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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. I've heard the vague, generic spin on Portland from both sides and I still don't feel like anyone can explain EXACTLY what the hell is happening there and for how long.
  2. Except there only seem to be two or three countries in the world overcome with that stupidity....
  3. I don't think things will 'settle down' until we have a majority of the population inoculated with a fully tested and effective vaccine. Heck, they're still having outbreaks in China. The second anyone says things are settling down, then everyone flocks to the bars and the beaches, etc. and/or runs around without masks. Either way, IMO it is not about deaths, it is about overloading the health care system.
  4. Overwhelmed system leads to Coronavirus tests mishandled, delayed
  5. I initially saw a goat...now I only see the bird
  6. They might have to lower the cap next year
  7. The vast majority of all soccer teams in the universe are named Such-and-such Football Club. So not that unusual....
  8. Is Trump on track for an October vaccine surprise? Yet at the same time, drugmakers’ sprint through early clinical trials means leading vaccine candidates could begin to show indications of their effectiveness by late October, offering Trump the opportunity to seize on them as a potential game-changer.
  9. The greatest hero in the Iron Man franchise was Dr. Ho Yinsen. Taught Tony how to be a hero and saved his life twice through brilliant surgery then by sacrificing himself.
  10. Woman pees on floor after being asked to wear a mask at a Verizon store
  11. Except for the people in a$$less chaps with mohawks....
  12. George Floyd's murderer also facing tax fraud charges
  13. IMO Australia being dangerous gets over-hyped, there are parts of Chicago that are far less hospitable....
  14. Unfortunately, he was referring to cowls....
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