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Team Member Versus Individual Hero


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Do you have a Team version of your Superhero, and another version for Solo Adventuring? Does your Superhero go off on his own, and team up with other heroes in the same City? (Example: Batman working with the Justice League, and then going back to Gotham to work with Nightwing, Batgirl, and Robin).

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A competent hero should be able to be effective in either arena. Batman's effectiveness in the Justice League is often not his fighting ability. It's his other skills. Superman doesn't rely upon his super senses nearly as much when he's with the Justice League. He plays the role of "the Brick" most of the time. He relies upon his senses far more often when solo. Batman relies upon his fighting skill when solo. Something else not often shown as much in modern comics is that the heroes are effective in assisting with disaster/rescue as much as they are with defeating and capturing bad guys. This last part also illustrates a major difference in tone between DC and Marvel imo.

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My characters are usually competent at soloing by default, because I try to make them well rounded enough to cover for when other team members are down (or their players don't show up). I like general purpose powers like TK, even at a low power level, or skills like Electronics that are good for a Hail Mary attempt at fixing the reactor before it goes critical.

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I have never built two different versions of the same character (solo and team). Never seen the need. While my characters are competent to do solo work their strength lies in being a team member to account for the weaknesses of others. Just as my team mates strengths will cover my own heroes weaknesses. I have mostly played on teams and while I have done little one offshots of solo story lines an entire campaign of just me runnin around would probably get kinda boring. Team play is the preferred method for this hero and my characters tend to reflect that view point. :)

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