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Everything posted by Opale

  1. Re: Where are all the write-ups of published (Marvel, DC, whatever) comic characters? try "Matt champions page" on google too...
  2. Opale

    Cold Case

    Re: Cold Case She could freeze the air inside someone chest, suffocating them, or even the liquid someone is drinking asit runs down his/her throat She could create car explosions by freezing instantly a warm engine You can think to Tracy Strauss from Heroes too, who has cold control power aswell as been able to transform herself into water.
  3. Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine?
  4. Re: Anyone else hate Wolverine? Wolverine is a complex character. I can tell I hate him, because he has lots of appeal, but I can't tell either I like him. I'm speaking about the comic character of course, not he one incarnated by Hugh Jackman, who is a softened version (and sexier) of the super... What I find interesting abot him, is the background and schemes behind. Imho, he's on the limit to be a vigilante and not a superhero. But it depends who wrote the scenarii so far, so each different author made up a different wolverine.
  5. Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick Interesting way to see her. The transformation thing into an element could be indeed a way to build her too. I have never used this Multiform power, as I am very unsure about it. I'd like to see at the complete building if you can make do so please
  6. Re: Dr Destroyer helmet of power For instance I uploaded some information in a private place about the characters to not go against intellectual property laws. For those who want to have a look, just pm me with your email adress, so I can share the folder with you.
  7. Opale

    Back to Normal ?

    Re: Back to Normal ? of course yes !
  8. Re: Champions and a quick Heroes system Welcome to both the HERO System and the SuperHeroic genre ! And good luck with it because it's a TOTALLY different kind of RPG. Lots of good advices to get here. BTW, the shortcut to the HERO Rules were named the Sidekick book. Try finding it, it will be what you need for a start
  9. Re: Susano's Song-Based DC NPCs Yes but it's a very good translation this time, because it it very "meaningful" in french. Ty for the info.
  10. Re: Dr Destroyer helmet of power Yes, absolutely. They are characters made using the Fuzion System and proposed in the Second Edtion of Champions: The New Millenium rulebook. There were the character sheets using the HERO 5th Edition system. And they were "translated" into this system literally, so I guess they are pretty blunt.
  11. Re: Dr Destroyer helmet of power Just an information/quote I got from Steve Long, because I didn't want to post something without having the rights to do it. Steve Long said : So, for those who want the versions of my characters, we will have to find another way to make them accessible (Maybe my gmail private storage ? ). Any idea is welcome. Or I invite those who want to contact me privately. And I'd love for sure your opinions about them.
  12. If your character woke up all suddenly in his/her bed, not remembering the last week of his life and discovering his powers are gone and s/he is now a mundane ? Adding to that, any friend, family or casual being in the character entourage will siply greet him/her back after his/her holidays ... And no trace of the existence of his/her old teammates.. Tough he/she remembers very well his/her old existence as a Superhero
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hi guys ! I tried yesterday to use this DC animated cartoon maker, but I wasn't able to have more than a blank page with all the building options around. I choosed a figure and stuff, but nothing was displaying on my screen. DO I need to subscribe or something to get it working ?
  14. Re: Susano's Song-Based DC NPCs One of the best camel hero I ever read, was into the Pyrmaides novels from Terry Pratchett... No idea how he's called in english, but in french it was "Sale Bête" , and he was hilarious.
  15. Re: Another challenge just the Damsel this time P.u.t.a.a ?
  16. Re: Dr Destroyer helmet of power SO to respond to everyone . Yes I play the Champions : The New Millenium setting. It has been made at first with the Fuzion System, and the second Edition provided me with HERO System translations. I was pondering to post the Champions sheets to you all, because I had a exchange with Steve Long. I wish to have some help about the balance of the game, and probably to rebuild some characters, like Dr Destroyer. For instance my players characters are between 400 and 580 points. And Dr Destroyer in CNM is pretty whimpy compared to the 5th Edition of CHampions for instance. I'll post him too, but just thinking about him, I think he's more like 1000 or 2000 points.. Maybe I'm wrong , I'm not sure anymore. Other cases of "weak" villains happens often in CNM : Mechanon is a big example of this too. And some NPCs are even more powerful than Dr Destroyer in their initial design, just like the Scion of Caine named Radion... Except all this, I love the setting CNM has. It makes the PCs really in the center of the stories, because they are the Champions rediscovering a world where all old heroes are dead or disappeared @the palindromedary : What am I supposed to mean or not ? Giving I babble so much that I often forget what I just said
  17. Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick That means this character idea was some predetermined destiny ^^ With the proper influence, we could even kidnap Steve Long andd force him to make her a recurrent bimboish heroine of the 6th Edition, knowing that if he doens't complies, the palindromedary will not be happy.
  18. Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick Ok ! I know what you mean with the Babel fish thing ! Yes, too much "litteral translation"... A bit like if I nemed every american people Joe Smith. But it's complicated to get the mood of a culture.
  19. Re: A funny challenge for a Damsel Brick Babel fish for me ? Can you please explain me that idiomatism ? As for Clemrmont-en-Argonne, yes it exists, but it's not a town or a city It's what we call a Canton, meaning a conglomerate of several towns. And by the way, as french native as I am, it looks like very cliché to me too ! lol But maybe it's just the bimbo inside me that doesn't want to be wrong : try to learn what "mauvaise foi" means
  20. Re: Origins campaign ty !
  21. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS Statistics \o/ Will look intently to what they become
  22. Re: Dr Destroyer helmet of power Thanks ! I'll try and look at it ! But the Surbrook link inside de Fantasy Hero link seems broken alas. Looking now for Grospolina.
  23. Re: Running for a Villain Team First things to set up are : - How deeply villains are they ? Will they kill with joy, murder thousands, be vicious and/or cosmic evil, or just go-gangers robbing banks ? - What is each of those villains goal ? After two or three bank robs, a villains discovers he's aimless. What would you do with such powers in your hands ? I mean some villains are villains because they walk below the line, to hit down dictators, corporations and systems that schock their self-made morality and to get some revenge from their normal life. Other are just monsters or maybe Inhumans which are not interested into Humanity at all, and wants it eventually destroyed - If you are a villain, you need peers.. or not A villain is LONESOME. Most people are good people given the opportunity. But a villain rarely have friends, love or family that doesn't hunt them down. If your campaign is setup to make them fall down from far, it will be this way. Cut them form any contact. Show them how fearful they are. Make them beenbetrayed as the freaks they are.. Finally, I happened to find out that MOST players are not able to play good interesting villains. Because they lack the three points above. I don't tell they don't make good criminals, it's easy. But a Supervillain is something else. Something more "enlighted" again.
  24. Hi guys ! While I'm thinkign on how to make my builds better, I thought of something I prefered to ignore at first, having no idea on how to do it. In my CNM campaign, Dr Destroyer (whom I find pretty weak, but that's another story) runs after an Antediluvian Helmet of his, that contains lots of mental powers. it's a kind of Artefact that pretty anyone can use, tough he's is the only one to not be corrupted by it, been made of it's own essence. Can some of you tell me how to build such an object ? is that a gadget? a vehicle (it increase Dr Destroyer teleporting abilities which are already pretty cosmic) ? A powered armor ? A simple Focus that anyone can use ? I will try to post the known powers of Dr Destroyer and the helmet later... Help please !
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