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Everything posted by BLHarrison

  1. I was going over my hard copy of "Murderers Row" and got to wondering about one of the "narrators" (other than Harbinger of Justice). Where can I find information on the "Master of Crime"? And where can I find the book he appears in, either hardcopy or digital (preferably .PDF format) thanks to anyone who responds.
  2. Well then, IMHO switch Bunny to Watched. Also with some sort of psych for loyalty to Maverick. The others I feel are the same as I stated above
  3. It would depend on the hero. Wild Tiger and Bunny, Beholden. Blue Rose, because of her career desires, also Beholden. Dragon Kid and Skyhigh, Watched. Rock Bison - Watched but at a higher level. Fire Emblem some other instead because he is the head of Helos Energy (maybe beholden to stockholders instead?)
  4. I haven't seen any either but would like to see/discuss it. At what point in time would you do "Tiger"? Start of series, when he started having problems (trying to avoid spoilers) or the second movie?
  5. It is a web-based anime like series that you can find on the Rooster Teeth website. It has great fighting sequences and a very good plot/story. Volume one of the first season is completed (and available on blue-ray or DVD) and we are waiting for word as to when volume 2 will start web-casting. The name of the series comes from the names of the 4 main characters and also refers to a color associated with the same character, thus you get R - Ruby Rose (red) W - Weiss Schnee (White) B - Blake Belladona (Black) Y - Yang Xia Long (Yellow) The initals are pronounced "Ruby" The episodes so far are on Rooster Teeth's site as are a general trailer (being featured now) and 4 prequel trailers each one featuring one of the girls. The were released in the same order as the name. I highly recommed the series and am actually somewhat suprised that mine was the first post about the series considering the overlap between Anime/Animation fans and RPG people.
  6. Just wondering has anyone else on the Board been following this webseries? If so where do you think the starting points for the characters (especially the 4 main girls) should be? High Heroic? Low Superpowers? Has anyone actually started to stat out the characters or monsters?
  7. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You? As $25.00 is about what I would pay normally I would go for kickstarts on the Cyber Hero and maybe the Dark Champion (or simular themed) books
  8. Re: Pardon Me for asking but ... Oh I see, well I'll just have to keep waiting then. Thanks for the response.
  9. When will the new Star Hero be available for PDF? I may be mis-remembering, but I though Steve Long said it was complete.
  10. For comparing the Kingdom Rules End value to actual cash? Yes I know the value is abstract and varies from overall scale to overall scale. In this case it is a rule of thumb estimate on how much reward asked/damage done/things stolen to reduce a typical Cyberpunk Mega-Corporation's total by 1 End? 1 million money units? 2? 5? 15? Thanks for your time.
  11. Re: Kingdom of Champions expanded character sheets. The Gurkhas did earn a reputation for stealth. I heard/read a story to the effect that to prove it a Gurkha unit was to infiltrate a British encampment and mark every bit of equiptment or building they could. In the morning every building had multiple marks on them along with every vehical and large piece of equiptment. The Sentries who where on high alert never saw a single Gurkha or even suspected they were there.
  12. Hopefully this is the right place to ask this. I've seen the Minuteman Robot mentioned in at least CU, however has it actually been worked up in 6th Edition format (or will it be appearing some where in the future?)
  13. Specificly has anyone adapted the mass combat system in Fantasy Hero for any other eras? If so where could I find how to do it. I am setting up a campain where the possibility of large scale combat is fairly high and want to be ready.
  14. Re: I can't relocate the Bloody Thing Thank you Thank you. I was looking in the wrong books and so was being driven slowly insane!!
  15. Re: I can't relocate the Bloody Thing Thanks for the help, but as I stated in my correction, I wasn't clear enough on what I wanted. Sorry and thanks again.
  16. I know there is a formula for calucating average defense in 6th Edition, I saw it ... once but now dispite useing every search combination I can think of, I can't relocate it. Can some one help me? Edit/Correction: I was unclear, sorry. When you have sectional defenses, what is the formula for calcualting the average defense?
  17. Re: Best Martial Art for a Bodyguard? The art of not being seen
  18. Re: Best Martial Art for a Bodyguard? According to the series (mentioned several times in various books) Sinanju is the sun-sourse of all other martial arts, all other are just pale reflections of the original. So there is no accurate information as it isn't a real art. I don't know how long the series ran (if it has stopped), when I stopped it was in the high 90's (I think)
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