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Everything posted by schir1964

  1. Re: Multipower-Like Movement Powers Post updated per your instructions. - Christopher Mullins
  2. Re: Passing through small gaps Sean, I had created a new mechanic called "Protean" that was very similar to your "Deformation". But alas, it was on the old... old... threads and was lost in the last rebuild of these discussion boards. That was back in 1999/2000 or something like that. - Christopher Mullins
  3. Re: Thread Linkage: New Power Ideas [thread=74330]Movement Reserve[/thread] By Prestidigitator. - Christopher Mullins
  4. Re: Multipower-Like Movement Powers Movement Reserve The Movement Reserve represents the total ability of a character to move within a single phase. There are two components that defines the manner in which a character can move: Movement Pool and Movement Slot. Movement Pool The Movement Pool represents the total points a character may expend n a single phase for movement. Each point expended translates to 2 Meters distance traveled in a single phase. Pool Costs Combat Movement: 1 Point Per 2 Meters Non-Combat Movement: 5 Points Per 2x Combat Movement Movement Slot Each Movement Slot represents a specific Movement Mode. Movement Modes 20 Points: Flight 10 Points: Gliding 10 Points: Leaping 15 Points: Running 10 Points: Swinging 10 Points: Swimming 20 Points: Teleportation 10 Points: Tunneling Slot Modifiers Maximum Distance Limitation -0: x3/4 to x1 Movement Pool Points -1/4: x1/2 to x3/4 Movement Pool Points -1/2: x0 to x12 Movement Pool Points Maximum Non-Combat Distance (-1/2): May be applied to any slot that must have less Non-Combat Distance than the Movement Pool. Note: Adders/Modifiers not already mentioned can be applied to each slot. Modifiers that apply to all Movement Modes may be applied to the Movement Pool. GM Notes Most character's should get the following as Everyman by default: Everyman Movement Reserve Pool (6 Points) [2x Non-Combat] Running (15 Points) Swimming (7 Points) [2 Meter Maximum Distance] Leaping (7 Points) [2 Meter Maximum Distance] Concept By prestidigitator. (Prestidigitator: Let me know if I need to change anything or if did not get things right) Added to New Power Ideas thread. - Christopher Mullins
  5. Re: Passing through small gaps Other threads that have touched on this topic: [thread=48022]Shapeshift Alternative[/thread] [thread=51284]Reach[/thread] - Christopher Mullins
  6. Re: Passing through small gaps This could certainly work. Personally, I see that the main difference between "Reach" and "Stretching" is that Reach defines the distance a character has for HtH/Manipulation without a change in the character's volume or form while Stretching defines the distance a character has for HtH/Manipulation with a change in volume and/or form. In other words... Reach allows one to extend a limb or object to a certain range, but whether the limb or object is extended or not, they still take up the same amount of volume or retain the same form. Stretching allows one to extend a limb or object to a certain range, but when the limb or object is extended it's volume/form is not required to be maintained, and when the limb or object is retracted it's volume/form is not required to be maintained. Is this just SFX, maybe... maybe not. Addendum: This is why I think that Stretching should be a subset of Shapeshift since most applications of Stretching are changing one's form/volume to obtain the extra reach. - Christopher Mullins
  7. Re: Passing through small gaps I disagree. All characters have reach, and depending on the character's size, that value changes. Just like all character's have leaping, but depending on what the character is, that value might change, but the majority of the time, the value remains at the default. But that is neither here nor there.
  8. Re: Passing through small gaps This would not even be an issue if there were a new Characteristic: Reach that would represent the distance a character can engage in HTH/Manipulation by the extension of one's limbs (but not stretching). But that is another thread. (8^D) - Christopher Mullins
  9. Re: New Metarule I prefer to go another route when it comes to attempting any task. Guidelines Any task can be attempted by any character. A roll of 3 or 18 does not automatically mean success or failure. A sliding scale of what is possible or impossible is used to determine when 3 and 18 means an automatic success or failure. To extrapolate from 5th Editions guidelines where an "impossible task" is automatically given a -10 penalty, a chart could be made to show the different levels where a 3 or 18 are scaled for different way to exceed an automatic success or failure. Example: A -10 Penalty represents an impossible task for a Normal Character. Any task that has this penalty means that a roll of 3 is not a success and any natural roll of 8 or above is considered more than a failure. This would be similar to how Rolemaster/Spacemaster handled Extreme Successes and Failures. What is good about this is then the GM can categorize tasks into these levels: Simple, Easy, Routine, Hard, Difficult, Impossible (or however the GM wants to break it down) and these categories have inherent Bonus/Penalties assigned to them that scale the min/max interpretation of the rolls. Thus a Simple Task would be impossible to fail with a straight roll. Successes/Failures would only occur based on additional Bonuses/Penalties at the time. Just An Idea - Christopher Mullins
  10. Re: Alternative systems for mental powers Your idea seems sound. The only thing I might add is another option for resisting commands: Have a mental battle via EGO vs EGO Roll or DMCV vs OMCV Roll. Target success means a reduction in influence. Attacker success means retaining current level of influence. Just Pondering - Christopher Mullins
  11. Re: Superhero Images Draft 1
  12. Re: Can't start a thread on the 6E Forum? I got him, such as my rep power is. - Christopher Mullins
  13. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model Rope is the most powerful SFX to build. You need a VPP just to handle all the things you can do with a rope. And given enough rope, you can even hang yourself! (8^D) - Christopher Mullins
  14. Re: The "Mental"-ness of Mental Powers And here is the catch 22: Either Characteristics have built-in SFX or they don't. If characteristics (certain mechanics) have built-in SFX, then the SFX automatically define the SFX interaction with other powers in spite of the raw mechanic interactions and thus an inconsistent application of rules is unavoidable. If characteristics have no built-in SFX, then any SFX overlay can be provided for game consistency, but that overlay must be consistent across all the mechanics, not just the characteristics portion. And thus my question: How do we represent Mental SFX interaction without defining some mechanic that we can then assign Mental SFX to? To be specific, how would one design a mechanic (characteristic for example) to reflect a characters Mental state of being which then can be influenced as needed? - Christopher Mullins
  15. Re: The "Mental"-ness of Mental Powers Now we are getting down to the root of game design (which is what I find interesting). Obviously, if one wants the game to allow the SFX of "Mentally Affecting Another's Mind" which may result in either a physical or mental reaction, then the primary obstacle is how to allow this. With the current Hero System, they've overlaid Mental SFX onto the EGO Mechanic for the standard Human Template. Thus allowing for the creation of other mechanics that directly interact with EGO, thus inferring some automatic Mental SFX onto those mechanics by default (even if unintentional). If Mental SFX were not automatically assigned to the EGO, then a more comprehensive set of guidelines would be needed in order to explain how the GM could implement Mental SFX with an appropriate characteristic and other mechanics for interaction. So how should Mental SFX Interaction be modeled with the Hero System? Concrete mechanics dedicated to those interactions, or a more SFX based application of current rules? Either could work, mixing them causes inconsistent application and confusion. Additional Note: Also, I believe that there are times where Two SFX should be defined for a mechanic: Adjustment Powers (which I've described in detail in other threads: SFX of the power and Target SFX), and various implementations such as the Truth Serum which has both a Physical and Mental SFX combined... almost a Multiple Power Attack as it were. - Christopher Mullins
  16. Re: Well then, that is different. Perhaps these threads might interest you then: [thread=67214]Definition Of A Mechanic[/thread] [thread=67311]Handcuffs[/thread] [thread=67940]Alter Reality[/thread] [thread=50759]Extra Limbs[/thread] [thread=67139]Scale[/thread] There are more, but I think you get the idea. - Christopher Mullins
  17. Re: The "Mental"-ness of Mental Powers I would concur with this analysis. However, keep in mind that Phil has been clear in the past that he runs his game such that he controls a lot of what happens in game play and will ignore any rules that might harm the play experience. In other words, Phil will find a way make sure that Sean's character balances out in game play in comparison to other player's characters. Also, I would guess that given all the conditions you gave for this setup, Phil would probably just reject Sean's character outright as being too Munchkin in nature and thus the situation would never happen in that game to start with. Just A Wild Guess - Christopher Mullins
  18. Re: EGO Attack Since you said this twice, I just wanted to point out that I've found EGO Blast to be over balanced in every game I've played in and of the few games I've run and allowed it, also to be over balanced in comparison to Energy Blast. And I'm not the only one who has had problems with it in this manner. So just saying that in your experience that you have not had a problem with it does not equate to evidence of it being balanced any more than my experience equates to evidence of it being over balanced. Here is the problem as I see it. In order to have Ego Blast be a significant force as seen in much of the source material requires that Mental Defense and Mental Resistance (ECV) be uncommon (compared to Conventional Attacks/Defenses). The uncommonness of Ego Blast is not a balancing factor in this case since it would only require a few individuals with Ego Blast to overrun a campaign since there is nothing preventing these same individuals from using conventional weapons/defenses to augment themselves in addition to their innate Ego Blast ability. And this problem is not limited to just Ego Blast, but all mental powers, with the other mental powers being even more over balanced under these conditions. Before anyone bothers talking about other settings/games where Mental Defenses are just as common as PD/ED, let me say there is no need to, since under these conditions Ego Blast and the Mental Powers are then as balanced as PD/ED/Energy Blast relationship is. That is not what I'm talking about. There are plenty of source material where Mental Defense and Mental Resistance is common and therefore balances things for those with Mental Attacks. I'm specifically talking about those other sources where Mental Defenses are rare and thus, per the rules, Mental Resistance is rare. So a lot depends on how much of role you want Mental Defenses/Resistance and Mental Attacks to play a role in your campaign. In some cases it works just fine, in others it is very untenable. Just Another Point Of View - Christopher Mullins
  19. Re: Diviation From Called Shots (House Rule) Added to the [thread=42607]New Mechanic Ideas[/thread] thread. - Christopher Mullins
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