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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. How well could you possibly turn out after your parents stick you with 'Otto Octavius'?
  2. Well now that I've seen waterwheel, pig masks, public sex, laserbeams, and Pokemon all perfectly woven together, I guess I can die now.
  3. Great, we can barely take care of this universe, I'm not raising another one.
  4. Yeah, the very definition of a Zack Snyder 'poetic victory'.
  5. The testimony of a disgraced female cop who is an accessory to Rachel's murder? I can dismiss that as easily as you seem to dismiss that the ending worked fine. I/We can find 'different' endings for the movie, but I can't find a reason why the ending we got was bad or didn't make sense.
  6. Sorry, making the argument for Batman to frame the Joker for the murder of Harvey Dent is not appealing in any way to me. I can't believe it would even be discussed as 'a better ending' for a Batman movie.
  7. Heard that before...that still doesn't explain a dead Dent with only Batman and Gordon in the area, and Joker already in police custody. With the police only searching for Batman, the obvious and more believable choice for the public is to blame Batman for the killing spree and the death of Dent. The argument to lie and blame Joker is possible, but its just as plausible to blame Batman and far more poetic. Its also a perfect way for Bruce to retire as Batman which a part of him is begging to do.
  8. http://www.superherohype.com/news/380127-director-patty-jenkins-comments-on-wonder-woman-rumors#/slide/1
  9. I never had a problem with the ending of Dark Knight. Batman's rep suffers but you could never question his personal ethics. I actually thought it was a brilliant sacrifice on his part.
  10. Darn, I'm all outta bad sandwich puns right now.
  11. What are the levels of the Meanness Scale?
  12. This was pretty close to my thoughts, although you seemed to like it a bit more. Dialogue was below average and the first 45 minutes were VERY choppy. I didn't even understand what happened at a few points. It seemed like in less than 1 minute, she speaks to her brother, he appears and then Midway City is half destroyed and has been taken over. Enchantresses powers and power levels fluctuated wildly.
  13. Bow and arrow...I have the power of Greyskull, sukkah.
  14. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/want-to-indulge-wait-is-over-for-hostess-deep-fried-twinkies/
  15. Is there anything in language quite as comforting as a silent 'k'?
  16. Well, I wouldn't want to moderate Trump. Supposedly you could starting bleeding from your eyes and your...wherever.
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