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Everything posted by schir1964

  1. Re: Find Weakness, again What if Find Weakness were done from the other direction. New Advantage: Attack Multiplier (+1: x2 Damage, +2: x3 Damage, +3: x4 Damage) An attack with this Advantage multiplies the damage rolled by the factor purchased. Find Weakness Naked Power Advantage (Any Attack): Attack Multiplier x2 (+1), Power Skill Required (-1/4) Naked Power Advantage (Any Attack): Attack Multiplier x3 (+2), Power Skill Required (-1/4) Naked Power Advantage (Any Attack): Attack Multiplier x4 (+3), Power Skill Required (-1/4) Not sure what the costs would look like, but it may give a similar effect. Once the costs are nailed down, then you perhaps it could be rewritten as a canned power. Just A Thought - Christopher Mullins
  2. Re: Find Weakness, again I seem to recall from the FAQs concerning Find Weakness that you had to specify which Defense you were using it against. Changing the Defense you were using it against immediately forced a reset on any successful accumulated Find Weakness rolls. - Christopher Mullins
  3. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block Okay, the mechanic is done (unless there is something I missed or need to change). What do you think of the final product? - Christopher Mullins
  4. Re: Innate Defense vs Power Limitations This has been discussed before. But the example given had to do with Priest Attacks (via Holy Symbols/Weapons) vs Supernatural Creatures (Undead/Demons/etc). The question was whether the weapons were required to have a modifier vs Supernatural Creatures or whether supernatural creatures were required to have a disadvantage vs Holy Items. It really depends on how you want things to work in general. I think a good general rule of thumb is to determine if something is mundane or if something is special. Example: If metallic objects are considered mundane and by virtue of being defined as a metallic object automatically means that diseases have no effect, then the diseases have a limitation (only vs living organic things). Example: If a super soldier who is a living organic thing is immune to diseases even though all other mundane living organisms would be infected, then the super soldier is special and requires Immunity To Diseases. Does that help any? Side Note: This is where the hidden "Human Template" reveals itself for PC creation. If Mechanon was built with the PC rules ("Human Template"), then the mechanics should require Immunity vs Diseases (but they don't), however, if Mechanon was built with the Automaton/Computer/Vehicle/Base rules ("Non-Human Templates"), then the mechanics should not require Immunity vs Diseases (but they don't). - Christopher Mullins
  5. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block Agreed. However, I can't help note that this is the corollary problem with Objects with the current rules. A solid 2-Hex object (6 DEF/6 Body) is easier to attack through than two 1-Hex objects (6 DEF/3 Body) per the rules as written. But that's a different issue. - Christopher Mullins
  6. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block Arrrggh... you've convinced me on several things, but I don't haven't had the time to respond as needed or make any changes... soon though. - Christopher Mullins (8^D)
  7. Re: Adjustment recovery idea How about Resiliency (RES) for a Characteristic name? - Christopher Mullins
  8. Re: Adjustment recovery idea Ah, now I see where you are going with this. You want a parallel characteristic equivalent to the Recovery Characteristic (for Body/Stun Recovery) but specifically for Adjustment Recovery. Sure, it could work and it might actually make many things more elegant in application to builds. The tough task is getting a ground swell of support to push for yet another Characteristic to be added to the system. Is there anything specific you need to delve into as far as mechanic and interaction? - Christopher Mullins
  9. Re: Adjustment recovery idea So this would be a new Adjustment Power that by default would only affect the person who purchased it? Quickened Fade Rate (since this is really only affecting the Fade Rate of those Adjustment Powers that have a Fade Rate). Addendum: Have you thought of doing this by letting each purchase move the Fade Rate down the Time Chart. [thread=31336]Adjustment Powers[/thread] [thread=70117]Adjustment Power (Overhauled)[/thread] - Christopher Mullins
  10. I've always had the impression that in order to apply an Advantage/Limitation directly to a Characteristic that the Characteristic must be purchased as a Power or that by applying an Advantage/Limitation to a Characteristic then the Characteristic is then considered a Power. I'm not talking about using a Naked Power Advantage to apply Advantages/Limitations to Characteristics. Was this the intent of the rules, or have I been reading too much into them all these years? (not the first time this has happened) Thanks. - Christopher Mullins
  11. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block I simply disagree. The problems don't go away, you've just moved them around. As I've demonstrated above. Now onto the Absorption Block critique... Let's do an equal comparison based on what you gave me: 0d6 Absorbtion Block 12d6 Energy Blast vs 0 Defenses Attack Damage = 12d6 Damage Potential Knockback Damage: 12 - 7 = 5d6 Damage Total Damage = 12d6 + 5d6 = 17d6 Damage 12d6 Absorbtion Block 12d6 Energy Blast vs 0 Defenses Attack Damage = 0d6 Damage Potential Knockback Damage: (12 x 2) - 7 = 17d6 Damage Total Damage = 0d6 + 17d6 = 17d6 Damage Wait... how is this different? Aha!! I knew there was disconnect somewhere. There is no rolling of Block Dice, it is just a threshold number used for comparison. 1) You roll Damage Dice and count Body (For Knockback Purposes) 2) You remove the number of dice equal to the Block Dice you purchased. The only trick here is that order of dice removed is largest to smallest. 3) Damage Dice left is what gets applied to defenses as normal. I definitely need to explain this better. No argument here, my proposal above was to keep things consistent, and STR makes more sense for stopping bigger attacks. But personally, I don't have problem with Block as is (if it is redefined as only being against Hand-To-Hand or Hand Thrown attacks). I also don't have a big problem with what you've suggested either. No, you are asking the right questions. I think we are coming at it from different perspectives which means we may have different end goals we are trying to meet. Keep hammering away. I'm liable to crack under the pressure. (8^D) I'm sure we will get to some agreement as to what will work best. - Christopher Mullins
  12. Re: Normal Human Rabbit Trail I've always thought that the Age Disadvantage should be built with Static Penalties that the character always suffers (-OCV,-DCV,-X to Agility Skills, and so forth). - Christopher Mullins
  13. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block I'm not so sure this is a good idea either as a default. Basically what you are saying is that by default anyone with a bare bones Super Block could block the following attack: Transform (Area Effect, Indirect, Invisible Power Effects - All, Damage Shield, Uncontrolled, No Normal Defense) This means Super Block is getting a lot of free advantages that no other power would normally get for free. Do you still suggest that Super Block should be able to block this power by default? Side Note: I do have a SFX in mind for the above power, but that is another story. (8^D) Actually, so is mine. You will notice that all of my examples show builds with or without certain advantages. The examples are not necessarily SFX based as far as the determination, but by what advantages are required to build those SFX. Nothing can fix the interaction between two powers where one SFX was allowed to be built incorrectly. The only exception would be the Area Of Effect conundrum since Area Of Effect doesn't have a mechanic to define the Delivery Method from the Damage Effect. But that is a problem with Area Of Effect mechanic rather than the Super Block mechanic. I built Super Block as a standalone mechanic so that those who like how Normal Block works now can still use this mechanic. However, this is my take on how I would envision Normal Block to be redefined as a separate issue. Normal Block only affects Hand-To-Hand attacks and again, Block is defined as interposing something between the target and the attack. As far as damage scaling, I thought perhaps using one's own STR value to determine how much damage can be blocked. If a normal object is used, then some sort of translation of DEF/Body might be used. For special objects (Power Built: Shields, Weapons, Focii), then the build itself would be used to translate how much damage can be blocked. Just Some Thoughts. - Christopher Mullins
  14. Re: Body for focuses Sean, you are applying and Ablative Layer of Body underneath the armor. - Christopher Mullins
  15. Re: 6-Segment SPD Chart [thread=42607]New Mechanic Ideas[/thread] [thread=52866]Turn Redefined (6 Second Turn)[/thread] Another method for a 6-Second Turn. - Christopher Mullins
  16. Re: New Advantage: Rate of Fire See my write up of this mechanic in this thread for the current version he is referring to. Also, keep in mind that using two separate powers as you described would suffer the Multiple Power Attack restrictions while this mechanic does not. - Christopher Mullins
  17. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block Updated. - Christopher Mullins
  18. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block After further thought, I've changed the mechanic of Absorbing Block to simply doubling the total knockback rolled on the attack dice. But the dice are still reduced by the block for determining damage. - Christopher Mullins
  19. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block My initial thought is to simply convert those dice affected to the Knockback Dice you would roll to determine the total number of inches of knockback, but using the numbers that had already been rolled. And yes, it would reduce the damage dealt by that much. Now I haven't run the numbers so I could be way off on the balancing aspect of this. - Christopher Mullins
  20. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block Initial concept updated. - Christopher Mullins
  21. Re: New Mechanic: Super Block To Sean: You make some good points Sean. Let me see what I can do if we go that direction. To Ice9: Yes. And it would work like Force Field as far as adding defenses, but it seems that idea might be scrapped if I can get Sean's idea to work in a concise straight forward manner. - Christopher Mullins
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