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Environmentalist Group Name?


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In their first appearance they are protesting companies unsupervised actions in Antartica in response to a giant block of ice being brought to the city that contains a frozen individual rumored to be the missing link. 

In the past they have been protesting outside the same location due to their genetic research due to the 'unnatural' manipulation of nature. 

They are a large group, not just a podunk organization.  They have some influential members with national recognition (charismatic environmental sciences Professor). 

I think that they should be generally well received, but that certain extremist members do a lot more harm for their image than good through their actions. 

Group is going to get out of hand at times including rioting during protests that has unintended consequences. 

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Hehe, EPA is already Environmental Protection Agency.  I do like the feel of Earth's Preservation Alliance though. 

I have been trying to work something around GAEA or GAIAN.  Green Alliance for Environmental Aid is the best that I have come up with for GAEA, and GAIAN has not gotten that far. 

Thanks for suggestions that are up so far!

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Well, if you asked them, they would say, "The Earth Preservation Alliance is the true enviromental protection agency.  We're not some ineffectual government yuks whose real job is making sure the corporate interests get everything they want.  We are the only ones standing in the way of this good Earth and the greedy monsters who would pave over every last square foot of open ground foul up every last quart of clean water just so they can make themselves that much richer and everyone else a thousand times poorer.  We're the EPA that's fighting for the Earth--and we're going to make sure you don't forget it!"


Again, hope that helps.

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