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4e char port into CC: Opinions Desired


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Here is a character I have spent three weeks porting from 4E into CC using HD6-20140223.  The only reason it took me three weeks is due to severely restricted free time.  I spent most of today reviewing him in HD6.


I'd like some opinions on the character.  I had to make some slight changes since some values and AdLims changed.


I am thinking of having him as an NPC my new group could help out of a sticky situation with Magnetron, Ampere's arch-nemesis.



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rejoice that your fellow forum goers will be able to bask in your character's goodness!

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Is that character supposed to be a 6e Champions Complete Character? Because you are either using the wrong export template (6e Export Templates usually have 6e somewhere in their title) or you built the character as a 5e.


Could you attach the .hde file? Anything else is quite frankly useless.

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There's no COM, Tasha. Usually means it's 6th.

No OMCV, DMCV, OCV and DCV not on sheet in the correct column. (Hell, I was the one that MADE the 6e sheet that was turned to a PDF. This IS the 5e Export format)

The powers show Blast instead of Energy Blast. So the character was created as a 6e character.


Also it's hard to make real comments on the character until I know what the campaign averages are. Because the PC is way above what I think of a Champions Universe Averages.


IT does look like the player decided to overcome the character's low defenses with High DCV.


Also yes. The character as written cannot effect the real world.

"True Electrical Sense" Linked is worth 0 points with the Desolid being linked to being Persistant.


For Electrical Body, I would switch out Desolidification(moving it to the Multipower for emergency use), for Resistant Defenses. I would bring the PC up to Campaign average for PD and ED(Starting PD and ED characteristics at 2) (24PD and 24ED Resistant Protection) I would make the defenses hardened because I can't armor piercing actually make a difference in the defenses. I would remove the Inherent from the ability. Persistant and 0End is fine Then putting Unified Power on everything. I really think that allowing the powerset to be drained is an important Genre Convention of this kind of superpower.


The character looks like the Player was doing spot defenses and had a dex/spd war with the GM and other players. It's really a shame to have a character who really has no skills.  Has no knowledges outside of what they know of Electricity and circuit design. Pre 28 and no Presence skills. Int 18 and only 2 skills that could use it are not (One can change KS and PS skills to use Int). This is the worst kind of power only character.

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