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Everything posted by Susano

  1. You might find the GMing advice and other such system-neutral sections useful, that's all I'm saying. That and the book will contain a lot of testimonials to Aaron and his influence on the industry, as well as a breakdown of his setting and its elements. There's more to the book then a collection of character stats.
  2. It's a shame you feel that way. The new edition will contain much of the original, especially the GMing advice, but also a lot of new material relating to the campaign and how Aaron ran it.
  3. And thank you for the unicorn folded out of a gum wrapper.
  4. Done. January 14, 2016. 9:30 PM. 96,667 words. Part 01 - Introduction Part 02 - The Strike Force Campaign Part 03 - The Strike Force Setting Part 04 - Strike Force and the Shadow Warriors Part 05 - Major Villains and NPCs
  5. Just to be clear, the new Strike Force will be written for 6E.
  6. A few more updates -- we have a cover with the "correct" title and logo. Also, I have reached 90,000 words and may... MAY be done by this weekend with my portion of the material.
  7. Update: We're at over 73,000 words. I have started assembling the character section -- Strike Force, the Shadow Warriors, the Shadow Knights, and mention of such defunct groups as Avaunt Guard.
  8. "Ean"? No idea. A Blood sourcebook depends on how successful the Kickstarter is. True.
  9. http://www.herogames.com/index.html/_/store-items/strike-force-designer-diary-one-treasures-with-r105
  10. Quick Update -- we're at 60-65k words. I have written up 6 NPCs/villains, and have 17 Hero Designer files for various PCs (some PCs have a start and end file). We are now producing some designer diaries, a rough draft of the first part of the part for Kickstarter backers, and trying to spread the word. You can help! Let me know about podcasts and mailing lists, and talk about the project on social media. Kickstarter link to come as soon as I have one.
  11. Take look here. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/78834/Kazei-5-HERO-System Also, a preview PDF is here: Kazei 5 Preview
  12. How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)?"Susano" was my first email address (susano@digex.com) and I've used Susano ever since. Susano was selected since I was a huge fan of the manga Orion, and my friend who created the account used the name of one of the main characters for my handle. I've used "Susano" for my net handle ever since. What was the first tabletop RPG you played?Basic Dungeons and Dragons (i.e. the original blue book) What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed?Advanced Dungeons and Dragons What are you currently playing/GMing?Friday Group - Dungeons and Dragons 5E Saturday Group - Shadows Angelus (HERO System 6E) Sunday Group - The Well of the Worlds (HERO System 6E) I am playing in Friday and Saturday and am GMing Sunday.
  13. The Kickstarter page will be more clear as to what other systems will be addressed. I'm not 100% sure what they are. IIRC, mention was made of M&M, SW, Icons, P&P. and the core book will be HERO.
  14. I think the intent is for MM, Icons, and Prowlers and Paragons. Savage Worlds? Not sure.
  15. The sheer scale, I think. The amount of detail Aaron put into things and how much he solicited player feedback and input.
  16. I honestly have no idea. Strike Force may have ended before Aaron died (or may have been on another extended hiatus). As far as I know, Denis Loubet is not playing Phosphene at the moment, although he's mentioned playing in something Jeff Dee is running (a fantasy game I think). I'm fairly certain no one decided to try and run Strike Force game after Aaron died.
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