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Everything posted by Ragitsu

  1. Those "Choose Your Own Adventure" endings were hardcore.
  2. One of the great joys of the CYOA books is the distinctive personalities of the writers who produced them, and the ways that these differing personas shone through the writing. There were obviously no clearly defined set of moral guidelines for the authors to adhere to whilst writing so they were essentially allowed free reign to promote their own personal sensibilities and viewpoints into these choice-riddled stories. And with this remarkable ending, I think we are seeing an essential and indelible side to Ray Montgomery. The side that made him the ideal custodian of this series. The side that championed risk and adventure above all other values. Sure, voluntarily entering a mysterious spacecraft without one scintilla of information regarding it’s origins and intentions may seem insane, but Montgomery seems to be telling us, in essence: You only live once. Who knows when you’re going to check-out of this hostile and unpredictable world–so be bold! Take that insane chance when it comes along! Better to die young than live a life of regret! If you can’t laugh at death, what’s the point of living?
  3. Voyager launched with a golden record; picture the size of the probe required to transport that through the cosmos.
  4. I haven't seen you prematurely fire off any nuclear missiles; so far, so good.
  5. Laerlee cannot stay with the PCs; she hopes to gather enough strength to destroy the wraiths before they reach the Dales. If she stands with the PCs and they fall or are by-passed by some wraiths, no warning will come to the Dales before cold death arrives. If the PCs tarry or turn back, the DM should let them see a dark cloud moving over the land. If it is stared at, the viewer can dimly see armored, silent warriors, striding tirelessly forward with drawn swords and cruel eyes of white flame. Each wraith carries with it a sword upon which continual darkness has been cast. The spell effect is very localized (barely covering the attendant wraith), serving to protect the undead things rather than act as a weapon in combat. If these wraiths are exposed to full sunlight, they will recoil for a few rounds, and cannot drain or chill by their attacks. They can still do physical damage with weapons (the swords), but can in turn be struck by all sorts of weapons. There are 32 wraiths, and each has 36 hp.
  6. Cygnia is here and she will make the world better.
  7. Crasigar Mippemerge Milas/Milasil/Milasilas Charthoe Vestacaria Magerolde creft crefth cheft Irredus Wisgrold
  8. Who doesn't enjoy catching a nigh-omnipotent being in a logic trap?
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