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Matt Holck

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Everything posted by Matt Holck

  1. Re: Slashing Advantage for Weapons - Variation on Alternate Armor Piercing (H6e-APG.1 Armor piercing versus low defenses only the used to be a power call piercing where one would subtract for the target's defense directly of 3 adder points an attack could gain +1 point of piercing
  2. Re: Weapon Speeds and Casting Times block out dexterity to allow actions to be taken after attacks?
  3. Re: My First Hero System Character: Bluebird the cost calculations are off but the character is playable and ready for combat who's viper?
  4. Re: FoxBat's Evil New Plan "doesn't Mechanon have susceptibility to magnetics?" "like any micro-electronic devise. No doubt he's backed up on non-magnetic storage medium"
  5. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? let's not pretend conflict doesn't occur between players and the GM "no, you can't buy that power" a GM only has the final word if there are players players are very inventive and will find solutions whether the GM can or not the world is greater than the GM in most games, the assumption that gravity holds things to the ground exists without the GM lifting a finger to say so a judgment call if the GM is unreasonable about proposals, the players won't enjoy themselves and leave the game
  6. Re: FoxBat's Evil New Plan the Jolly Ranchers I heard has been talking to Basketball Man and plans to ruin the NBA championship when the rubber exterior is shed on the ball and a robot flies out the stadium
  7. Re: Balancing Magic and Martial Characters in a Fantasy Setting skill levels on multi-powers cost 3 points
  8. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? one dragon slaying I ran involved a swooping dragon hitting an unbreakable invisible wall of force damn players
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? leave them howling at the wind I stated my case and will argue no more I stated my position
  10. Re: Love for Non-Casters? I'd require that the drains be linked to doing some amount of physical damage past the opponent defenses
  11. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? I'm not trying to best the player. unless you mean I want them to play their best and not expect me to carry them through the game. That said the GM should make sure the players know what they are up against. I'm suggesting that these disadvantages have a direct effect on how the gaming world will play out that the GM may have final word but never had complete control of the game. I'm saying that A GM does not need to worry about supplying solutions to the problems presented to players. The players should and will come up with solutions on their own. I find players prefer their own solutions. If an opponent is too powerful and can easily defeat the players in direct combat, the players should work circumstance to overcome that. After all, they have more minds than the GM to figure something out. It is not the GMs role to water down challenges or create solutions.
  12. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? having to deal with some 500 points of disadvantage written by the players seems to partially determine the universe last I checked, the player's were encouraged to power game
  13. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? I'm not big on resistant defense either I want to grab the characters in my 4d6 teeth and then breath just so they can't dive for cover I know I'll take damage for eating my own fire. bah when the game is 5 players against one GM, I expect the players to outsmart me
  14. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? can all these attacks be made at once? can full strength be used for both the HKA and 1HAofE at the same time?
  15. Re: How many character points do you think a 20th level DnD character would have? useful
  16. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? I'd boast it's OCV in HTH combat on account of size and extra limbs at the very least let it spread attacks strength attacks using reach
  17. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/76371-Love-for-Non-Casters/page6 I don't understand the stunning change environment bit
  18. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? there's no reason the stun wouldn't knock the dragon out ofcourse, stun is much cheaper in 6e does damage reduct exist in 6e?
  19. Re: How many character points do you think a 20th level DnD character would have? I never ran or played 20th level characters I had switched to a skill based system I created but I have run overly powerful wizards and magic items, and when I let a player bring his character through without conversion, he cut Cobra a 350 point villain into five parts
  20. Re: Combat Value Benchmarks In 6E Skills at four points a piece is fine. The value of any given power is based on the points payed. This increase in price will magnify the respect for skills. 4 point skills also keeps character's from buying skills with a -1 limitation (such as OAF) for 1 point. an average hit of a 2d6 RKA to the head would cause 7 body 35 stun x2 body after resistance physical defense an average 3d6 KA would cause 10.5 body 28 stun* *based on the stun multiple die x2.67 though I suspect a roll on the hit location chart would produce a similar value
  21. Re: Combat Value Benchmarks In 6E Ah.. I was thinking of Crow from Hawk the Slayer that elf had selective fire precise hit location is fine as long as the damage is scaled down to balance the gain in damage to hit location
  22. Re: Super Names ickerus Ickerus is named after Icarus that Ancient Greek lad that had wings of wax fastened feathers that in his joy had flown too close to the sun so the wings melted and he fell into the ocean. Ickerus my 4 spatial dimensional spider has a similar story Ickerus is a 4 dimensional spider projecting into a dimension beyond length, width and height. Most of the mass in the game universe is contained in the 3 dimensional volume. "Outside the universe" in a spatial direction I shall call "strange" is mostly empty 4 dimensional space. http://geology.com/nasa/nasa-universe-pictures.shtml One might imagine the game universe as a disk galaxy where most of the mater resides. Ickerus wandered too close to the volume mass of the game universe and fell into it.
  23. Re: Combat Value Benchmarks In 6E Legolas might be doing a few sweep maneuvers 8 Points for called shots to the head? have stun multipliers changed on hit location? Lightning reflexes would cost 1 point for +2. Breakfall get a great deal of use in games I play. Does being on the ground still suffer a 1/2 DCV penalty? (note with lower CV values, the prone penalty is not quite as severe)
  24. Re: Time related powers sweet and maybe heal damage others had taken
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