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How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


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So my upcoming character (only my 2nd Champions character ever) is a multi-former who's 4 alternate forms are variants on mecha musume type. For those unfamiliar with the subgendre, it's basically a girl wearing a machine while still being stylistically distinct from powered armour.


Anyway, I wanted her long-range form to have funnels (small flying laser turrets that act independantly). Looking into it I think I'd need to make them AI-controlled vehicles or automatons.


My books are: 5e revised, Ultimate Vehicle, Ultimate Brick, Sidekick, Gadgets and Gear.


Now, being a multi-former she's already about 10 pages of character sheet. I really don't want to add any more. Is there a way to do this without making a whole new sheet?

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


TheQuestionMan's suggested Resources


Kazei 5, Second Edition by Blackwyrm Games (Cyber/Star Hero)



Cyber Hero Resources



[Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations"



Robot Warriors







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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


I really don't want to add any more. Is there a way to do this without making a whole new sheet?

This turret has his own Actions (SPD/Dex), Senses, OCV, Endurance and acts idepently. In 6E with the comming APG 2 there wille be rules for "Powers with their own speed", but what you describe sounds like a perfect excample for an extra Sheet.

My best advice is to build it as an Automaton Follower (simple, no Computer) for the one Form.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


Sorry. I'm not the GM for the game. Also, I've never even heard of 90% of those titles and, as my topic title shows, every series with these devices uses a different name for them. I'd have absolutely no clue what to even look for in them.


The only one I knew that sometimes has something like this is Armored Core, and it's got no actual content in your link.


EDIT: Thanks, Christopher. It's great to hear 6e will have it. It doesn't help me but at least other people won't have my issue. I'm gonna bite the bullet and start churning out a bunch of followers then.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


Seriously, I don't think you need to use Follower for this.


Anyway, I wanted her long-range form to have funnels (small flying laser turrets that act independantly)


Act to do what? How independently?


Now, being a multi-former she's already about 10 pages of character sheet. I really don't want to add any more. Is there a way to do this without making a whole new sheet?


This will probably suffice. You may have to change details like amount of damage, etc.


Dragonflies: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (Alterable Origin Point), Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger, Three or more activation conditions apply simultaneously; +1/2) (70 Active Points); OAF (-1), 6 Recoverable (recharge by reconnecting with character for 1 phase) Charges (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) Real Cost: 28


You can get more by using the "+5 pts to double" rule. So for 38 pts you'd have 4 mobile laser platforms. Each is good for 6 shots before it has to "dock" with the powered armor to recharge. It's "programmable" in that you can set several activation conditions, such as "Fire at anything I fire at. Fire at anything coming up within 10 meters behind me. Fire at anything firing at me." etc.


If you want them all to always fire at the same target, then buy the Power with Autofire rather than buying it several times. Maybe buy Offensive Skill Levels to reflect that with so many on one target, one is bound to hit.


You might want to also buy seperate Senses or Sense Enhancers like 360 degrees (to let them see behind you and fire behind you) which you get a -1 Limitation for (only to use with Triggered Power)


So my upcoming character (only my 2nd Champions character ever) is a multi-former who's 4 alternate forms are variants on mecha musume type. For those unfamiliar with the subgendre' date=' it's basically a girl wearing a machine while still being stylistically distinct from powered armour.[/quote']


I have to say, you lost me on this.


If she's wearing a machine, it's powered armor.


If she's piloting a machine, it's a vehicle.


If she becomes a machine, it's a robot or cyborg.


If she's wearing a machine that for some reason you don't want to call powered armor, it's powered armor under a different name. Keep making up different names for the same stuff and before you know it someone trying to talk about it will have to use lots of ///// in constructions like "bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc"


And whoever decided to call a mobile unmanned weapons platform operating under the direction of a mech pilot or powered armor wearer a "funnel" needs to be kept away from pins and needles.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary elaborates on that last remark: That person should be kept away from pins and needles, because otherwise they might continue sticking them into dictionaries to find other random words to arbitrarily use as names for things. Then it chides Lucius for making the problem worse by making up his own name, "dragonfly" for just such a mobile weapons platform.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


He made it clear that he uses 5E




and AFAIK 5E has no trigger.


It does.


Dragonflies 5th Ed: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Three or more activation conditions apply simultaneously, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1 1/2) (97 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), 6 Recoverable (recharge by reconnecting with character for 1 phase) Charges (-1/4) Real Cost:39


The Indirect is more expensive and the Trigger is WAY more expensive for some reason. But this should function the same way as the 6th edition power.


Also I a not certain you can apply the 5 Point Doubling Rule to Superheroic Powers' date=' even if they are bought as a form of Focus.[/quote']


If not, when WOULD you be able to use it? Heroic equipment doesn't cost points to begin with. Either the rule applies to "Superheroic Powers" or it never applies at all.


Lucius Alexander


Spending another 30 pts to have 64 palindromedaries

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


If not' date=' when WOULD you be able to use it? Heroic equipment doesn't cost points to begin with. Either the rule applies to "Superheroic Powers" or it never applies at all.[/quote']

Re-read it. You can. That's very intersting, allows a lot of different things cheaper.


But it must ba a Gadget (Foucs based Power) or part of a larger Focus (liek the Armor). It can't be an inate Power.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


Re-read it. You can. That's very intersting, allows a lot of different things cheaper.


But it must ba a Gadget (Foucs based Power) or part of a larger Focus (liek the Armor). It can't be an inate Power.


Based on an answer I got from Steve Long, a robot can use it to have redundant systems. (I wanted back-up Armor and Life Support, since the Automaton Power Takes No STUN means each damaging attack that does 1 BOD or more takes out a Power)


Lucius Alexander


For another +30 pts I get 4,000 palindromedaries

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


As to what kind of things exist in the subgenre listed, I'd point you to BubbleGum Crisis, Lucius.



That is perhaps one of my favorite Animes ever. ^^


La Roses.


It's a subgenre of music videos featuring women in power armor?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary likes the title. It's a reference to that moment when an inflating bubble reaches its maximum circumference, just before the increasing internal pressure causes it to burst, right? Either that or a reference to a worldwide shortage of bubble gum...

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


It's a subgenre of music videos featuring women in power armor?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary likes the title. It's a reference to that moment when an inflating bubble reaches its maximum circumference, just before the increasing internal pressure causes it to burst, right? Either that or a reference to a worldwide shortage of bubble gum...


All the above?! ^^


Actually, if you have never seen it before, I do highly recommend it. And yes, the name is a symbolic reference to the bubblegum crisis moment. After Tokyo is destroyed, a new Mega Tokyo arises with the ever more present aid of 'boomers' who are humanoid machines - that only rarely go psycho and kill everything. The girls are trying to prevent it from getting to the crisis moment where it is beyond their control to prevent the outbreaks of crazed boomers. Mix in some shadowrun style evil corps, and sweeten to taste - This is Bubblegum Crisis. ^^


La Rose. .

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


Bubblegum Crisis was cool. Especially the original. It's still one of my favourite introductions to a series, with the concert and rampaging boomer. It really captured what the show was gonna be like. Tho this character is more on the Trigger Heart/Infinate Stratos style. Her face is only partially covered and the armour is more modular than the hard suits in BGC.


Anyway, back on topic, he approved the method Lucius suggested. So I don't need to make a bunch of followers. Actually, last night he went over all the forms and the base character and, after fixing a handful of things (mostly with redundant options I was wasting points on) approved the whole character.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


I don't know who Bandaid Surprise is, but unfortunately I doubt it's in my power to keep them away from pins and needles.


Lucius Alexander


.....then again if I spend yet another 35 pts, totalling 95 pts on doubling, and have a million palindromedaries who knows what I could do....

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


you must be in a mood tonight. Bandai,inc is the corporate home of Sunrise studios, the creators of the Mobile Suit Gundam multiverse and Tiger&Bunny.

I don't know who Bandaid Surprise is, but unfortunately I doubt it's in my power to keep them away from pins and needles.


Lucius Alexander


.....then again if I spend yet another 35 pts, totalling 95 pts on doubling, and have a million palindromedaries who knows what I could do....

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


.....then again if I spend yet another 35 pts, totalling 95 pts on doubling, and have a million palindromedaries who knows what I could do....


I'm imagining a Lawrence of Arabia style charge across the desert at the German lines. Unfortunately the palindromedaries keep trying to go backwards and forwards at the same time.

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


I'm imagining a Lawrence of Arabia style charge across the desert at the German lines. Unfortunately the palindromedaries keep trying to go backwards and forwards at the same time.


How do you think I keep doubling them?


Lucius Alexander


What do you get when a palindromedary runs in one direction and in the opposite direction simultaneously?

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Re: How to Build: Mecha-style bits/funnels/fangs/airds/etc


you must be in a mood tonight. Bandai' date='inc is the corporate home of Sunrise studios, the creators of the Mobile Suit Gundam multiverse and[i'] Tiger&Bunny.[/i]



And they're the ones that decided that the name of a conical implement generally useful for pouring fluids into containers with small openings without spillage should also be the name for a small mobile weapons platform drone that detaches from or escorts a piloted fighting vehicle or armored individual?


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary points out that I have small room to talk having once named a similar device "Normal Human." Admittedly, that was under provocation. The other end of the palindromedary points out that for someone with small room to talk, Lucius Alexander takes up a lot of space....

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