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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. I'm very sorry. Please try to keep us updated if possible and take care of yourself!
  2. Had minor surgery yesterday so had a test on Saturday. Tested negative. So, y'know, I got that going for me.
  3. - Montana population: 1.069 million (2019). The state of Montana has 3 electoral votes. - Ohio population: 11.69 million (2019). The state of Ohio has 18 electoral votes. The state of Ohio has 10.9 times the population of Montana. Thus, according to the Electoral College, my vote is worth far less than a resident of Montana. The EC is a stupid idea created for a different time when the cast majority of the population had no information on, or access to, their leaders. The POTUS is the representative for the entire nation and should be elected by popular vote. If you are worried about smaller states being marginalized, I call BS! That is what your state reps are for! They each have equal votes in the Senate and the house even though they represent different sized populations.
  4. The Falcons had 39 points and zero turnovers in their loss against the Cowboys. Before that game, teams were 440-0 when scoring 39 points with no turnovers since 1933, when turnovers were first tracked, according to Elias Sports Bureau.
  5. Lost In Space reboot is going into 3rd and final season on Netflix. It's pretty good.
  6. I admire his bravery. Destroying a horcrux is very dangerous.
  7. The wife and I voted yesterday. This is the third time I've early voted (if you live in an early vote state, I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would wait to vote on election day) at this exact location and the previous times I was in and out in 5 minutes with no wait. This time we waited in line 30 minutes which I see as a sign that folks don't want to be stuck in even longer lines on election day surrounded by unknown covid carriers and the overall importance of this particular election.
  8. "Didja hear I finally graduated?: "Yeah, in just a shade over a decade, too. Alllrriiiight." "Y'know, a lot of people go to college for 7 years." "I know, they're called doctors."
  9. Basically. Narcissistic personality disorder leads to a tendency to view everyone around you as objects to be used when necessary.
  10. I'm actually quite encouraged by the spike in cases. Our national strategy of herd fatality seems to be working perfectly.
  11. I'm not a doctor, but in my experience ADHD is often wildly misdiagnosed and the lack of focus may sometimes come into play when you are forced to concentrate on tasks that are mundane or uninteresting to you personally. Trump is a 70+ year old billionaire(??) who has probably spent the last 30 years in short 15-30 minute meetings where his lawyers and underlings were the ones who actually hunkered down and ironed out the details while he just barked an order then went golfing. It's possible he's just a thoroughly undisciplined person and/or this is just what it looks like when you have one of the least qualified leaders in recorded history.
  12. "Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance."
  13. For his birthday, an old man’s nephew secretly hires a call girl for him. When he answers the door she’s standing there in a slinky black dress. She says, “I’m here to give you super sex.” After thinking for a minute the old man replies, “I guess I’ll have the soup.”
  14. *Starlord starts to type a joke with 'pocket calculator' as the punchline...then thinks better of it*
  15. This was done four years ago at the democratic party headquarters near where I live: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/30/manure-dumped-at-democratic-headquarters-in-ohio/
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