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Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony


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I haven't been on here in a while, but I thought that I should return with a pretty basic idea I have had dancing around for a while now. The concept comes from the seven deadly sins "Gluttony" it has had several incarnations among various Animes and what not, but the one that stuck out the most for me was from Full Metal Alchemist. In this series Gluttony is always eating things and can 'bite' through anything. I would love to make a character created off of this ability, but I can't seem to get it to feel right. I thought about using it through a Teleport > UaA > Limited Use (whatever bitten), another idea was to use Extra-Dimensional move (with same adders etc) but I was wanting to see what others could come up with or what they think about this concept.

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Hmm.  If there is something that can be eaten then it means it is taking damage.  You are also talking about a mythical style power of eating something rather than the core issue of dealing damage.


HERO does not do absolutes and so, saying that he can bite through anything would carry a caveat of anything normal.


As such I would be inclined to use this as a 1 pip, NND, does BODY.  the defence would have to be defined by the context of the mythical power - I am thinking something Holy might provide the necessary defence.


This way - the attack is a bite size chunk out of anything - not huge but ignoring defences.



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You actually have it correct, the effect of Gluttony's power is Extra-Dimensional Movement only on bitten targets. When he enrages, it becomes a 0-range, Area Effect Line. Things that are devoured in one piece remain whole and are held in an alternate dimension along with the fragments of things devoured piecemeal. There is an episode devoted to a Ed and Envy escaping after being caught in the area.


Targets of the non-enraged power have large chunks "bitten" away, maimed by amputation if not killed outright. The only known defense is to not be hit.


The problem is this that is a wonderful example of a plot device power that works in a narrative story but is not balanced in a game.

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