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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. It is probably good that the 'Trump must step aside' talk is dying down. It seems to me that at this point Clinton needs to crush Trump and get a mandate in order to effectively govern the next 4 years.
  2. Feds believe Russia hacking Florida elections process
  3. In the end, this is why I voted for Hillary Clinton today (early voting just started). That and I just don't think he can do the job. I imagine many, many scenarios in the situation room where he completely ignores the advice and knowledge of every General and Admiral in the room. PS: Am I the first herophile to vote?
  4. You might try reading the Agents of SHIELD thread instead of the DC thread.
  5. Are you talking about the mass stapler-burning during the reign of the Third Reich?
  6. Actually, he doesn't. Her response to the video was 'horrific'. Given her attacks against the women (on video and from quotes from books including Stephanopoulos) who accused her husband of similar attacks and the fact that she stayed married to a sexual predator, her hypocrisy is obvious as well. As an independent who doesn't have a horse in this race, it seems quite obvious to me.
  7. Alleged whitewashing in new Bruce Lee biopic
  8. So if I were to enter the room and demand everyone, "Kneel before Jeff!", would I then I would be granted the fear and respect that is my birthright?
  9. Whoa, whoa...who said anything about zombies? Do you know what brain-bingeing would do to my waistline?
  10. Do I get more levels of the abyss to rule than the other archdemons?
  11. It's probably more like, "So this is it? THESE are the choices I'm given to vote for? What happened to us?"
  12. Trump compares PTSD and mental illness to weakness I am worried about myself, because lately I am feeling a real, visceral anger about this man. I should probably cut my political news time at this point.
  13. Finished Luke Cage. Very, very good stuff. Probably 7-8 out of 10. Not quite as good as Jessica Jones, but close. It really takes off about episode 4, with solid setups for the next series in the last 5 minutes of episode 13. Netflix Marvel is really riding high right now. :thumbup:
  14. Doesn't the fact that he lived his entire life with the name 'Leopoldo' automatically qualify you for sainthood?
  15. Is SLHS pronounced 'sluss' or 'sliss'?
  16. I think that was obviously the set-up. The worst threat possible attacks at the worst possible time.
  17. Wouldn't it be better if you heard it from CM Punk?
  18. Aren't we all medicating in some way or another?
  19. Howabout cuz Polonium is radioactive and Polon sounds like Colon? No?
  20. Doesn't that give you polon cancer? *rimshot*
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