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Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


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Okay starting up a new campaign and I have a player who wants his toon to be a chemist. One of his powers is a super pill that gives increases to stats. Easy, but he also wants to build into it a chance to become addicted as well if the drug is overused. How would you go about building this and what sort of limitation would that be.


Info use drug once per day minimal addiction rate, each additional dose in a day severely increases your chance to be addicted.


ps didn't there used to be a limitation for this in 4E?


Thanks for the help in advance

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


That would be a random character generation and Champions doesn't generate characters randomly. You would choose to make him addicted or not.


You could simply as a psych lim that says "Over use of power leads to more desire to use." Common, Strong. Or somesuch. Then role play it.

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


You could, I suppose, put a Side Effect on the drug itself which causes a cumulative Mind Control ("must take more") effect, or a Transform to add Addiction complications. The addictiveness would then be a property of the drug, rather than the user.

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


Way easier. Side effect is normally used for powers with "Requires a Roll" and has rules to aply Complications - inlcuding dependance - that heal over time(6E1 394, right text). The complication stays "for the time it would need to heal (AP of Side Effect) BODY naturally" (without Regeneration).

So when requires a Roll fit's the concept, just give it the side effect of "Dependance" for the substance. When he re-uses the substance, he could always re-apply the complication thus starting the healing time again.

You could even modifiy/add in things like modified Rage (if he fails the roll, he has to re-use it) into the side-effect to simulate the cravings.


So it's just to deceide how hard/easy you want to make the roll and if it is an activation or burnout-roll (which is rolled after the effects end and prevents re-use/applys the side effect on a fail). Note than you can also just define the side effect to apply after that or give it a -0 Limitation (Requires roll only to avoid side-effect).

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


You don't need a roll - the side effect can simply act whenever the power is used. I think I like the Transform approach. The more often you use the enhancement' date=' the greater the risk you develop a dependence on it.[/quote']

That may be the only aplicabel Solution with a non Extreme Side-effect. The fact that it only would aply after using the power and that it add a complication lower the value of Side effect by 1/2. The best thing to get the randomness back in would be 9- Roll for the Side effect only, that either doubles the AP of the Side effect or counteracts the the doubling of the limitation Value.

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


Obvious side effect would be that with overuse you get less effect for the power.


So have a charge effect with a house rule that beyond a set number of charges in a set time the number of charges required increases for no power increase. The charges have a limited recharge rate. So if you are using up the charges too fact you lose the power until you go cold turkey (I this a recognised USA term?) and get your charge rate back. Or have a limitation that is in place that is a major effect when you have no or only a few charges left on the power (minus on INT, PRE, DEX etc).


This could be a multipower limitation for all his chemical induced powers so use lots of powers you get to your low charge rating faster.


I am a chemist (not a chemical abuser!).



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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


I'd handle it as a Dependancy 3-, with 1 added to the roll for each use in a 24-hour period after the first. Once the dependency hit, he'd have to use character points to get rid of it.

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


This is looking much better. The idea of the roll with an increase in difficulty adds something more. Plus I like the idea of the loss of AP's as a side effect of the addiction. I will pass this idea along to the player and go from there.

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Re: Chemical enhancements with an addiction probability


Okay starting up a new campaign and I have a player who wants his toon to be a chemist. One of his powers is a super pill that gives increases to stats. Easy, but he also wants to build into it a chance to become addicted as well if the drug is overused. How would you go about building this and what sort of limitation would that be.


Info use drug once per day minimal addiction rate, each additional dose in a day severely increases your chance to be addicted.


ps didn't there used to be a limitation for this in 4E?


Thanks for the help in advance


The "simple" way is SE: Transform; Into addict: Heals by treatment for addiction.....I'd start making him do Ego rolls not to take annother pill once he got partially hooked.... ;)

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