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  1. [Once you get to the powers the identity of this adaption should be obvious.] LV-426 LIFE FORM Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6 25 CON 30 14- 12 BODY 4 11- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 0 COM -5 9- 9 PD 4 Total: 14 PD (5 rPD) 9 ED 4 Total: 14 ED (5 rED) 3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 10 REC 0 50 END 0 40 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 89 Movement: Running: 7" / 14" Swimming: 4" / 8" Cost Powers & Skills 5 Claws: HKA 1 pip (1/2d6 with STR), END 1 15 Teeth: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), END 1 38 Acidic Blood: RKA 1d6, Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+1/2), Increased Stun Multiplier (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Uncontrolled (see below; +1/2); Always On (-1/2), 24 Charges which Recover by healing (character can only recover Charges by healing BODY damage; -1/4), Only Works Against Objects Which Cause BODY Damage Or On Which Character's Blood Is Spilled (-1) plus Autofire (20 shots; +1 1/2) for RKA 1d6; No Conscious Control (number shots depends on BODY damage taken; -1) 15 Exoskeleton: Armor (5 PD / 5 ED) 20 Alien Physiology: Life Support (Immunity: Terrestrial Disease And Poisons) 2 Frighteningly Fast: +1" Running (7" total), END 1 2 Swims Like A Fish: +2" Swimming (4" total), END 1 10 Can Climb Walls With Ease: Clinging (25 STR) 27 Apparently Sees Without Eyes: Spatial Awareness, Increased Arc Of Perception (360- degree arc) 3 Sharp Senses: +3 PER with Spatial Awareness 5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/4); Limited Manipulation (-1/4) Skills: 10 Combat Skill Levels: +2 With Hand-To-Hand Combat 4 Extendable Jaws: Combat Skill Levels: +2 OCV with Teeth 0 AK: Home Territory 8- 0 Analyze Animal 8- 3 Breakfall 13- 2 Concealment 11-; Self Only (-1/2) 6 "It Looks Like Some Sort Of Excretion": +7 with Concealment; Self Only (-1/2), Only In Home Environment (-1) 0 Language (native) 0 PS: LV-426 Life Form Abilities 8- 7 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 "They're Coming Outta The Walls!": +3 with Stealth; Only In Home Environment (-1) 0 Survival (varies) 8- 1 Tactics 8- 181 Total Powers & Skills Cost 270 Total Character Cost 75+ Disadvantages 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size 10 Physical Limitation: Near-Human Intelligence (F, S) 20 Psychological Limitation: Utterly Hostile (C, T) 165 H.R.Giger Bonus 270 Total Disadvantage Points OPTIONS Cost LV-426 Life Form Powers 9 "Being Cocooned Just Like The Others": Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF; Extra Time (roughly 5 Minutes; -2), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes to fully harden, 1d6/ Minute; -1/2), No Range (-1/2), Must Follow Grab Or Target must be Willing and/or Unable To Resist (-1/2), END 4 85 Stinger: HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 with STR) plus Drain DEX 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity; +1); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (onset time beings one Segment after victim is stung; -1/2), Gradual Effect (3 Segments; 1d6/Segment; -1/4), Linked (to EB; -1/2) plus Drain CON 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity; +1); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (onset time beings one Segment after victim is stung; -1/2), Gradual Effect (3 Segments; 1d6/Segment; -1/4), Linked (to EB; -1/2) plus EB 9d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity; +1); 4 Charges (-1), Extra Time (onset time beings one Segment after victim is stung; -1/2), Gradual Effect (3 Segments; 3d6/Segment; -1/4), No Range (-1/2), HKA Must Do BODY (-1/2) 45 "Maybe They Don't Show Up On Infrared?": Invisibility to IR Perception, No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) 6 Create Face-hugger: Summon 100-point Face-hugger, Devoted (+1); OAF Expendable (corpse; -1 1/4), Extra Time (roughly one week; -4 1/2) Ecology: The LV-426 life form is an extremely hostile alien organism known only from several brief encounters on the planet Acheron (originally designated LV-426). It is apparently not native to the planet, as the first specimen was discovered (while still an egg) in the hull of a derelict alien vessel. Although details are unclear, the LV-426 life form is definitely a parasitic species, and requires a living lost in order to gestate its young. The organism's life cycle seems to be as follows: 1) The life form starts its life cycle as a egg. Inside the egg is a creature known as a "face-hugger." This egg remains viable for extremely long periods and responds (i.e. opens) to outside stimulus, such as being touched. 2) Once released from its egg, the face-hugger will attach itself to the nearest living being, using its multiple legs to grip the target's face, while its tail is wrapped around the target's neck. A tube is then thrust down the target's throat, allowing the target to breathe, but also allowing the face-hugger to implant an embryo. 3) After a period of only a few hours to perhaps a day or so, the face-hugger will drop off and crawl away to die. Meanwhile the embryo continues its gestation period. This period is remarkably short, lasting only for several hours, at which point the appropriately named "chest-burster" will emerge from its host, with almost fatal results for said host. 4) The chest-burster will crawl away to molt, doing so rapidly, and growing to great size in only a short period of time, eventually assuming what is known as a "warrior" form. 5) The warrior will then seek out living hosts for two purposes. The first is to create new eggs (and thus new face-huggers). The second is to find new hosts for the mature face-hugger. Thus, a warrior needs two victims to create a new warrior. However, evidence shows that it is possible for a warrior to undergo a further metamorphosis, transforming into a gigantic "queen" form, which lays eggs directly. Naturally, this life cycle is based heavily on guesswork and may not be fully complete. Evidence does point to the LV-426 life form as being a bio-engineered being, possibly created as a living bio-weapon. The derelict in which the first egg was found is known to contain thousands of eggs (possibly millions) and may have been a freighter hauling the eggs for purposes one can only guess at. Personality/Motivation: The LV-426 life form is incredibly hostile. It cannot be reasoned or negotiated with and will seek to kill and/or capture anyone it comes across, seeing them only as possible reproductive source. The continuation of the species seems to be the organism's sole motivation, and since it requires a living host in order to do so, it will prey on any living thing it comes across. A queen form seems to have a greater degree of intelligence than a warrior, or, at least, is less driven by instinct. It may be possible to "reason" with the queen, although this would be purely through applications of force and not diplomacy. Powers/Tactics: An LV-426 warrior is extremely well-equipped to accomplish its mission, which in most cases is to defend the nest and to find new hosts for the face-huggers. First of all, a warrior is incredibly strong, and is capable of lifting an adult human male, dressed in full combat gear, off of the floor. They can also punch through armored glass and can dent armored bulkhead doors. Warriors are also quite agile and are capable of crawling through surprisingly small spaces. They can cling to a ceiling with ease, and can curl up in a fairly small space to hide and/or hibernate. Offensively, a warrior has a fearsome set of teeth with an even nastier set of teeth behind the first! It will often use its teeth to disable a struggling foe before taking the body back to its lair. Defensively, it's body is well armored and capable of resisting most small arms fire. Worse yet, its blood is a highly corrosive molecular acid, and can dissolve most substances with ease. The acid uses the rules for acid powers on page 8 of the "Until Superpowers Database." Simply put, each drop of acid lasts for either 1d6 Phases or until the acid rolls 12 BODY worth of damage. Appearance: A full-grown LV-426 warrior stands well over six feet in height and may be as tall as eight feet from head to toe. The body is humanoid, with a black exoskeleton covered in assorted armored plates, tubes, and protrusions. It has a distinctive skeletal look to it, especially the long tail, which is quite articulate and tipped with a sharp blade. The head is long and pale, with a translucent "skull". Reports describe the teeth as looking like steel, with a second set of jaws *inside* the main mouth. Designer's Notes: The Alien, first introduced in the 1979 film of the same name, is possibly one of the best movie monsters ever made. This character sheet uses the films "Alien" and "Aliens" as a basis. I haven't seen "Alien 3" and am unsure I want to. I included everything I felt was fairly documentable in the main character sheet, and then added a few "director's cut" powers under Options. The Entangle could be a main power, although it doesn't have an direct combat use, so I left it off. The Stinger is described in the script for "Aliens," and (I think) in the novelization. Not showing up on IR is a guess on my part based on the initial encounter scene in "Aliens." The Summon Face-hugger power is taken from a deleted scene in "Alien" and the novelization of "Alien." This scene has been restored in the recent director's cut of the film. Personally, I have long felt the alien is a bio-engineered life form, and was used as a combat "machine" by some alien race. My guess is the ship seen in the first film was transporting the eggs when an accident happened. I also feel the warriors probably have a very short life-span, and the one Ripley kills at the end of "Alien" was dying anyway (look at how slow it was moving). (The LV-426 Life Form created by Dan O'Bannon, H.R. Giger, Ron Cobb, Ridley Scott, and James Cameron, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
  2. Trust me, it would be more than just ninja!
  3. RYOKO MITSURUGI Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage 24 DEX 42 14- OCV: 8 / DCV: 8 20 CON 20 13- 11 BODY 2 11- 10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 16 COM 3 12- 8 PD 5 Total: 8 PD (0 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8 ED (0 rED) 5 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 8 REC 0 40 END 0 30 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost: 122 Movement: Running: 8" / 16" Swimming: 2" / 4" Cost Powers & Skills Martial Arts: Kendo/Kenjutsu Maneuver OCV DCV Damage 5 All-Out Attack +1 -2 Weapon +2 DC Strike 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 4 Disarm -1 +1 25 STR Disarm 4 Evade -- +5 Dodge versus All, Abort 4 Lightning Stroke +2 +0 Weapon +1 DC Strike 5 Running Stroke +1 +0 Weapon +v/5; Full Move 5 Slashing Stroke -2 +1 Weapon +2 DC Strike Use Art With Blades 29 Kendo Techniques: Multipower, 58-point reserve; all OAF (bokken; -1) 2 u 1) Cutting Down Villainy: HA +5d6, Area Of Effect (10" Line; +1); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Linked (to Running; -1/4) plus Running +4", END 7 2 u 2) Power Blow: HA +5d6, Double Knockback (+3/4); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), END 4 15 Fistful Of Sand: Sight Group Flash 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OIF (sand, dirt, dust of opportunity; -1/2), No Range (-1/2) 15 Bokken: HA +5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/20; OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 6 Thrown Pen: RKA 1/2d6; OIF (pen of opportunity; -1/2), Range based On STR (-1/4) 10 Body Can Take A Lot Of Punishment: Physical Damage Reduction, 1/4 4 Fast On Her Feet: Running +2' (8" total), END 2 12 Fast On Her Feet: Running +8", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Only To Make A Half Move (-1) Perks: 2 Reputation: School Idol (Daimon High School, 14-) +2/+2d6 Skills: 20 Combat Skill Levels: +4 with HTH 8 Combat Skill Levels: +4 OCV with Sweep 2 AK: Ikebukuro 11- 3 Acting 13- 7 Analyze Fighting Style 13- 1 Breakfall 8- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 0 Deduction 8- 3 Fast Draw (Blades) 14- 2 KS: Classic Samurai Films 11- 2 KS: Kendo/Kenjutsu 11- 2 KS: Period Drama Swordplay 11- 0 Language: Japanese (native) 0 Paramedic 8- 3 PS: Actress 13- 2 PS: Student 11- 3 PS: Video Fighting Games 14- 5 Rapid Attack (HTH) 0 Shadowing 8- 3 Sleight Of Hand 14- 3 Stealth 14- 1 WF: Blades 196 Total Powers & Skills Cost 320 Total Character Cost 150+ Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Features: Style 20 DNPC: Hitomi Yuki (incomp) 11- 5 Hunted: Daisuke Kamiya -- stalker (Less Pow, Watching) 14- 15 Psychological Limitation: Code Of Justice (C, S) 15 Psychological Limitation: Hates To Lose (has a strong sense of pride) (C, S) 15 Psychological Limitation: Hot-Tempered (C, S) 5 Psychological Limitation: Overly Concerned With How Others View Her (has a complex over her height for example) (VC, M) 10 Reputation: Champion of Daimon High School (limited group) 14- 5 Rivalry: Azumi Kiribashi (romantic) 65 Samurai Girl Bonus 320 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: Ryoko Mitsurugi is the main character of manga "Samurai Girl: Real Bout High School." She attends Daimon High, where she is known as the "school idol," a title bestowed on her due to her ceaseless efforts to champion the weak and defenseless (not to mention her looks, constant acting gigs in school plays, and nigh-unbeatable sword skills). Since Daimon has 17 different martial arts clubs (with kendo being only one of them) and not enough place for everyone to practice, she gets plenty of chances to practice her swordwork. Recently, Daimon's rather unconventional principal, Mr. Todo, instituted what he calls the K-Fight system, where disagreements between students can be resolved via martial contests (although in this case "martial" can include card games). Thus, Ryoko's now been involved in more fights than ever. Add into the mix the arrival of transfer student Shizuma Kusanagi, her ongoing feud with Azumi Kiribashi (over fellow kendo student Tatsuya Shishikurya), and her recruitment into the Shinsengumi (the Quick Response Morality Patrol Unit), Royko's life has become busier than ever. Personality/Motivation: For the most part, Ryoko is driven to become "a great woman." She tries to live up to the ideals of the samurai by defending the weak and battling injustice, while also working to perfect her sword skills. At the same time, she frets over not being "cute" and/or feminine, as most girls aren't supposed to be massive fans of period samurai films, enjoy swinging around swords, and be able to outfight the typical highs school kendo dojo. Being a 5'9" girl doesn't help either, as she tends to tower over a lot of people (both male and female), and is even taller (by about an inch) than upperclassman Tatsuya Shishikurya (whom she has a crush on). To make matters worse, Ryoko has quite the hair-trigger temper, and is quick to lash out (either verbally or physically) at those who make the mistake of either taunting and annoying her, or bothering others. This has gotten her into trouble on a few occasions, and has even led to a few losses in combat -- which have been devastating to the normally (over-) confident Ryoko. Quotes: "I'm not about to let people like you defeat a great woman like myself." "My code of justice cuts down the vengeful." Powers/Tactics: Ryoko has been training in kendo even since she could pick up a sword. She is one of the top students in her school (and with the leaving of Tatsuya Shishikurya, she might be the best), and rarely meets her match in combat (although Shizuma Kusanagi is one of these people). Aside from her standard sword skills, she's also perfect the ability to charge through a mass of opponents, striking them all in turn, as well as throwing a sword shot that's more than capable of sending a target flying through the air. In addition, Ryoko tends to abuse her body through rigorous training and practice sessions, and can take a lot of damage and still remain standing. Along with her swords skills, Ryoko also has several other martial tricks up her sleeves (so to speak). She's been seen to hurl a fistful of sand into a foe's face as a distraction, and can hurl an ordinary ball-point pen with sufficient force and accuracy to bury the tip in a wall. She also has done extensive work with the school's theater club, and has trained herself in period style swordplay, which is far less linear than kendo. At least once she switched sword styles in an effort to throw a foe off-balance. In combat, Ryoko fights to win, and won't hold back. She is relentless when attacking, either striking first (easy to do with her 24 DEX) or blocking and going into a quick followup strike. Naturally, she prefers to use the Lightning Stroke in combat. Appearance: Ryoko stands 5'9" with a build that's both athletic and buxom. Her eyes are either brown or dark blue-purple, while her long hair (it falls well past her waist) is either brown or dark red (the latter colors are for more anime-styled settings). She normally dresses in her school uniform, which consists of low boots black stockings to mid-thigh, a golden yellow skirt, and a long-sleeved brown jacket with white collar and cuffs. If not in school, she dresses in casual Western styles. Designer's Notes: At 320 points, Ryoko is 30 points shy of the starting super hero level. You could easy make her 350 by upping her Damage Reduction to 1/2 (possibly making the addition +1/4 "STUN Only"), adding in a few inches of Leaping, and giving her the Counterstrike maneuver. You could also add an Autofire strike to her Kendo Techniques multipower. Ryoko could be used in a superhero setting, especially one with teen supers, or in a martial arts setting (naturally). She could also be used in a period Japanese setting (just eliminate such things as her pen throwing and add in the appropriate skills) or in a fantasy setting. (Ryoko Mitsurugi created by Reiji Saiga and Sora Inoue, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
  4. For those asking about the female martial artist Storn did for UMA mini-comic (and from the cover of Ninja HERO), I discussed some ideas with him and wrote her up as a 350-point superhero (3-section staff and all). However, as she is meant for a possible HERO Games project I intend to pitch to HERO (everyone tell Steve to say "YES!" to a NH Companion ), all I can tell you is her name is "Silk Whirlwind."
  5. Susano


    If you can get it, one of the past Digital Hero issues had a really long (as in 17,000 words) article by yours truly on anime and the HERO System. It also features two sample characters, a mecha pilot and a magical girl. I intend to pitch an e-book expansion to Steve in 2004, making it around 100,000 words, and modeling it after the layout of Fantasy Hero. I hope to put stuff on anime magic, espers, mecha, and so on in there, along with about a dozen archetypical characters: catgirl, magical girl, mecha pilot, martial artist, magician, supernatural being, and so on. Naturally, I'd be asking for input from this board on things to include. Oh, and if it hasn't been mentioned, my website has a lot of anime-related material on it, written both by me and submitted by readers (hint! hint! )
  6. Susano

    Kazei 5 Pumas

    Wow... No one's ever said that before...
  7. Susano

    Kazei 5 Pumas

    The original PDF of K5 had several layout errors of this sort. If you talk to Ben he should be able to get you a corrected copy. I have one as well, but I don't think I'm allowed to hand it out.
  8. No idea. But it is supposed to be utterly invulnerable, so... As I understand it, he gets the 8- for free. Anything else he needs to pay for. Correction: My mistake. He does get the 11- PS for free. Per page 31 5th Edition. Works for me.
  9. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS If you've never read the HELLBOY comic, but intend to, you might want to skip the write-up I've attempted here. If you have, then go right on reading. Commentary and feedback welcome. Thoughts on designing Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman, and Roger welcome (especially Roger!). HELLBOY (Anung Un Rama) Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 35 STR 25 16- Lift 3200 kg; 7d6 HTH Damage 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6 / DCV: 6 25 CON 30 14- 16 BODY 8 12- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 9 COM 0 11- 10 PD 3 Total: 10 PD (5 rPD) 10 ED 5 Total: 10 ED (10 rED) 4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 15 REC 6 50 END 0 47 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 146 Movement: Running: 7" / 14" Swimming: 2" / 4" Cost Powers & Skills 100 Right Hand Of Doom: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Right Hand Only (-1) plus Armor (30 PD/30 ED); Activates 8- or Locations 6-7 (-2), Right Hand Only (-1) plus Takes No STUN; Activates 8- or Locations 6-7 (-2), Right Hand Only (-1) 64 Belt Of Charms: Variable Power Pool ("Gadget Pool"), 50 base + 25 control cost, No Skill Roll Required (+1); Activation Roll 8- (to have the right charm) 8-, Focus (all charms must be at least an IAF or OIF minimum; -1/2) 14 Really Big Handgun: RKA 2 1/2d6, Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4); 6 Charges (-3/4), OAF (-1) 20 Big And Tough: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 1/2; Stun Only (-1/2) 60 Infernal Origins: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 3/4 8 Tough Hide: Damage Resistance (5 PD/ 10 ED) 8 Can Ignore A Knife In The Back: Healing 1d6 (Regeneration; 1 BODY per TURN), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Extra Time (1 Turn; -1), Self Only (-1/2) 2 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1" 9 Infernal Origins: Life Support (Longevity: Immortality, Safe Environment: Intense Cold, Intense Heat) 10 Seen It All Before And He Wasn't Impressed Then Either: +20 PRE; Defensive Only (-1) 2 Faster Than He Looks: +1" Running (7" total), END 1 6 Quick On The Uptake: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 5 Tail: Extra Limb, Inherent (+1/4); Limited Manipulation (-1/4) Perks: 12 Contact: Trevor Bruttenholm 14- (extremely useful Skills and resources, Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has Contacts of his own, good relationship with Contact [Trevor Bruttenholm is Hellboy's "father"]) 30 Contacts: Assorted paranormal, occult, and religious people around the world 1 Fringe Benefit: Passport 1 Fringe Benefit: Weapon Permit 1 Membership: BPRD Agent 9 Reputation: World's Greatest Paranormal Detective +3/+3d6 (on Earth 14-) Talents: 3 Doesn't Give Up Easily: +3 with EGO Rolls versus Interrogation and Wounding rolls Skills: 8 Combat Skill Levels: +1 with Combat 10 Combat Skill Levels: +2 With Hand-To-Hand 2 AK: BPRD Grounds 11- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Climbing 13- 0 Concealment 8- 0 Conversation 8- 3 Deduction 12- 3 Demolitions 12- 0 Language: English (native) 1 Language: Old Lemurian (literate only) 0 Paramedic 8- 2 PS: BPRD Agent 11- 3 Shadowing 12- 3 Stealth 13- 3 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Jetpack 3 Tracking 12- 5 WF: Blades, Grenades, Pistol, Spear, Thrown Spear 3 Scholar 2 KS: Faire Lore 12- 2 KS: Herbology 12- 2 KS: History Of The Occult 12- 2 KS: Magical And Supernatural Artifacts 12- 2 KS: The Occult World 12- 2 KS: Superhuman World 12- 2 KS: Supernatural Beings And Their Habits 12- 434 Total Powers & Skills Cost 580 Total Character Cost 200+ Disadvantages 15 Distinctive Features: Demonic Appearance (NC) 10 DNPC: Fellow BPRD Agents (less powerful, useful skills, roughly 4-6 agents) 11- 15 Enraged: Friends Hurt (Common), go 11-, recover 14- 20 Hunted: Rasputin 14- (AsPow) 5 Physical Limitation: Large (roughly 7' tall and weighing about 400 lbs: -2 DCV, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive) (I, S) 10 Physical Limitation: One Hand (F, S) 15 Psychological Limitation: Anger Makes Him Reckless (C, S) 10 Psychological Limitation: Investigative Curiosity (C, M) 20 Psychological Limitation: Protective Of The Innocent (esp. children) (VC, S) 15 Reputation: Beast Of The Apocalypse 14- (Extreme, limited group: occultists) 10 Unluck: 2d6 235 Experience 580 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: Hellboy is half-human and half-demon, the son of a witch who pledged herself to a demon some 300 years ago. In 1944 he was brought to Earth by the sorcerer Rasputin, who summoned him as part of the Ragna Rok project. Hellboy arrived as a small boy and this inoffensive appearance led to him being dubbed "Hellboy." Taken to an Air Force base in New Mexico, Hellboy grew quickly, and by 1952 was for all intents and purposes an adult. Hellboy was declared an honorary human being by the United Nations in 1952 and promptly joined the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense soon after. Not surprisingly he quickly became the Bureau's top field agent. He encountered, fought, and defeated numerous monsters and supernatural beings over the years, ranging from vampires, to werewolves, to even a dragon. This last encounter is of special significance, as Hellboy was wounded in the battle and lilies sprouted from his blood. This also happened to a monk who fought the same dragon in 600 AD and is an apparent sign of purity. In the late 1990s, Hellboy finally encountered Rasputin, who stated he was Hellboy's master and told Hellboy he was the one who had summoned Hellboy to earth. Rasputin also said Hellboy's purpose was to free the "dragon" Ogdru Jahad and bring about the end of the world. Although he defeated (killed in fact) Rasputin, Hellboy has since encountered such beings as the goddess Hecate, who said he was the key to Armageddon, as well as the demon Ualac, who took from Hellboy his invisible crown of fire (the crown is now in Pandemonium, in the House of the Fly, waiting for Helboy to claim it). In addition, Father Adrian Frost gave Hellboy a piece of paper depicting his stone arm and the caption (in Old Lemurian) of "Behold The Right Hand Of Doom." With the knowledge of what he was and of his origins weighing on him, Hellboy quit the BPRD in 2001, deciding to go out on his own for a while to get some answers as to his fate. As of yet, we have yet to find out what he's learned. This is, of course, a highly abbreviated account of Hellboy's origins and past. Naturally, I recommend you pick up the various Hellboy graphic novels and find out all the details for yourself. Personality/Motivation: All things considered, Hellboy is a pretty down-to-earth kind of guy. He likes to watch TV, drink beer, eat spicy foods, and smoke the occasional cigarette. He also likes his job, as it lets him investigate the strange and unusual, and serves as an outlet for his curiosity about the world around him. He seems to genuinely like looking into the world of the supernatural. As he says to Kate Corrigan about finding for the ghost Hurstmonceaux Castle: "That would be something." Interestingly, although Hellboy deals with the supernatural on a day-to-day basis, he has no interest in who he is. Instead he tires to ignore his origins. Once again a comment to Kate is very telling: "You know how I live? I never deal with what I am." In "Seed Of Destruction" Hellboy mentions that one of his faults, the one that has gotten him in the most trouble of the years, is his temper. He shows a tendency to get angry in certain situations, leading to his doing fairly reckless (and stupid) things -- such as charging into a pitch black room or staying to fight something he can't stop easily. His temper also shows in how he reacts to his friends and allies getting injured. Such an event will often lead him to charge the guilty party with the intent of fully stomping it into the ground. Of course, in several cases, this leads to Hellboy biting off a touch more than he can chew... Although he fights the supernatural regularly, Hellboy doesn't go around killing monsters wantonly. In many cases he will ignore, or at least leave alone, a supernatural being, at least until the being's intentions are clear. He is, after all, a supernatural being himself. However, Hellboy has no patience for murderous and/or evil beings of supernatural origins, and a sure-fire way to tick him off is for a ghost, vampire, werewolf, witch, or what-have-you start killing innocent people -- especially children. Start doing that and all bets are off. Hellboy was willing to tackle the Baba Yaga all by himself (and did, shooting out one of her eyes) because of her habits. Quotes: "Come and get it, tough guy!" "Gotta go do what I do." "I'll be back for you, you horrible thing." "I'm gonna be sore in the morning." "Lady, I was gonna cut you some slack, 'cause your a major mythological figure, but now you've just gone nuts!" Powers/Tactics: First of all, Hellboy's infernal origins mean he is much stronger and far, far tougher than any normal human. Secondly, Hellboy has shown remarkable recuperative powers, not to mention extreme resistance to being burned and electrocuted. He bounces back quickly from all sorts of abuse, and has even gone so far as to ignore a knife in his back and to charge a German MG-42 machine-gun and come out relatively unscathed. In "Conqueror Worm" the Nazi scientist Herman von Klempt mentions he has Hellboy hooked up to a generator capable of generating enough "...volts... to light up Hamburg." and he doubts that's sufficient to kill him. In fact, it's doubtful Liz Sherman at full power could incinerate him. In addition to being fairly hard to hurt, Hellboy also bears what is called "The Right Hand of Doom." The hand (and forearm) is made from what looks to be solid stone and is effectively invulnerable. It cannot be scratched, nicked, marked, or damaged in anyway. It also doesn't feel any pain. According to legend, this hand created the "dragon" Ogdru Jahad, imprisoned it (actually, "them" as Ogdru Jahad is seven related beings) and can release and control them. Apparently, it was grafted onto Hellboy's arm soon after he was born by parties unknown. Naturally, Hellboy has no intention of using the hand to do any of these things, but that doesn't stop others from trying to force him to work for them. It may be possible to cut the hand from Hellboy's arm and use it by itself. However, Hellboy must be alive when this happens, cutting it from his dead body will result in a "poisoned" limb. Hellboy also carries an assortment of normal equipment. His belt buckle is a transmitter, allowing the BPRD to track his whereabouts. He also carries a walkie-talkie/cellphone, and the occasional grenade and/or flare. These items aren't listed on his character sheet, although you could include them if you wish. the grenades, at the very least, only seem to be around about 50% of the time (usually if the plot calls for one). Hellboy also carries a handgun. He says he's a terrible shot, although he does seem to hit most things he aims at (granted, they are usually right in front of him). His original pistol was a gift from the Torch of Liberty (a WWII-era superhero), in later stories he's carried both big revolvers and a Zinco automatic pistol (the latter exploded on him). Hellboy also has a bewildering pile of charms and the like in his belt pouches. the can be things like herbs, or physical talismans. Some seem to work as Dispel versus Summon, while one charm looked to Suppress Growth (turning a giant pig-man into a dwarf pig-man). The 8- roll represents his chances of having the right item. A search will take at least a Full Phase, may be more. Mentally Hellboy may not be the most cerebral of people (he prefers to simply punch things until they fall over), but he's no dummy. He's been around for some 50 years and does his research. He knows a lot about the supernatural world and will use this knowledge to his advantage. Appearance: Hellboy stands about seven feet in height with a very broad-chested and muscular build. His skin is brick red, his eyes are a pupiless orange, while his black hair consists of a small beard, sideburns, and a short ponytail. His left hand is normal in size and shape, while his right is giant-sized and made from stone. he has such demonic features as cloven hooves, a tail, and horns, but he keeps his filed off, resulting in Hellboy looking like he is wearing goggles on his forehead. Hellboy normally dresses in black shorts, "boots" cut to account for his hooves, a brown trenchcoat, and a gunbelt loaded with assorted gadgets, charms, and the occasional grenade. Sometimes he adds a t-shirt to the mix. Designer's Notes: When I first saw Hellboy I dismissed him out of hand for reasons I can't recall. My mistake. Mike Mignola has created a fun character with a strong pulp-era feel, as well as a fun world to game in. Interestingly, Hellboy has grown to become quite a successful character for Mignola, what with other writers and artists praising his work (and working on Hellboy material), a Hellboy video game, and a feature movie with Ron Perlman as the title character. Hellboy could fit into virtually any setting featuring magic and the supernatural. Personally, I could see a Hellboy/Planetary cross over working well, or Hellboy in the world of Hellsing (now there's an image for you!). One last word on Hellboy's Unluck. In keeping with the nature of the stories, Hellboy's Unluck should result in either: A) his gun malfunctions, he looses his gun, or C) the floor collapses out from under him. (Hellboy created by Mike Mignola, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
  10. Susano

    Cthulu Hero

    And I have more to add... once I get around to it. *Sigh* Why couldn't I be independently wealthy so I could devote more time to projects like this?
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have completed the Hellboy character sheet (he clocks in a 580 points) and am working on the flavor text. Hope to have himup for commentary in a few days. After that I'll work on Abe, Roger, and Liz. Suggestions for those three greatly appreciated.
  12. I'll second that recommendation. Normals Unbound is an excellent resource.
  13. Dig around in: http://surbrook.devermore.net/index/ I know I have some 75+75 characters in there...
  14. Some of us don't need to cheat....
  15. Yeah, I saw "A Man Called Hero" and didn't like it much either. However, my extended cut of t"The Stormriders" was just great.
  16. Is this the film "A Man Called Hero"? Or something else?
  17. I'm not sure what to tell you. You state you want a wuxia game that will fit into your campaign, but knowing nothing about your campaign, I can't tell you what might work for you.
  18. Well, what do you want to play? Martial arts aside that is.
  19. Re: Locations Thanks! Oh, and if you're interested, I revised Shion Nys for 5th Edition. Steve let me post it here (somewhere) or I could send it to you if you really want/need it. Of course, after re-reding the AKIRA manga, I am thinking about some further edits, so....
  20. Here: http://www.animecastle.com/cowboybebopimportbooks.html
  21. I found mine at some comics shops, bookstores, and even the local big-name movie sales store.
  22. Dustin (my host) asked if I wanted to go on a faster sever. I said "yes!" Oh, and I used to live in San Diego as well. (Dad was in the Navy you see...)
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