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What Would Your Character Do? #16


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A longtime adversary appears to have switched over to the side of the angels. In the course of two days, he has thwarted a bank robbery, saved a small child from being run over by a city bus, and rescued a group of people trapped in an elevator during a power outage. When interviewed by the local press, he claims to have had an epiphany about his life during a visit with The Deacon at Sanctuary and seeks to make amends for his past misdeeds. How does your character react to this?

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Steel Thunder: Congratulate him on his recent enlightenment and offer assistance if he requires help remaining on a moral path.


Ultra Gadget Queen G: "If he's so reformed, let's see how he reacts to a prank..."


Msgr. Jean-Claude des Champs: Welcome him back to the side of Righteousness and ask if he feels the need for Confession.


Warpage: Smile, be nice, watch like a hawk.


Outback, Smile, be nice, wait for him to prove it's just a trick.


Impact: Wait for the other damn shoe to drop.

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Anthem. Her only "long time" adversary is actually her father; a drunken, abusive assassin. She would watch from afar and wait for him to accumulate good deeds to the point where she can no longer ignore his "change of heart". Then she would try and track him down to have a heart-to-heart. But she doesn't trust him one bit.


Uncle Slam. He's a smart man, but he's willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. He'd set up a meet, even doing so through the media if necessary. If the criminal is actually wanted for past crimes he'd demand they turned themselves in for trial. If they are not currently wanted, he'd offer to assist them in whatever endeavor they choose.


Audra Blue. She only has two longtime adversaries. One is a wanted war-criminal of whom she is terrified.He'd be hauled in on sight by the authorities. The other is a notorious gang of hackers; If they turned to good she'd expect it was another stunt, like they often pull, and she'd enlist their arch enemy (another gang of hackers) to debunk them.

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Ombra: He'd offer his assistance to the "reformed enemy", partly out of hope in his goodwill and partly as a way of keeping a close eye on him. He'd also be on the lookout for any known ex-associate of the "reformed enemy".


Tempest: A young and naive hero, Tempest would probably just pat his ex-enemy on the back, buy him a drink and congratulate him on his choice. If this is a trap, Tempest's going to fall for it.

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My character's world is filled with grey, so in many cases you'd have to define "turning good". There are, however, two options where there's really nowhere to go but up. One is the genocidal robot faction whose members are reprogrammed to never switch sides again; to see one of them actually do so would raise strong yet tentative hope on his part, both for that faction and for himself and his own family. After all, if that one robot could break her programming, maybe that means others can do the same!


The other possibility is the reformation of Dr. DeVry... which would make my character very suspicious. Is this some kind of social experiement? Has he actually learned how to turn humans into robots? If so, he may be trying to build up trust to convince people to go through with the procedure? For that matter, he may simply be trying to gather people from civilized nations for an experiment for some reason... Regardless, the sudden donning of a white hat by the one person who's ever earned his hatred (and my character otherwise loves broadly) would certainly not be taken at face value.

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Quantum - He has a bad temper & holds grudges, so he would not trust him and would probably end up in a fight.


Specter - Would begin to investigate the "Deacon" to see if this for real or some kind of trick. If it is real, then Specter would be hesistant turn his back on the former villian, but would be able to work with him...in a pinch.


Stone - Buy the guy a beer and offer him a job in his demolition company.

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Starguard -- smile, give him a hug, and go to sleep feeling really really really vindicated in her beliefs that even though some people do bad things, people are generally good.


(Note -- if it turns out that she's wrong, she'll be devastated by the betrayal.)



Baron von Darien -- is quite intelligent, and knows that very few things are more useful than a genuine defector from the other side...


... and few things are more damaging than a fake one.


So while he'd be the essence of charm and diplomacy, but also be politely up-front to the person in question that there will be an understandable reluctance to fully commit to trusting him until after a suitable probationary period.



Doctor Pain -- "Uhhh, yeah, the Deacon, whatever. But I'm not takin' my eyes off you until I'm *sure*, got that?


BTW, you still got this debt to society to pay for these outstanding warrants. And since you're a good guy now, you're not gonna resist arrest, *RIGHT*?"

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T'Shenk Kennet - It would depend on the NPC in question. He doesn't trust authority and cares more about justice than the law, having been a victim of corrupted legal and religious authority once already*, so he'd never expect them to just turn themselves in. The more severe the shift in the NPC's personality, the more he'd be suspicious of them, and of the Deacon. If the NPC had been of the "honorable villain" sort, he'd pay attention but give them a chance. If the NPC in question had been some kind of sociopath, he'd blow the change off as a trick.

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Warp: Long term adversary for him would probably mean his Hunted, Tesseract (8-, Mildly Punish), who occasionally shows up to harass him because she finds the dimensional fabric in his vicinity pleasant, especially when he uses his powers.


He'd investigate to see what's going on. Is she really cured of whatever made her crazy? Is this some new tactic in some sort of plan? Of is it something to do with him?


Spectrum: Depends on what his orders are. At the very least he'd try to keep an eye on him in his spare time, or if he's got outstanding warrants approach him and ask he surrender to the authorities.


Mystic: Uses his magic to look into the person's heart and see if he means it. And if it's a mystical villain, be wary even if it reveals he does. After all, it could be some sort of magical aura masking.


Proteus: Using his ability to shape shift and evolve all sorts of enhanced senses, keep real close tabs on the guy to see if he's on the up and up.

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Mayday seeks him out to express her delight. See what she can do to help him adjust and offer support and a variety of contact methods. He's doing so well it would be a shame to relapse and it may be a trick but how do you know? And it is always possible that this is the first time in his life that he sees what a life can offer away from the crime ridden areas many grow up in.


Depending on his skills she may also see if he needs a job and can match him with one.


Wraithe woud keep an eye on him, not turn her back on him and treat him evenly, with courtesy the same as any other non PRIMUS personnel till he shows his true criminal colors and then slap him down hard. If some bleeding hearts want to believe his story let them.


Shadowcross would not care. Note it but not care.

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