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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Herman Cain dies after battle with Coronavirus
  2. If we found life on Pluto, does this mean we still wouldn't be able to say "we've found proof of life on other planets"?
  3. If this gets enough coverage, I think it could really backfire...of course, I've said that before. Even my father, who is a die-hard Trump supporter, has said he'd better not mess with the election and should win or lose gracefully.
  4. Trying to replace all the military pork that Trump took to pay for his wall. At least those poor, fragile defense contractors will have a future....
  5. The difference between working with dozens of adults and working with dozens of children is light years in my experience. Should be pretty clear to any parent or school employee.
  6. I don't think Trump is capable of having extended plans. At best, maybe he has 'things that he wants' or 'things he has wanted for a long time'. Even if he made a plan, he would change it after a couple days. He only seems to operate on instinct and lives completely in the moment.
  7. Where is that store and what are its hours? Asking for a friend....
  8. My wife is a teacher. Trust me when I say that a lot of teachers, many of whom fall into an at-risk category, are not hating online learning. Next to an actual infectious disease lab or a hospital, I can't think of a worse place to be than schools or daycare centers.
  9. "Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government!"
  10. Worse than giving a back rub to a Remorhaz?
  11. Be careful everyone, apparently it's illegal to dislike him.
  12. Schools will open up in most places within the next couple weeks. IMO, the full power of this virus will be revealed come early September.
  13. Not if its stored in an Adamantium chamber and properly modulated through a tachyon matrix.
  14. Everyone knows the most practical use would be for a unique suit of powered armor.
  15. Assembly begins on Global Nuclear Fusion device
  16. I'm sure he understood that. In my opinion, he was trying to say all of the above, except he was trying to say it with eloquence and brevity in order to appeal to the masses - bringing an understanding of scientific method and logic to the masses was one of his lifelong goals.
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