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Hey Mister Long?


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I was googling yesterday in a search for distributors of Superfigs and saw the news on hero from July of last year. You mentioned that you were going to ask the Superfigs folk to paint up a few iconic Champs folk in mini form. If that's in limbo, I was wondering if you still wanted some minis?


I have a Grond already, though no final pics. You can see him in the "In Progress" stage at: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/proditor/workbench.htm


If you are still looking for some Champs minis, I'd be honored to whip a few conversions out for you and the guys at Hero. I figure I owe you guys for making such an awesome game and all. ;)

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Cool Grond! I love seeing things like that, since I utterly lack the talent to create such goodies.


The Superfigs folx did send me some minis, but they were just a general assortment, not any Champions-specific ones. I'd love to have some of Champions characters, or even just to see some pictures of 'em. They'd make a great display at shows, too, though that'd undoubtedly lead to "are you making minis now?" questions. ;)


And please, call me Steve -- everyone else does. ;)

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Re: Hey Mister Long?


Some nice work there. I hope you post the finished figures. I'd like to see the finished products.


The Battlesuit Ptoemkin looks REALLY on the mark and the Thor blows away the official clix fig.



Originally posted by proditor

I was googling yesterday in a search for distributors of Superfigs and saw the news on hero from July of last year. You mentioned that you were going to ask the Superfigs folk to paint up a few iconic Champs folk in mini form. If that's in limbo, I was wondering if you still wanted some minis?


I have a Grond already, though no final pics. You can see him in the "In Progress" stage at: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/proditor/workbench.htm


If you are still looking for some Champs minis, I'd be honored to whip a few conversions out for you and the guys at Hero. I figure I owe you guys for making such an awesome game and all. ;)

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Originally posted by levi

As an avid Heroclix player I would LOVE to see Champions Clix. Here's my idea for a base set.


Cool set! I would love to see some Champions Heroclix ... but where's Dr. D? And why's Foxbat a unique? Everyone deserves a little Foxbat from time to time ;)

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Originally posted by Sketchpad

Cool set! I would love to see some Champions Heroclix ... but where's Dr. D? And why's Foxbat a unique? Everyone deserves a little Foxbat from time to time ;)


Thanks Sketch...


No Dr. D: Gotta save something for the expansion


Foxbat Unique: Popular character who hasn't changed much over the years, marketing says Unique.

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Re: Re: Hey Mister Long?


Originally posted by Redmenace

Some nice work there. I hope you post the finished figures. I'd like to see the finished products.


The Battlesuit Ptoemkin looks REALLY on the mark and the Thor blows away the official clix fig.

Thanks, I admittedly was cackling like a maniac as I was putting that puppy together. I still haven't decided whether or not to have someone bailing out of it to make it more of a set piece. :)


Assuming I can get the right base figs, I'll definitely post the finished results.

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Awesome Clix mods, proditor. Suicide Squad and Captain Atom were two of my favorite DC books; if DC HeroClix had well-represented versions of them among its figs, I'd probably be buying it already. Your Nightshade and Deadshot figs are especially nice. Any hope of seeing Black Orchid, Shade the Changing Man, Ravan, Duchess/Lashina, and Doctor Light? ;) Waller could possibly be handled as one of those token figs from the map sets, though after her confrontation with Batman and surviving Apokolips I'd probably make her at least the equivalent of a rookie Thug who also had Leadership and Willpower. I also note the apparent presence of Major Victory in your Squad group shot, though he isn't among those you present individually; let me be the first to say that more Force of July members would be way cool... :)


I was also a big fan of the Squadron Supreme, which you have done up as Clix; half the comic writers I see nowadays hardly seem fit to refill the late Mark Gruenwald's ballpoint pen. InQuest magazine published a little Clix scenario involving the Squadron Supreme; it was the Serpent Crown fight with the Avengers, and used DC figs to represent the Squadron. Needless to say, playing the fight with your actual painted-up figs on DC bases would be the very height of coolness for that scenario.


Seeing Hellstrom as a Clix fig also brought a smile to the face of this old Defenders fan. I'm just glad the Surfer has that big "D" on his base in the latest Marvel set; after they left it off of Moondragon, I had my doubts...


Keep up the excellent work - I can hardly wait to see what you come up with next! :)

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Scott Destroyer,


Thank you very much. Glad to see another fan of Captain Atom and the Squad. :) Major Victory in on hold while I try to finish another mod for a friend, Patriot from Rising Stars. Once he's done, I can use the tiny little star decals and finish them both off at once. Yes, I'm cheating the stars, but those are hard to make right! ;)


As to what's next, well, I just found good base figs for Nighthawk and Ironclad so we'll see what I can whip up once I get the figs. After I do the core 6 and possibly a smattering of guys for them to fight, I might take a jaunt to the Microverse since Acroyear has been whispering in my ear that he needs to be made.

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