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Adele Dazeem (Superheroine!)


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Okay,  I don't normally watch the Oscars, and I didn't this time either. But the flub Travolta made wasn't hard to stumble onto with even a causual internet crawl. For those of you hadn't heard, he introduced Idina Menzel (of "Wicked" and "Frozen" fame) by the name of Adele Dazeem. While it appears thousands had the question of 'Who the #$#$ is that?" or "How could he mangle it that drasticly?" I had another question that came to mind.


How could I turn this mysterious Adele Dazeem into a secret Identity for a Superheroine?


So, the following questions for any of you who haven't just shaken your head and clicked to another thread by now...



1) What is Adele Dazeem's profession/day job? Sure, she could be a singer or other performer, but maybe Miss (Or is it Mrs? Could there be a MISTER Dazeem?) Dazeem has a career further away from the source material? Maybe Adele is a news blogger/reporter, an astronaut, or a wealthy heiress?  Maybe Adele is still in High School and is new to superheroing.



2) What's Adele Dazeem's background? I read somewhere that Adele is a French first name, but I'm sure other countries have it. Dazeem sounds arabic to me, but what I don't know about Arabic names could fill a huge book. So, is she an American of French Arabic descent? Maybe she's of another heritage entirely? It could affect both her looks and outlook, or she could be just another all American gal with an odd last name.


3) What are Adele Dazeem's superpowers? Oh sure, what comes to mind is either Ice and Cold powers, or maybe sonic powers...the former thanks to a certain movie that got a lot of Oscar attention, and the latter for ...well, she's inspired by a verbal typo about a talented singer. But maybe our Adele is physical powerhouse, or wielder of arcane magics? Maybe she has no powers, relying on gadgets, training, and/or  writer's fiat to get her out of a jam?


4) What's her origin? Tied to her background, I'm talking more on what empowered her and/or motivated her to be a superhero? Was the Dazeem family attacked exciting a broadway musical? Was she a geeky nerdress who loved science and ended up having a radiation accident of her very own? Perhaps she's an alien of the outer space kind "Last of the Dazeem Line sent to a backwater called Earth"


5) What's her superhero name and costume? Obviously a lot will depend on what powers and abilities she has, but still, the visual aspect of a superhero's costume can say a lot about her.


6) The last question that comes to mind is who her supporting  characters are? Does she have family she stays in touch with? Co-Workers , are they a big part of her life? Friends are always nice and we'd hope she has some.




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Basque could be an interesting nationality to use. The longstanding Basque nationalist/separatist movement in Spain has generated many conflicts and no few acts of terrorism. Basque is also a unique ethnicity/language whose roots don't connect to any other modern European language group, and which has been spoken in its region longer than other European tongues in theirs. In a superhero universe the Basques could be survivors of an antediluvian civilization, or originate from another dimension.

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1) Singer and freelance spy/amateur detective.  First hit song "They'll be a hot time in the old town tonight."


2) Born in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Father was from Spain, mother from France.  They moved to the United States before she was born.


3) Fire and Sonic Powers (Energy Blast, Force Field, and Flight) inherited from her parents.

4) Father was a Spanish superhero and known as Antorcha Humana, as well as a private investigator.  Mother was a French Supervillainess known as Sirene.  He captured her and it turned out that she was working undercover for Interpol.  They married and retired.  Adele developed her powers in her late teens and was trained by both her parents.  Later she decided to go into the family business.


5) Torch Singer.  Costume is a long red dress and heels, with a gold belt, necklace, and bracelets.  In her normal identity she is a redhead, but as Torch Singer she is blonde.


6) Her parents are retired but still retain their powers.  Her best friend and sidekick is Katherine "Kate" DeGrate, her manager.  Interpol Agent Louis Napoleon is her on again/off again love interest.  Her arch enemy is the Water Moccasin who is in reality Kurt "Snake" Shoemaker, a former professional wrestler with water control powers.

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