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Everything posted by Susano

  1. The Hunted covered the clones of himself, since they were sent by the Council as well.
  2. MANHUNTER (Paul Kirk) Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage 24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8 / DCV: 8 25 CON 30 14- 15 BODY 10 12- 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12- 23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 12 COM 1 11- 9 PD 5 Total: 15 PD (6 rPD) 7 ED 2 Total: 13 ED (6 rED) 5 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 10 REC 2 50 END 0 40 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 158 Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4" Cost Powers & Skills Martial Arts: "Ninjutsu" Maneuver OCV DCV Damage 4 Atemi Strike -1 +1 3d6 NND (1) 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Choke -2 +0 Grab one limb; 3d6 NND (2) 4 Dodge +0 +5 Dodge vs All, Abort 4 Elbow Strike +2 +0 8d6 Strike 5 Flying Kick +1 -2 10d6 Strike 5 Kick -2 +1 10d6 Strike 4 Knife Hand -2 -0 1d6 HKA 4 Punch +0 +2 8d6 Strike 3 Takedown +1 +1 6d6 Strike; Target Falls 3 Throw +0 +1 6d6 + v/5; Target Falls 8 +2 Damage Classes (added in) 1 Use Art with Blades 15 1916 Broomhandle Mauser: RKA 2d6; 9 Charges (-1/4), OAF (-1); plus +1 OCV; OAF (-1) 7 Silencer: Invisible To Sound Group for 2d6 RKA (+1/2); OAF (-1) 4 Shoulder Stock: +1 OCV, +2 RMod with Mauser RKA; OAF (-1) 11 Bundi Dagger (Katar): Multipower, 22-Point Pool; OAF (-1) 1 u 1) Edge: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) 1 u 2) Point: HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 with STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) 2 Bundi Dagger (Katar): +1 OCV with Block; OAF (-1) 12 Throwing Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) plus Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1d6-1; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4) 6 Shuriken: RKA 1d6+1; 2 Recoverable Charges (-1), OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-1/4) 7 Armored Costume: Armor (6 PD/ 6 ED); Activates 11- or Locations 9-13 (-1), OIF (-1/2) 15 Healing Factor: Energy Damage Reduction, 1/4, Resistant 15 Healing Factor: Physical Damage Reduction, 1/4, Resistant 10 Healing Factor: Life Support (Immunity: Disease) 17 Blocking: Missile Deflection (arrows/projectiles), Ranged (+1); OIF (objects of opportunity on the Ranged Advantage; -1/2) 3 Leaping: +3", END 1 7 Healing Factor: Healing 1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per TURN), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1), Self Only (-1/2), Recovery Varies According To Wounds Suffered (-1/4) Perks: 6 Contact: Kolu Mbeya (weaponsmith, useful skills and resources) 13- 5 Money: Well Off Skills: 32 Combat Skill Levels: +4 with All Combat 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Acting 13- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Climbing 14- 5 Defense Maneuver II 3 Demolitions 12- 5 Disguise 13- 5 Fast Draw (HTH) 15- 5 Fast Draw (Ranged) 15- 0 Language: English (Native) 3 Language: German (Fluent) 1 KS: Big Game 8- 1 KS: Ninjutsu 8- 1 KS: The Council 8- 3 Lockpicking 13- 1 PS: Big Game Hunter 8- 1 PS: OSS Operative 8- 3 Riding 14- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Streetwise 13- 5 Tracking 13- 7 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Blades, Off Hand, Thrown Knives 295 Total Powers & Skills Cost 453 Total Character Cost 200+ Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Style (Ninjutsu) 10 Hunted: Christine St. Clair (Interpol) (LessPow) 11- 30 Hunted: The Council (MoPow, NCI) 14- 20 Psychological Limitation: Seeks Justice, Wants To "Do The Right Thing" (VC, S) 25 Psychological Limitation: Sworn To Destroy The Council (VC, T) 10 Reputation: Ruthless assassin and killer 11- 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Paul Kirk) 133 Experience 453 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: Manhunter (alias Paul Kirk) started life as a big game hunter, in his words, "possibly the best in the world". He became a crimefighter named "Manhunter" in the late 30s and early 40's and eventually worked as a secret agent for the US in World War II. After the war was over, he went back to game hunting, but found he's tired of the sport. Trampled in a hunting accident, he was rescued by a group of scientists called "The Council". Frozen for 25 years, with learning tapes played into his subconscious, Paul Kirk was rebuilt and improved using advancements in genetics. Recruited to from the security arm of the Council, Paul was trained in a wide variety of fighting arts and honed his skills. But, when he was called upon to kill an Interpol official, Paul decided that perhaps the Council, whose aims had seemed so noble at the outset, had become just as bad as the people they opposed. Fleeing, Paul put together a new costume (derived from his old Council uniform), weapons and once again took up the name Manhunter. Pursued by clones of himself created by the Council, he seeks to bring about the ruin of ruin of the Council and an end to their manipulation of word events. Personality/Motivation: Since he only appeared in seven issues, Manhunter didn't get some of the in-depth character examination one would hope for. On the other hand, the comic made it pretty clear that Manhunter opposed The Council's plain to run the world, and also seemed to want to make amends for past deeds and "do the right thing." This made him fairly ruthless, and he will kill without a second thought if needed (especially if fighting one of his own clones). Quote: "S-stay put, doctor! Takes more than that... to finish me... And if I can... get the stock attached... before that chopper gets us... there won't be any "more...!" Powers/Tactics: Paul Kirk was a big game hunter in the 1930's. Tiring of that "sport" he then turned to crimefighting under the name of Manhunter. When World War II broke out he becoming an operative for the OSS , operating behind enemy lines. This, coupled with his extensive training by The Council, makes him a highly effective hand-to-hand combatant, as well as giving him familiarity with a wide range of weapons. Manhunter is also trained in ninjutsu, which according to the original comic, involves mastery of over 20 martial arts systems. This is bunk, of course, but back in 1973 it sure sounded good. As it is, he is very good at hand-to-hand combat, and can easily defeat a group of 4-6 attackers. Manhunter tends to switch weapons quickly, starting out with his shuriken and knife, then drawing his Bundi and pistol. He is seen to deflect a grenade fired from a launcher with one of his shuriken, it only seems proper than he can use any handy, throwable object to do the same. Manhunter heals very quickly from wounds, although the time it takes depends greatly on the severity of his wound. Normally, a small cut will heal up in a Turn or so, deeper and more severe wounds may push the recovery time into the per minute range. Appearance: Manhunter is a tall man, looking to stand over six feet in height. His hair is brown, wavy and cut short, while his eyes are blue. Manhunter's costume consists of a red bodysuit with long flowing sleeves. Over this he wears an blue harness to hold his weapons, and over that goes a white armored 'tunic' that resembles formal samurai dress. White boots, gold wrist bands, gold arms bands (over the biceps) and a broad gold and black belt complete the costume. The last part of his costume are metal (I guess) 'racks' that he wears over his boots and support his bundi dagger and throwing knife. Manhunter carries his shuriken on the front of his tunic, the pistol at the small of his back, his throwing knife on his right leg and the bundi on his left. The torso harness also supports his silencer and shoulder stock. Designer's Notes: Manhunter appeared way back in 1973, the creation of Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson. He had only a seven issue run, but in that time garnered something like six awards. Manhunter was, in fact, only a backup to Detective Comics, and only in his final appearance (in Detective #443) did Manhunter receive a full issue to himself (well... 20 pages anyway). Early in 1999, DC Comics released "Manhunter: The Special Edition", which is a must get. It was used to develop this character sheet and contains a great deal of additional information about the character. (Manhunter created by Archie Goodwin and Walt Simonson, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook with assistance from Nestor Rodriguez. Dedicated to Archie Goodwin)
  3. Does anyone have any conversion material? Specifiacl for converting creatures?
  4. The website for the Kazei 5 PBEM has some additional data and such that I've been developing. What I'd like to do is expand the history section and go more into the social aspects. Also apply 5th Edtion rules to some of the cyberwear and the vehicles. I also redid Shion for 5th edtion and posted her here... somewhere.
  5. That's great. (And it's "esper" not "psychic" Shion Nys: It is "esper weapon" to be exact.). I hope that I'll be allowed to convert it to 5th Edition once Cyber Hero is released.
  6. Yes. In fact, I have 21 character sheets of assorted creatures and beings from Japan. This is followed by 20 character sheets from the Philippines. 15 from China, 12 from India, and so on. My only down note was my inability to find anything on certain creatures (other than names and in some cases pictures). The frustrating part was seeing stuff in other game books but not being able to track down the sources used... On the other hand, I was able to find the exact sources for some such creatures and was able to develop character sheets for said beings.
  7. Greetings all! Just wanted to let you all know that around 8:30 EST I finished the last character sheet for the HERO System Asian Bestiary. That's 88 character sheets (actually... 88 individual files) for those keeping count at home. The actual number of write-ups is something like 95+ as one file has around 7 complete write-ups in it. In addition, many of the character sheets have extensive lists of optional powers and some character sheets are nothing *but* optional powers, so the actual creature count is around... ohhh... I have no idea... My best guess is around 150 creatures. I will be writing the Introduction over the next day or so and hope to have the file off to Steve Long by the end of the month. It should be out sometime next year.
  8. If you have any questions, just drop me a line.
  9. You are correct, sir. EE will never be revised or touched by the current HERO Games people. Some of the other rewritten HERO System characters I had on my website (like the Zodiac Conspiracy) and Thunder and Lightning, had to come down.
  10. There is one version of this theme called Alien Defender Geo-Armor/Kishin Corps. Pretty cool anime (IMO).
  11. If you have the Kazei 5 e-book, it contains some BGC-like cyberdroids that might work for what you want.
  12. I explain that here: Telekinesis: Vader can move objects with his mind. Based on the size of the objects he hurled in "The Empire Strikes Back", as well as how far he threw them he looks to have about a 40 to 50 Telekinetic STR. This TK is "Invisible to Sight" and "Indirect". One may want to use the rules about BOECV TK from "The Ultimate Mentalist", in which one applies a +1 Advantage for "Based on Ego-Combat Value" as well as the "Indirect" advantage. Since 50 STR of TK bought with these advantages comes to about 150 Active Points, that is how I came up with the size of Vader's Power Pool.
  13. *shrug* No idea really. I mean, I never read anywhere what they speak, so... Ahhh..... not right now.
  14. DARTH VADERDark Lord of the Sith Val CHA Cost Roll Notes30 STR 20 15- Lift 1600 kg; 6d6 HTH Damage21 DEX 39 13- OCV: 7 / DCV: 723 CON 26 14-15 BODY 10 12-15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 830 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d66 COM -2 10-8 PD 2 Total: 14 PD (6 rPD)7 ED 2 Total: 13 ED (6 rED)4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 129 REC 046 END 050 STUN 10Total Characteristics Cost: 165Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4"Cost Powers & Skills345 Force Manipulation: Variable Power Pool (150-point pool), Powers Can Changed As Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1), Invisible To Sight Group (+1/2); Slightly Limited Powers: Force Powers only (-1/4) Martial Arts: Lightsaber Dueling Maneuver OCV DCV Damage4 Cut +0 +2 Weapon +1 DC Strike4 Disarm -1 +1 40 STR Disarm4 Parry +2 +2 Block, Abort5 Thrust +1 +3 Weapon Strike5 Slash -2 +1 Weapon +2 DC Strike Use Art With Lightsaber60 Lightsaber: HKA 2d6 (2d6+1 with STR), AVLD (Nonphysical "force fields," hardened armors, parrying with another lightsaber, and so on; +1 1/2), Does BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END +1/2); OAF (-1)18 Armored Costume: Armor (6 PD/6 ED)3 Helmet Rebreather: Life Support (Expanded Breathing); OIF (-1/2)31 Force Sensitive: Detect Force Activity, Discriminatory, Ranged, Sense, Telescopic (+16 versus Range Modifier), 360 degrees, 15-8 Force Sensitive: Mental Awareness 15- Perks10 Fringe Benefit: Right Hand Of The Emperor12 Reputation: Right Hand Of The Emperor (galaxy-wide; 14-) +4/+4d6 Talents18 In Tune With the Force: Combat Sense 15- Skills20 Combat Skill Levels: +4 with all Combat3 Acrobatics 13-0 AK: Tatooine 8-0 Climbing 8-0 Concealment 8-0 Conversation 8-0 Deduction 8-3 Breakfall 13-7 Combat Pilot 15-5 KS: Jedi Knights 14-5 KS: The Force 14-0 Language: English (native)2 Navigation (Space) 12-0 Paramedic 8-2 PS: Jedi Knight 11-3 Shadowing 12-3 Stealth 12-3 Systems Operation 12-2 TF: Science Fiction and Space Vehicles2 Weaponsmith (Lightsaber) 12-4 WF: Small Arms, Lightsaber, TIE Fighter Weapons591 Total Powers & Skills Cost756 Total Character Cost200+ Disadvantages35 Dependence: (helmet/internal life support mechanisms or some form of external life support mechanism) 1d6 per Segment5 Distinctive Features: Force Signature (NC, unusual senses to detect)20 Distinctive Features: Great Height, Armored Costume (NC, Extreme reaction [fear])10 Hunted: Emperor Palpatine (MoPow, NCI, Watching) 8-10 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Emperor Palpatine (C, M)20 Psychological Limitation: Megalomaniac (VC, S)20 Psychological Limitation: Ruthless (VC, S)20 Reputation: Darth Vader, the Emperor's right-hand man (Ext) 14-416 Dark Lord of the Sith Bonus756 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: As far as I know, Vader's history runs like this: Darth Vader was born Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine. He showed a powerful gift for the Force from an early age and eventually became the student of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight. Eventually, he went on to train under Yoda and was made a full-fledged Jedi. At some point, Anakin was seduced by the power and the promise of the Dark Side and turned against his fellow Jedi. He betrayed them to the Emperor, and helped to hunt down and destroy the once-proud Knighthood. During these events, he had a final battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi, during which he was grievously injured (reports vary) and was only able to survive the experience by being rebuilt as a virtual cyborg. Now, given the title Darth Vader, the man formally known as Anakin Skywalker is now the Emperor's righthand-man, enforcing the Emperor's will across the galaxy. Personality/Motivation: As a man consumed by the Dark Side, Vader is also consumed with anger. His is not a volatile anger, but one that seethes below the surface and issues forth in more subtle ways. Vader is very ruthless, he kills a number of Admirals (or starts to) several times in the series, usually in response to failures or disobedience on the part of these Admirals. He rules by fear, fear of him and fear of the Emperor. On the other hand, he is willing to over throw the Emperor, as witnessed by his attempts to persuade Luke in Empire Strikes Back (although he could have been lying, you never know). Another aspect of his ruthlessness is the fact he is willing to see his own daughter tortured and killed, virtually before his eyes, and not show any sign of emotion of this fact (although one could argue that he many not have known that Leia was his daughter at that time). Vader is also very much a megalomaniac, wanting nothing more than to crush the rebellion (and if his taunts to Luke are true) depose the Emperor and gain control of the Empire for himself (with Luke replacing Vader's place?). Interestingly enough, Vader is still rather loyal to the Emperor, at least, right up until the end, where he returns to the Light and literally overthrows Palpatine (tossing him down the air shaft). Quote: "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you have constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force" Powers/Tactics: Vader is a master of the Force and a former Jedi Knight. Thus, even though he has turned to the Dark Side, he has not lost his control of the Force, in fact, he might have even gained a little more power (but, at what cost?). Some of Vader's Force Powers include: Missile Deflection: All Jedi can deflect energy weapons with their lightsabers. Vader goes one step further. In "The Empire Strikes Back", Vader hold out his hand and effortlessly stop's Han's blaster shots. This is obviously Missile Deflection, with the special effect that the the shots don't "deflect" anywhere, they just vanish. Vader than yanks the blaster out of Han's hand, which brings to the next of Vader's powers -- Telekinesis: Vader can move objects with is mind. Based on the size of the objects he hurled in "The Empire Strikes Back", as well as how far he threw them he looks to have about a 40 to 50 Telekinetic STR. This TK is "Invisible to Sight" and "Indirect". One may want to use the rules about BOECV TK from "The Ultimate Mentalist", in which one applies a +1 Advantage for "Based on Ego-Combat Value" as well as the "Indirect" advantage. Since 50 STR of TK bought with these advantages comes to about 150 Active Points, that is how I came up with the size of Vader's Power Pool. Telekinetic Choke: There are several ways to do this. One is a simple application of TK. Another would be a NND EB with Invisible Effects. If using this power, the Game Master would need to use the choking rules from "The Ultimate Martial Artist", in which a character will take BODY once all of their STUN is gone. A final way is to buy Vader a Ego Attack that "Does Body" for an extra +1 advantage. In order to choke someone on another starship, Vader would need to find the offending party with Mind Scan, and then attack with an Ego Attack. It is highly likely this power requires Concentration, which is why Vader doesn't use it in combat. Other, possible, powers for Vader's power pool include: Precognition (he knew the Rebels were on Hoth), Mind Control (witness Obi-Wan's trick with the storm troopers in Mos Eisley), Telepathy, Levitation (i.e. Flight) and Spatial Awareness. Other, non-Power Pool Force powers include: Force Sensitive: Vader is very aware of other users of the Force and of the flow of the Force itself. He states "The Force is strong in this one" when pursuing Luke Skywalker at the end of "Star Wars", and he knows Obi-Wan is on the Death Star. This exact range is open to speculation, since Obi-Wan felt the death of Alderann from light-years away. Mental Awareness: This ties into his Force Sensitive abilities. Combat Sense: Since Luke was able to fight blindfolded (if only for a short moment), there is no reason why Vader can't do likewise. Vader's armor provides some defense versus weapons, as well allowing him to breath normally. His helmet may (or may not) have extra devices built into it, such a IR Vision, UV Vision or Flash Defense. The lightsaber is built to cut through most anything. I gave it the AVLD advantage, specifying several different defenses that can stop a 'saber. A lightsaber blade cannot cut through another 'saber blade. Since this is so, logic states that you can't cut through a deflector shield with a 'saber either. It also seems likely that "hardened" defenses will be far more resistant to a lightsaber blade. Thus, hardened armor would work as normally versus a lightsaber, rather than providing no defense. As there is no one true way to define a lightsaber (at least, the Star Wars version), Game Masters should feel free to tinker with the design. Other methods include HKAs, No Range RKAs, NND RKAs and RKAs with large amounts of Penetrating or Armor Piercing. Appearance: Vader is over 2 meters tall, which makes him a good 6'6" in height (at least). He dresses in a solid black suit of "armor," that he might not be able to take off. On his chest is a control panel for his life support systems, and on his head he wears a helmet and breath mask that bears some resemblance to helmets worn by the samurai. Black gloves, boots and a long, flowing black cape complete the image. Designer's Notes: This write-up represents Darth Vader based on the only "true" source of information about the character; the original Star Wars trilogy. I used information from that series, as well as the scripts from the movies (i.e. my three Art of books) as well as input from the Hero Mailing List, to create this character sheet. (Darth Vader created by George Lucas, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook and the Hero Mailing List)
  15. Yes I am trying to define Haruko's powers in HERO. And yes, Excel and Hyatt are onthe conversion list.
  16. Big O is only my list. Eventually. Right now I'm tinkering with FLC, Real Bout High School, and Hellboy.
  17. Picks up a Humvee (STR 30-35 to do so) and hurls it across a road (requires STR 40 or so to do that!).
  18. Initially, the character was pure combat. She slowly grew as time went by (this only represents Vols 1 & 2). As for her attacks... I'm not sure how'd I write her up now. I may try to revise her character sheet in the near future, but I'm not sure.
  19. Thanks. But finished? Oh, not by a longshot... Oh, wait, I did write-him up! Actually, I'm probably down to my last... oh.... 30 or so. Then I start on some fresh projects.
  20. Years ago (and I do mean "years ago") I started doing conversions from popular media to HERO. The first two I did (and I'm not sure which came first) was Battle Angel and the M-66. Well, I finally have gotten to them in my quest to convert all 450-475+ adaptions on my website to 5th Edition. So, here's the 5th Edition version of Battle Angel. Note the color text hasn't been changed much from the original write-up, which is why it might seem sparse and/or primitive compared to what I try to do know. But hey, I had to start somewhere. Enjoy. BATTLE ANGEL Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 40 STR 30 17- Lift 6400 kg; 8d6 HTH Damage 33 DEX 69 16- OCV: 11/DCV: 11 25 CON 30 14- 15 BODY 10 12- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 16 COM 3 12- 9 PD 0 Total: 21 PD (12 rPD) 9 ED 4 Total: 21 ED (12 rED) 7 SPD 27 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 13 REC 0 50 END 0 50 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 204 Movement: Running: 20"/288" Leaping: 19"/38" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers & Skills Martial Arts: Panzerkunst Maneuver OCV DCV Damage 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Dodge -- +5 Dodge vs All, Abort 4 Fast Strike +2 +0 12d6 Strike 3 Legsweep +2 -1 11d6 Strike; Target falls 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 14d6 Strike 5 Passing Strike +1 +0 10d6 +v/5, Full Move 1 Use Art With Knife 47 Plasma Jet: HKA 4d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4); STR Does Not Add (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Does Not Work Underwater (-1/4), END 4 8 Long Knife: HKA 1d6-1 (1d6+1 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1) plus Ranged (+1/2) for HKA 1d6-1; OAF (-1), 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4) 10 Cyberlimbs: Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2) 29 Cyborg Body: Armor (12 PD/12 ED); Activation Roll 15- or Locations 6-18 (-1/4) 2 Cyborg Body: Knockback Resistance (-1") 54 Cyberlegs: Running: +14", (20" Total) x16 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), END 2 10 Cyberlegs: Leaping +10" (19" Total), END 2 20 Panzerkunst Training: Find Weakness 13- with Panzerkunst; Only Versus Cyborgs (-1/2) Talents: 9 Coordinated Limbs: Ambidexterity (No Off Hand) Perks: 5 Contact: Ido Diasuke 14- 1 Fringe Benefit: Registered Hunter-Warrior Skills: 16 Combat Training: +2 with all Combat 3 Acrobatics 16- 3 Breakfall 16- 2 CK: Scrap Iron City 11- 3 Climbing 16- 5 Defense Maneuver II 2 KS: Scrap Iron City Underworld 11- 2 PS: Hunter-Warrior 11- 3 Stealth 16- 5 Streetwise 13- 2 WF: Knife, Thrown Knife 267 Total Powers & Skills Cost 471 Total Character Cost 200+ Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: War Paint (EC) 5 Physical Limitation: Amnesiac, suffers from flashbacks (I, S) 15 Physical Limitation: Does Not Heal Body; Must be Repaired (F, G) 5 Physical Limitation: Heavy, weighs 400 lbs (I, S) 10 Physical Limitation: Requires Specialized Medical Attention (I, G) 20 Psychological Limitation: Loves Ido (VC, S) 15 Psychological Limitation: No Tolerance Of Braggarts, Cowards Or Fools (C, S) 15 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of Those She Calls Her Friends (C, S) 10 Reputation: Tough/dangerous Hunter-Warrior, 11- 171 Hunter-Warrior Bonus 471 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: Battle Angel comes from a manga series created by Yukito Kishiro. The manga is available in America from Viz Graphics, the anime from AD Vision. Since names for characters and places varies between the two, I'll try and keep things simple. The character's name is either Alita (manga) or Gally (anime), and she is a full body cyborg, possessing a fearsome "berserker" body that allows her to perform incredible feats of power. A Hunter-Warrior, she is a bounty hunter, living, and working in a place known as Scrap Iron City, a disreputable place that looks like what one would get if you crossed "The Road Warrior" with "Blade Runner". The character design is based upon what is presented in the first two manga collections from Viz ("Rusty Angel" & "Tears of an Angel"), as well as the anime. Attempting to reproduce her *exact* powers rapidly made me realize I was going to be creating an unplayable character, so I down scaled the power level, while trying to keep the same 'feel' for her abilities. Personality/Motivation: The Psychological Limitations seemed to best sum up her attitude. If your going to use her in a game, feel free to adjust them to reflect the image of her you want. Of course, this has led to her rather bad reputation which means she is not well liked by other hunter-warriors, while her targets will often attempt to do *anything* to stop her. Powers/Tactics: Panzerkunst (a.k.a. Armored Arts) is supposed to be the most powerful of the fighting arts developed for humanoid cyborgs. I selected a set of maneuvers that seemed to reflect her typical attacks. Note: all of the strikes seem to work as either punches of kicks. The damage values given do include the dice of Hand Attack she receives from her cybernetic limbs. The plasma generator sucks air in through vents in the right shoulder and projects out of her index and middle fingers at ~15,000 degrees centigrade. In the manga she uses it to cut through a character's 40mm armored skin with ease. The knife is worn on her belt, kept at the small of the back. Her body is armored everywhere but her head. Later, when running the motorball circuit, she added a helmet. The skills are selected based on the manga and what seemed to be appropriate for the character. Ido is a cyberdoctor and the one who gave her the berserker body. He's also a Hunter-Warrior himself. Appearance: Battle Angel stands about five feet tall, weighs about 400 pounds and has black, shoulder-length, hair. She usually dresses in a black, armless, jumpsuit that covers her from neck to ankle. Over this, she wears a standard western styled duster. Black fingerless gloves, and tan, knee-high boots complete the outfit. Designer's Notes: The war paint (in the anime it's blood) is either brown or dark red and goes from under the eye, across the cheek and down to the jaw. This feature came and went depending on her mood. The "Medical Attention" and "Doesn't Heal Body" limitations reflect her mechanical body. Anyone attempting Paramedics will be at a hefty minus, while any physical damage (breaking an arm for example) is permanent until it's repaired. (Battle Angel created by Yukito Kishiro, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
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