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If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


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Aloha !


Something very interesting is developping at our table, and though I have my own ideas about things and character development, I'd like to get some of your feelings about a special development setting.


Consider a young superheroine, which 18's birthday happened (MoonSilver is the character we talk about, thankee to Enforcer).


This young, well educated woman has always been well behaved, compassionned and a bit prudish. A really good heart, though very sensitive.


Imagine now that some vilains manage to corrupt her SuperGroup image, and to make all the team accused to be terrorists.

Imagine that she got her powers against her will and that she would have preferd to not have them. And that during an attack that showed "her", she saw herself destroying a state building, prolly making victims. And just before this happened she lost control of her powers and dropped into a comatic state, so her teammates said her she was just comatic, when PRIMUS accuse her to have destroyed life, which she really awfully fears.


Imagine now she's charged guilty ( I shortcut the reason and motives) and send to Stronghold Prison. Making her parents know she's a superheroine, while they dislike the capes. Loosing her life and everything, with the intimate conviction a corrupt government and stubborn Primus Agents destroyed her life.


Prolly she'll escape one day or later. But what do you expect she'd turn into ?


In my mind I can't picture the character as a supervillainess, but maybe rather a sworn protector of mankind that hate or distrust autority and craves for a revenge.


I looooove that kind of character :) Complex and human. Sensitive and desperate.


What would be your ideas or reactions about what happened to her ?


Dramatically inspired Opale.

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


Hmm, for my own characters.


Badger- Probably goes down fighting rather than taken alive. He was a pardoned villain. So, in the aftermath if still alive, he could go back to that. And the reason he took up the fight as villain then hero was for vengeance against a particular villain. After giving the hero run a try, I wouldnt expect to ever put any faith in humanity again to fight much for it. He'd be pretty a villain (albeit a fairly honorable one) at this point.



Frosty Bob- well.....he was previously a (rather remorseless) mercenary previously. And I wouldnt call him particularly heroic, either, at this point. He'd probably find an escape* when he got bored and turn up as a villain. *yes, I have know doubt he'd find a way sooner or later. :rolleyes:

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


Well if I was playing MoonSilver I would really whinge and whine at my coplayers (in player mode and character mode) into how badly they have treated her and what they are going to do to prove her inocence and get her out of prison! What are they doing to track down the real person who did this! A team is a team and team mates support team mates.


Lots of speaches to herself about the lack of support from team members and who is letting her down. With you locked up and with them outside fighting crime and you not being there to help them. Volenteer to be their conscience and sit just behind them and make these little comments in their ear until they are all planning how to get you out of prison by legal methods first and if after three gaming sessions that does not work (insist on the number of gaming sessions) that they then spend time breaking into Stronghold to get her out as the trial was mind controlled or something and everything was stacked against her.;)

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


Keeping Olorin prisoner, even in Stronghold, would be very difficult unless they were very prepared and very diligent. He'd stay awhile seeing if could find out anything there (you never know) and making contacts (again, you never know) Then he' escape to prove his innocence, leaving a simulcra behind that woul take a while to detect.


All my other characters woul do the "prove my innocence on the run" thing except Volt


Volt would go into Stronghold and rely on former teammate to get him out. They still like him and would never believe it. He left to start his own team with their blessing.

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


Quetzlcoatl: out of costume, he's a frail seeming elderly oriental gentlemen, so they'd never put him in Stronghold. This would be a mistake. Even without his armored costume he has >100 pts of Skills, and that's not counting Martial Arts.


Eventually, he would escape. Either during the escape or during a confrontation shortly afterwards, he would die in an explosion, be lost at sea, or otherwise perish in a way leaving no body.


Safely "dead," he would assume one of his identities the authorities never found out about, or create a new one, possibly in Isreal or Japan.


He's lived a long time and been betrayed before. He might not even bother to go after the people who framed him. If he does, he will be subtle, slow, and thorough.


Lucius Alexander


What would a palindromedary do?

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


He would promptly escape to the Los Angeles underground where wanted by the government he would survive as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can hire him.

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


Taking notes and mixing it all in the rp-shaker (woot woot woot) to make it an interesting and dramatic turnabout. :)

Purpose been of course, to keep playing the character as an heroine, though maybe one that is seen as a threat while she protect the mankind.


Thanks !


Brainstorming Opale.

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Re: If accused of terrorism and emprisonned into Stronghold


This is similar to a character concept I've not yet had the chance to play. In my scenario, Lilith DesJArdin is a bomb-tech racing to the scene of a terrorist bomb when the bomb goes off killing hundreds of people. Lilith is not physically hurt in the blast but the sudden traumatic death of so many people triggers her latent abilities. effectively turning her into a second bomb. When additional rescuers arrive on the scenes she is staggering around completely out of her mind unleashing terrible power in all directions, she kills a dozen people before finally passing out. She wakes to find herself an unwilling superhuman and an helpless menace. Completely distraught, she offers no defense at her trial and gets thrown in prison. She figures she's a less a danger in there.


While in in prison she learns to control her powers and use them in self defense. Then the time comes that she learns of several superhuman prisoners planning to start a riot and escape, killing guards and the warden on the way. She arranges to interpose herself between the villains and their victims, and thwarts the riot. This has two salutary effects on her future. First she attracts the attention of a lawyer who attempts to get her released on the basis that she never got a fair trail. Second, the other inmates hate her so much that they start trying to kill her. After landing in the hospital several times, the state finally recognizes that they cannot provide for her safety.


By way of elegant compromise they release her on intensively supervised parole. She is to serve out her life sentence as an unpaid and unrecognized weapon for a superhero team (other PCs). This gives her a chance to redeem herself and eventually win her freedom.

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