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Posts posted by Trencher

  1. Re: Chronicles of Gor


    For crying out loud when I see people saying that writers like him should disappear I have to wonder what the hell his going on with gamers these days who've decided they're the Thought Police for the rest of us. Misogynist??

    Hmm? Sombody called for the Thought Police? I don't see anyone in this thread calling for his disappearance.

    I see some people saying that his personal philosophy is dumb and someone also say that his writings are rather poor.

    I even see some trying to advance acceptance for misogynist/authoritarian lifestyles existence, not outright proclaim that they deserve respect off course.

    I don't see however anyone yelling for the gor authors death.

    People should be allowed to complain over things they don't like when you try to stop that then you are the thought police.


    I read somewhere that the author of these books were a skinny weakling who were married to a huge ugly ogre of a woman who used to :slap: him around.

    I have no proof of it however, but I know that victims of abuse sometimes get messed up about right and wrong.

  2. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    Actually' date=' then that would be Takofanes who, as its been pointed out, has done far more 'destroying' in his day than Destroyer. Also, going by stats, Takofanes has more personal power than Destroyer.[/quote']

    I am going to reread his story again.

  3. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    Well... not quite true. There was a mass rapist turned serial killer' date=' Bruno Ludke. [/quote'] It is true because I said almost all. Crime per crime there was less crime in nazi Germany than ordinary Germany.

    My reasoning is that it is because not of a nazi run state being better than a democratic one but because they make crime legal against certain groups thereby giving criminals something to do.

    I really do wish someone would make a documentary/drama concerning his career and how he was caught. It would be a different sort of story' date=' that's for sure. I mean, who would you cheer for: the demented sex slayer or the Nazi state trying to hunt him down? [/quote']

    It does not sound like they tried to hunt him down, but rather that they got lucky. If he had been more cooperative with the gestapo he might have become a death camp guard instead. Many of the kapos where German criminals.

    In any case I cheer for the state to hunt him down. It is not like he fights them after all he just hunts innocents.

  4. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    That's a coincidence in this thread.

    But anyways, I think that quantity does justify quality, not that quality justifies itself as well.

    I don't think I understand your choice of words. But if I should agree with you and say that a more powerful, destructive and driven villain is more evil than your average street rat then I say that Dr. Destroyer is the evilest.

    If he wanted he could use his knowledge and money to turn this world into a technological utopia and he could be know as the greatest scientist and humanitarian the world have ever seen. But he does not want that- he want to rule.

    Take away all villain stuff and his occult pacts Luther Black is just an old guy with a stick. Sure he could have a cult and could ruin thousands of life’s but in the end.. Meh.

    Science is supposed to be the light of the world. With method, rational analysis and application we have the opportunity to crawl out of the primordial muck that is superstition, occultism, greed etc..

    To use science just to get to run the world is evil in my opinion.

  5. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    Otherwise' date=' Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin would only be equally as evil as the guy who shot the clerk robbing a liquor store... a self-evident absurdity.[/quote']

    Do you know what Joseph Stalin had as a job before he clawede his way up to the top of the Communist party?

    If you don't know guess then highlight for answer.


    A bank-robber

  6. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    Question -- if you handed Blowtorch the power of Luther Black, would he start trying to achieve Luther Black's goal of ultimate Edomite apotheosis, even though it destroy the world? Or would he simply start burning entire city blocks at a time instead of one house at a time?

    Counter question- Does Blowtorch get the knowledge that Luther has?


    If he does, there is in my oppinion nothing that say he would not try to become the firegod of Edom and -then- burn the world one person at a time.

  7. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    We seem to be talking somewhat at cross purposes' date=' because several different categories of "evil" are being compared without concensus on a working definition. [/quote'] This is correct but it is unavoidable concerning the subject matter in my opinion. Therefore we should take care to explain what we mean.

    We have:

    Psychopathic/sociopathic evil (Blowtorch, Black Harlequin, Masquerade) - don't truly understand the consequences of their actions, or don't care, or both;

    Chosen evil (Luther Black, Giacomo Sylvestri, Dark Seraph) - understanding the nature of evil, and deliberately embracing corruption;

    I say the whole bunch is Psychopathic/sociopathic and I think that the clinical definition would agree with me. Except for Masquerade who I suspect is not human at all but more a traditional doppelganger.

    Embodying evil (The Dragon' date=' the Kings of Edom, the Monster) - evil is the essence of what they are, and they simply follow their nature. [/quote'] I agree with your assessment of the Dragon, not so sure of the Kings of Edom because all Lovercraftian “uber-horrors†have the same attitude to us like we have to insects, if you swat the insect that is fly past your computer screen you are just as evil. So I would say that the kings are in fact evil even after their own standard.

    The monster are a complete mystery.

    It's also unclear as to whether scale should be a determining factor. Is it in fact more heinous to debase and destroy a whole world than a single innocent life?
    I say no.
  8. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    Yet' date=' Blowtorch would pee his pants in the presence of Black and Takofanes and not merely because of the vast difference in power levels. [/quote']

    I don't think so. Blowtorch might be scared of their power but he would only be afraid of their evil is it was directed at him not of their evil in general.

  9. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    The person who murders during the course of raping and robbing is awful' date=' but would we say that they are equal in the evil performed by that of the Nazis or Jonestown or terrorists or serial killers? [/quote']

    Don't know what the Jonestown is but other than that, all the examples here are typical for what I say. The average serial rapist/murderer/drug dealer/thug would if he lived in nazi Germany join the nazis and continue his routine.

    National socialist Germany had almost no ordinary street crime because all the criminals had gotten themselves a fancy uniform and ran the country. After the fall of the Sovjet Union eastern Europe is flooded with crime and filth, I think that is because all the criminals who used to use the state as a platform for their activities now has to turn to other avenues to commit their crimes.

    I'd throw in as another quality of "Most evil" as whether or not the villain could or would stop their evil act as easily as they'd do it. Takofanes might not be able to resist the urge to spread death around' date=' but Dr. Destroyer could have come up with another way to cover his escape rather than blasting Detroit. [/quote'] That is a good point.
  10. Re: Who's the most evil villain in CU?


    I say Blowtorch is just as evil as Luther, patriarch the dragon and Tacofaen.

    If you say that Blowtorch is amoral then you say all psychopaths are amoral. One of the things that make you a psychopath is that you understand the feelings of people around you, in fact many psychopaths see this road to power and develop their social skills quite extensively.

    The truth is that it is nothing special or interesting about evil. If Blowtorch had the same level of intelligence, recourses and information as Luther he would have done just the same things as Luther, well maybe he try turning into a living fireball but the difference ends there.

    To grade evil is pointless, it all the same.

    You should look for drive, ambition, ability and power instead.

  11. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel


    Mr. Cammino.

    He is a fairly normal looking guy with black hair and average build, his eyes are a little intense perhaps but that is all. He always wears black crumpled suits and most often carries a briefcase. He does not talk to anyone if he does not have to. He always walks never use car or bus. If the pc's is out in the more rundown places in the city they might see him enter a condemned building but no matter how long they wait they will not see him come out. When he returns to the hotel he does not have the briefcase with him. If somone manage to get a look into his suitcase they will see that it is filled completely up with claw hammers of different shapes and sizes.

  12. Re: Thoughts on Dr Yin Wu


    Well Fu has had a lot of versions, if you have read a good story with him in it then it will colour your image of the character.

    The movie I saw was pretty crummy, the Marvel stuff was not in the same leauge off course.

  13. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel



    An really tall and thin man with shaggy hair and a wild eyed look. He dresses in old style clothing except for his jacket which is a brown long coat. His left shoe must have some gum (or something) stuck under it because it sort of stick to the floor when he walks. He also walks with a slight limp and he sometimes mumbles to himself. He lives permanently in the hotel because he is related to the owner. He makes a modest living for himself stuffing and selling animals, his style is to mix and match different parts so that it look almost like a new creature. Among the things he has put together you can find both hairy tentacle things and a ball-of-mouth-creatures. He uses rats, cats and dogs for the most part most of the light bulbs in the hotel room does not work anymore because he rarely bother to change them, only the one on his work desk get changed if needed. Whenever a car runs past his window (He lives in the lower reaches of the hotel) all the shadows in the room jump back and fourth making the stuffed things look more alive than usual.

    Although he is scruffy looking he is not dirty or foul smelling, he is also quite nice if talked to although he gives weird compliments like: "I never seen hair with your shade of red before-its lovely" or "You have a very interesting nose compared to your brow" these compliments are followed by silence as Glenn stares off into space.

    Glenn is known to wander the back allys of the city looking for stray animals and he carries an old style bayonet which he can use with such skill that would be robbers and other punks leave him alone.

  14. Re: Thoughts on Dr Yin Wu


    I have only read a little about Dr Fu Manchu in Marvel and seen only one original film with him.

    But based on that I would say that Dr Fu Manchu is a interesting concept but the character is presented in such a way that inspire more contempt than anything else, he is just not cool like Dr Wu.

    The reason he used so many different types of thugs is because the original audience did not really differ between them as long as it was exotic it was good enough.

    Dr Fu Manchu is a "yellow peril" type of villain made with an intention to cater more to the racist beliefs of the audience more than be an actual portrayal of an oriental villainous mastermind. Since oriental masterminds are cool the champion’s universe has its own version which is truer to the source material than the original version.

    In short what is good enough for Fu Manchu (even more modern variants) is not good enough for Dr Yin Wu, because Fu was aimed towards the lowest common denominator a long time ago, Yin is aimed towards Hero gamers now.

  15. Re: Thoughts on Dr Yin Wu


    Have you read the book called watchers of the dragon? In it there are a character called Emperor Crane who has that kind of style of minions you are talking about I think. I am not very familiar with pulp as a genre so I see Doctor Wu as a mysterious and ice cold wizard not as an agitator. He will rule through his own power not through manipulating the mob. (I think)

    And I doubt he would associate with non-Chinese unless under the most dire circumstances.

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