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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Re: HERO SYSTEM BESTIARY Sneak Peek: The Cover Are there any Cloudcutting-Size beasts?
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
  3. Re: "We don't need gas money" If the floor is perfectly smooth, or nearly so, the object will skate along on it. If the floor has bumps and protrusions, the object goes just high enough to clear the tallest obstacles, and no more: it can't "fly", per sé.
  4. How do I model this power in HERO 6th Edition? The character can touch something, and it will then be animate: capable of carrying them at top speeds on the ground as if it had wheels/an engine/fuel (but it doesn't, and, if the terrain is tough enough, it would float an inch above it). One example would be a PC, another would be a dumpster, a flat board of wood, and so forth. I'd like larger objects be able to move faster. Also, I don't know how to go about making certain objects support more weight than possible, so that more weight can be piled on. In all cases, if the character breaks contact with the object, it becomes inanimate again.
  5. Re: "Normals" gaining superpowers: how would they change in terms of mentality? The need for secrecy seems to cause irrevocable changes.
  6. 1. The ability to shoot lasers from one's eyes. 2. The ability to see through objects (X-Ray vision). 3. The ability to become invisible. 4. The ability to fly under one's own power. 5. The ability to alter luck to their benefit.
  7. Re: room filled with water You could always force players to choose "Fake water" instead of "water", so that they can't use it to wreck electrical equipment, drink from it, waterboard someone/drown someone or do anything water can do. But hey, it sure does look like water, right?
  8. Re: room filled with water Eh? Man, I keep missing things that weren't said. Bad habit of mine. Anyhow, the bit about Transform pretty much makes this entire debate a moot point by now, as it indeed proves there is more than one way to do a Power. Finally, the topic creator has received their answer. If this divergence merits more discussion, then someone should create another topic about it.
  9. Re: Only Humans Need Apply: Campaigns with Just Humans Is it true that the issue of racism is more likely to come up?
  10. Re: room filled with water I know: I didn't say something, yet I still said it. I wonder how many laws of physics i'm breaking .
  11. Re: room filled with water All that to justify "my way is the highway"? Sorry, but you're still wrong, and this is coming off as what i've come to known as GM elitism. You are essentially trying to step on the windpipe of an idea, because someone isn't doing something a standard way. Either method is equally valid, and that is that.
  12. Re: room filled with water It can be, as long as the Transform turns whatever into a substance/element/matter/what have you that is capable of such damage.
  13. Re: room filled with water "Whatever works".
  14. Re: room filled with water Yep, either way works, as long as you're getting what you paid for.
  15. Re: room filled with water Says who? If you Transform whatever to water, you're getting water. Unless the GM wants to make things not do what they naturally do, then you've opted to not use the Link-A-Ton-Of-Effects route, and still indirectly get them, by the nature of the matter.
  16. Re: room filled with water Once again, no, there is not. This is entirely antithetical to what RPGs should do: provide the freedom to create any character. You ask someone what they want, and they say "I want to create up to a roomful of water" and then you ask "What does it do?" and they say "...creates enough water to fill a room, what else could I mean?" then it's clear: they want a form of matter creation, not a ton of linked effects in an area. This water will be consumable (unless stated otherwise), will ruin things not meant to be immersed in water, can drown anyone caught in it that is unable to escape/doesn't have their own air or means to breathe, and do anything ordinary water can. Easy. What HERO needs is irrelevant here. It is what the player wants that is important.
  17. Re: room filled with water There is no "wrong" question here. Both paths are equally valid. I have no interest in writing up any Powers at the moment, but was just curious as to whether or not HERO has a matter creation Power I overlooked. Still, if you were to use a Power as a framework for Create (in HERO), which would it be?
  18. Re: room filled with water Sorry, but there are many paths to accomplish certain goals in HERO (as with most point-buy games). Mutants & Masterminds has Create Object, and GURPS has Create. I want an analogue for HERO.
  19. Re: room filled with water Still doesn't answer the question as to whether or not there is a way, in HERO, to just create water.
  20. Re: room filled with water Would Severe Transform be able to turn air into water? However, this doesn't cover situations where this is no air, and you may want to just conjure up water (which would force whatever gasses are around to a point where they can escape).
  21. Re: room filled with water The closest Powers I see are Barrier and Summon.
  22. Re: room filled with water Well, are there?
  23. Re: room filled with water Are there matter creation powers?
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