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Fighting Tricks


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Backstory: I am creating a character who, to keep things simple, is an ex-carnie turned cleric. Looking at FH 186-187, I think it would make sense for him to have Dagger Flourishes as a skill (i.e. one of his acts was "Knife Thrower") but it isn't clear to me how this is actually purchased. Is the cost the same as Power listed on 6E1 86, so I'm paying 3/2 for it as a DEX skill? Do points spent on combat skills (i.e. pluses to OCV) aid the flourish, or vice versa?

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Re: Fighting Tricks


Backstory: I am creating a character who' date=' to keep things simple, is an ex-carnie turned cleric. Looking at FH 186-187, I think it would make sense for him to have Dagger Flourishes as a skill (i.e. one of his acts was "Knife Thrower") but it isn't clear to me how this is actually purchased. Is the cost the same as Power listed on 6E1 86, so I'm paying 3/2 for it as a DEX skill? Do points spent on combat skills (i.e. pluses to OCV) aid the flourish, or vice versa?[/quote']

Combat Skill can add to OCV, DCV and/or Damage Classes. Skill Levels add to Skills. Overall Skill Levels are also Combat Skill Levels.


And before you add Dagger Flourishes, you need to decide what Dagger Flourishes is/does. For example, if you want it to have combat application, it can make sense as a Martial Art style, Combat Skill Level, Feint Skill, Power or Talent. Or even Striking Appearance (Skilled Daggermaster).


So in short, Hero provides a lot of creative freedom.

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Re: Fighting Tricks


Carnie is a carnival worker. It might apply to circus people too.

In that case:

PS: Carnival Artist

or maybe something more specific (Carnival Knife Artist?).


It allows him to know how "things work" on a carnival, a decent amount of tricks, he could earn money on a carnival. It won't give him any combat benefit.

Note that heroic characters tend ti have rather high OCV values, so whatever "prevision" with throwing weapons he learned is propably already covered by his bas OCV.

OCV 5 is better than/already includes OCV 3 + 2 2point-CSL with Knifes.

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Re: Fighting Tricks


There are many "Dagger Tricks" I could think of for a master knife thrower.


Precise Targeting: Penalty Skill Levels vs Hit Location Penalties (at least +3, though +5 isn't out of whack)


Rapid Knife Throwing: HKA, Ranged, Autofire. (Range based on STR). Basically the character can throw upwards of 5 knives at once (or in very rapid succession). This opens the door to using Autofire Skills, which are very appropriate for this character.


I never miss: HKA, Ranged (based on STR), Area of Effect: 1-Hex accurate (or whatever it is called in 6th, I forget). This allows the character to throw a weapon and ignore the opponents DCV. It attacks DCV 0 of the opponent is adjecent, or DCV 3 if the opponent is beyond 2 meters. Even if the character is dodging, this won't change the DCV the character has to hit.


The Hidden Blade: HKA, Ranged (based on STR), Invisible Power Effects (sight). This is a hidden knife thrown stealthily. A good limitation to add to this would be Requires a Skill Roll (sleight of hand). The victim can't see this attack with normal senses, thus such an attack should be difficult to defend against. (discuss the mechanical implications with your GM. My suggestion is that attempts to Block/Missile Deflect should be adjusted as per the rules for fighting an invisible attacker)


I might think of some more later, for now its bedtime

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