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Everything posted by Susano

  1. What Clonus said. And DJ-Pon3 is even more "out there".
  2. If you've seen my note in the Champions board, you'll understand why development on this has slowed again.
  3. Yeah, I have 150k words to work up for the new Strike Force book. No biggie. Also, look in the Champions section of the boards for more on that.
  4. Yes, you read that correctly, the development process for the 6E version of Aaron Allston's influential Champions supplement, Strike Force, has begun. Right now we're in the requirements gathering phase, where we look over the old book, the accumulated campaign histories, and other documents, and decide how to present it all to readers old and new. With this in mind, I wanted to ask a few questions of Champions and Hero System fans: What do you remember most about the Strike Force book? The art? The characters? The advice? The house rules? How did you use the book in your campaigns? Did you simply borrow characters and concepts? Did you adopt the house rules? What did you personally find useful in the book? Please reply to this thread and/or email me at susano@guisarme.net with your answers. Also, I will keep everyone up to date with details on project progress. I may not be able to say a whole lot, but I'll try and say something. Thanks! PS: Could an admin sticky this please? If possible?
  5. Not getting that error. Try this: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsmovie/madmax/mad_max_intro.html
  6. I will note that the contents of FHC were limited by a number of factors. The need to include the basic Hero System rules, total page count, the desire to cover certain subjects, and so on. A book that as truly "complete" would have been twice as large. At least.
  7. Oh, I finished all of the characters for the pantheon. So far....
  8. Well, for starters, I think it's safe to assume sapient horses don't relieve themselves in the middle of the street.
  9. Since the homies are humans in this pantheon, naw.
  10. I am working on NPCs and then some setting essays (such as 'rules' for Lace & Steel). Also, some more scenarios.
  11. I figured this was the best place to put this, so.... I have been slowly (very slowly) trying to move my site over to Drupal over the last few years. I finally was able to export my local environment and upload it to Pantheon for hosting. You can see the rough concepts here: http://dev-surbrooks-stuff.pantheon.io What I am looking for now, is assistance. People who can help with theming and development, as I freely admit I'm not exactly super-skilled at either. Also, the site is huge (it has something like 8,000 items in flat html file form). If you'd like to help, please contact me.
  12. The movie is Star Hero. The comic is pure Galactic Champions.
  13. Also, look up Shadows Angelus (on my site) for more in that line of thinking.
  14. Trivia -- the original Steve Jackson superheroes Cardboard Heroes includes a lot of Aaron Allston's Strike Force PCs.
  15. My post show that exact thing. Some maneuvers work for both Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu.
  16. Transform, Mind Control, Possession, Drain Con.
  17. Nope. You can buy it like this: Martial Arts: Jigen-Ryu Kenjutsu Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort Notes: Also Ninjutsu Block 4 Evade -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort Notes: Also Ninjutsu Dodge
  18. Actually, you must buy 10 points of martial arts. Style doesn't matter. If you buy two styles and they have maneuvers that are mechanically the same, you only need to buy it once, but can list it as Karate Punch/Kung Fu Kick or what have you.
  19. Thanks. I'll see what I can do. I've been working on System Upgrade and Fistful of Fu recently.
  20. Here is the Max Mad trilogy for Hero 6E. http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsmovie/moviechar.html#max
  21. In honor of the awesomeness that is Mad Max: Fury Road, I submit this link to my 6E stats for cast of the Mad Max trilogy. http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsmovie/moviechar.html#max Enjoy!
  22. Right now, resources are wrapped up with producing Larger Than Life. After that... I'll know more in 1-2 months (and certain after GenCon) with regards to the status of GGG, Fistful of Fu, Fearsome Critters, The Well of the Worlds, and other projects.
  23. I actually am going to expand that article and eventually release via D3 Adventures.
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