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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Was it the bright red coats that screamed, "Over here, shoot me, shoot me"?
  2. In order for something to have the Imperial designation, doesn't it have to have a major design flaw?
  3. All true and vinyl sales have been rising for years, but IMO digital download totals have dropped enough to be surpassed by vinyl totals (which was the specific point of the article) primarily because streaming has cut so deeply into the downloads. Last I checked vinyl albums were still less than 8% of the album market.
  4. Actually, I think its because of streaming
  5. Can you convert that question to feet and inches, please?
  6. I think that's an unfair accusation, not sure what benefit he would get from 'padding his post count'.
  7. Pretty sure he was being sarcastic, hence the quotation marks around 'political correctness'.
  8. Don't sidekicks always find things funny?
  9. Could you show me how to do that (with the understanding that I wouldn't use the power to erase a number between 3 and 5 from existence)?
  10. Don't you know what happens when you respond too quickly to an earlier response that I edited to become what I thought was a funnier response?
  11. Did you really think I wouldn't notice how many words you used in that question? :mad:
  12. Any more questions concerning stupidity?
  13. I was thinking 'Burrito Boy'...but that's clearly just a lowly sidekick name.
  14. ...and how often is alcohol involved in human stupidity?
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