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Introductory adventure for Champions.


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1st Determine Origins of Powers - Mutation (Radiation Accident), Genetic Expression (Mutant or Supersoldier), Mystic (Werewolf or Vampire). Etc etc etc...


2nd Determine Metaplot - How did they get their Powers? Why were they chosen? Who's Masterminded it?


3rd Normals who would be Superheroes. Ask the Players how they want to start the Campaign? What connects each of the PC's? How do they know each other? What brought them ultimately where the Transformation took place?


4th Once these questions are answered the GM can craft an Adventure!


5th Roleplaying is cooperative storytelling!


6th Tell them Why you want them to start as Normals!

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I'm starting a new Champions game and the players will not have powers for the first few games, but I don't just want them sitting around waiting for the radiation leak...

I love starting out that way, as it forces the characters to get to know each other and relate as people, rather than just as power sets. But yeah, you don't want to drag it out more than a session or 2 IMX.

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I have spend the evening looking through old adventures from my early hero days.  Found a trove of Adventurer's Club mags.  Planning to incorporate a Cyber hero adventure as the starting point for my players!!


It was an enjoyable time going through and finding old characters I forgot I had!!!


In process I found my Champions III book and have posted the Character Development Form (from 1984) to the downloads section, for anyone interested!

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Here is a supervillain team (the Corporate Raiders) and an adventure suitable for an introductory session.  This was something I was working on for a larger project involving other posters on these boards, but that project has unfortunately fallen by the wayside.  This PDF does not include character artwork or maps, but I think it could still be useful for a GM starting a new Champions campaign.


If used or perused, feedback on what does or doesn't / won't work is always welcome.

T and S 003 Corporate Raiders.pdf

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Say did anyone ever come up with Pics for the Corporate Raiders? from the adventure you posted Bolo?


I had contacted an artist friend to commission some last year, but had cash flow problems and haven't been able to get them yet.  I still plan to do that, even if only for my own campaign.  (I left space in the document to add pics for each character.)  If/when I get character art, I'll update the PDF and post a note.

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