

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