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Everything posted by tcabril

  1. I am almost ready to start my first Hero System game - and I just want to make sure I have something correct (I am getting questions about it and want to ensure I am answering correctly). Characters have PD and ED which protect or lessen the damage from NORMAL attacks. If they want to protection againts KILLING attacks they can either modify thier PD and ED with "Resistant" or purchase a power (or equipment) with RESISTANT PROTECTION. When a character is hit by a weapon or attack that has the ARMOR PIERCING advantage - depending on the type of attack - only 1/2 of the normal or resistant PD or ED applies (for example if a character has 10 PD and is hit by a armor piercing blast attack for 20 stun and 10 body - the character would take 15 Stun and 5 Body as opposed to a non armor piercing attack which would only do him 10 Stun and no Body damage). If the Defender has the HARDENED advantage - then the PD or ED would not be halved but would be full (so assuming the character in the example above had hardened 10 PD and was hit for the same 20 Stun 10 Body armor piercing attack - he would only recieve 10 Stun and 0 Body damage) I think I have this correct but just want to be 100% sure. Thanks! Todd
  2. I was just wondering if people are converting the Dark Champions (I also include in that - Hudson City, Dark Champions: The Animated Series, and Urban Fantasy) to the 6th Editon rules - or are they just keeping with the 5th Edition rules? I started Hero System with the 6th Edition rules but I did purchase the 5th Editon rules in both book and .pdf form. I was wondering how I should run it - but 5th or 6th editon rules. Thanks Todd
  3. Re: Knockout Gas Cool thanks! That is what I was hoping!
  4. I just want to make sure I am understanding this - lets say I have a character that has a piece of equipment that has Knockout Gas (could be a special arrow or thrown star with a compress gas capsule or whatever) - but for simplicity sake I will just use the Knockout Gas Grenade from 6E1 page 326. KNOCKOUT GAS GRENADE: Blast 6d6, Area of Effect (12m radius; +3/4), NND (defense is Life Support [self-Contained Breathing] or holding one's breath; +1) (82 Active Points); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1). Total Cost: 27 Points. Building it I understand. My question is what happens when it goes off: Does it automatically put those in the radius to sleep if they don't meet the NND critieria or do you still roll the 6d6 for the blast and reduce the targets' STUN? I have read and re-read BLAST, and AVAD and KNOCKOUT but for some reason I can't make the full understanding. The AVAD advantage states that regardless it only does STUN damage. What am I missing? Todd
  5. Re: A quick question Oh sorry I don't know if this has been asked before but if anyone is using an Mac can they let me know how they did it?
  6. Does anyone know if one can play Champions Online if they have an Apple Mac Book Pro? Thanks! Todd
  7. Re: A character that calls to him/herself a sword and changes form Just to muddle the waters even futher (but I swear I am getting this...) So if the True Form is Demon - I build that as a 400cp character (with wings and other stuff) and additionally spend 20cp for a 100pt "normal" person form? If I wanted the Normal person to also call up the sword (lets say the sword is worth 50cps) then the Normal would cost 150cps and cost the demon 7cps? If the True form has Demonic traits (such as wings/flight - prehensile tail, horns and breath fire (blast)) would those be OIAID or not?
  8. Re: A character that calls to him/herself a sword and changes form Just to muddle the waters even futher (but I swear I am getting this...) So if the True Form is Demon - I build that as a 400cp character (with wings and other stuff) and additionally spend 20cp for a 100pt "normal" person form? If I wanted the Normal person to also call up the sword (lets say the sword is worth 50cps) then the Normal would cost 150cps and cost the demon 7cps? If the True form has Demonic traits (such as wings/flight - prehensile tail, horns and breath fire (blast)) would those be OIAID or not?
  9. Re: A character that calls to him/herself a sword and changes form Actually I goofed - it would not be Shape Shift (or as I had it - Shape Shift ) it would be Multiform...
  10. I know this is an odd question but I am not sure if I am missing something. I am working on NPCs for my Champions game that I hope to get running soon (will be my first) and besides writting up a bunch of generic NPCs (cops, robbers, and others) I am working on some super-powered NPCs to give my PCs a hard time. One of the ideas I have is a "Lady Death" like character - she is normal one moment then can change into a demonic form (ala succubus) with wings and a magical sword. I figure the first part is SHAPE CHANGE but how do I do the sword? Do I figure it into the cost of the Shape Change or do I just assume that it "appears" when the NPC changes form? Also if I wanted the character to "call forth" the sword without shape changing - can that be done and if so - how? Thanks! This has been bugging me. Todd
  11. Looking through the examples of characters (in the Hero System Basic rulebook and in the two Villians books I have and the other assorted 6th ed books I have) I see that often the END cost of various powers is list in brackets - i.e. Defender's Electro-Bolos have an END cost of [12] rather than just a 12 What is this exactly? I have probably read over the explanation a 100 times but I cannot seem to find it. Thanks! Todd
  12. Re: Bases When you put it that way - it makes perfect sense! LOL! I forgot about the whole "Doubling Rule" arrgh.... As for the first question - that is how I thought it would go - but it is good to get clarification! Thanks much!!! Todd
  13. Hi- I was just rereading my 6E2 rulebook in regards to Bases and I am a tad confused about a couple of things. 1. If you purchase things for a base (such as a 100 cp computer - adjusted to 20cp as per the AC/5 rule) do you then add the 20 cp cost to the total cost of the Base and then re-divide by 5? For example if one purchased a base for 200 cp - which would ultimately cost the PC 40cp and he added a 100pt computer would the math be: (200/5)+(100/5)= 60; or ((100/5)+200)/5 = 44 2. In the example on page 191 under personel I cannot follow the math and it is irritating me. It states that Defneder has spend 120 cp on his base then adds 64 agents built on 100 cps - costing 100/5 = 20, x64 = 30pts and some how this adds up to an additonal 50pts? I cannot for the life of me figure this out. Can I get a few moments of someone's time to help me with this? Thanks Todd
  14. First of all this is a great book! Wish I found it years ago. Question: the Super-Skills listed from pages 106 - 150 are very cool - but obviously Dark Champions was written for 5th Edition. Since I am using 6th Editon to run my game does anyone know (or has anyone done any conversion analysis) as to whether these can taken as read (no need to convert them to 6th Edition - ie re-point them out) or should one go through them and figure out the new (if any) point cost for each of them? Am I making too much of a big deal about this? The rest of the book can be taken pretty much as is - use the combat rules for 6th which are very comprehensive and add in material from the 6th Editon Martial Arts book and the Equipment Book. Thanks Todd
  15. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series Thanks - that is why I am asking the question - what CP level do you recomend?
  16. I got hooked on Hero System because I wanted to play Champions - now that I have been working my way through the rules and expanding my horizons I started to figure out what sort of game I wanted to run. I read through all the Champions books then bought Pulp Hero and then Dark Champions and I have to say WOW Dark Champions is the setting I have been dreaming of. I wanted to run a more Iron Age game with Champions but I wanted to have the PCs be some of the first Super Powered beings to come on to the scene (I did this years ago using TSR's Marvel Superheroes FASERIP system - and it was a success - longest game I ever ran - 3 years). The PCs are either hardware or skilled characters or mutants (first generation) or some other low-powered superheros who fight regular criminals for awhile then, just as they did, supervillians start poping up. As an aside when I ran my old game - my favorite moment for the PCs came after months of gaming fighting muggers, kidnappers and other assorted "street" criminals (and getting slammed in the press and harrrased by the cops) they went to stop a jewerly store hiest and ran into thier first supervillian - a mutant who could shoot electricity out of her hands and could fly. The looks on thier faces was pricesless - "we are not the only ones anymore..." So I figured Dark Champions was the way to do this. I just picked up Dark Champions: the Animated Series book and it is perfect. Any recomendations as to what CP I sould give my PCs - normally its 175 for Dark Champions but I figured 250 for the superhero (low powered aspect). Any recomendations? Todd
  17. Re: 5th Edition vs 6th Edition I have an Apple Mac Book Pro - does Hero Designer work with Apple? Just wondering....
  18. Re: 5th Edition vs 6th Edition Thanks! I know that mechanically (how things work) is pretty much the same but I was thinking more of the special talents and skills that exist in Dark Champions and Pulp Hero - do I need to convert them or take them as read? Additonally the character creation CP allotment is greatly increased from 5th to 6th and I am not sure how that would affect things. Thanks again! Todd
  19. I have a rather open ended question - discussion is welcome! I recently ordered 5th edtion Hero System from the Hero Games online store - short money!!! The reason I did this was to map the changes between 5th and 6th edition so as to get better use out of my other online store purchase: Dark Champions and Pulp Hero (both are very awesome I have to say!). Besides CP expenditures for character creation and some changes in point costs for various things - are there any other significant changes? Do you who have been playing Hero System for awhile think this was a good approach on my part? Incidently - 5th editon is a very solid game system in its own right! Todd
  20. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine Thunder-Thighs?
  21. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? I really enjoy Edgar Rice Burroughs' stuff - his writing style reminds me of campaign journals. I also enjoy the Indiana Jones novels - thought not Pulp per se - very fun, light, reads that can fill one's mind with adventure ideas (I had started reading them to get ideas for the World of Indian Jones Master Book game by West End Games - which I feel was a great game!) If you want to go "off world" with your pulp adventures - the John Carter series by Burroughs just can't be beat. The old RPG Space 1889 has really cool information that could easily be converted to Hero System (which I hope to do some day). Any of the Shadow books or Doc Savage. The book King Solomon's Mines (not the movie!!!) is very good and though I cannot remember the author's name he also wrote a very cool book called She which was very good.
  22. Re: Time Bomb Blast Effect I like that!!! Cool thanks!!1
  23. Re: Time Bomb Blast Effect Thanks for all your input and assistance. I may do it up as a VPP later - I just wrapped my brain around Multipower (baby steps!). Just a quickie before I put this all to rest - and build up the rest of the character - with a Variable Delayed Trigger - can you just say when it goes off? Whenever you want? The rules are bit wonky on this detail (in my opinion....)
  24. Re: Time Bomb Blast Effect Would this be correct? 60 Energy Bombs: Multipower, 60-pt reserve 6f Energy Bomb (8d6 Energy Blast w 8m radius [+1/2] - Active Cost 60 [40*1.5] 5f Triggered Energy Bomb (6d6 Energy Blast w 8m Radius [+1/2] and variable delayed trigger [+1/4] - Active Cost 53 [30*1.75]) I think this should do it. Todd
  25. Re: Time Bomb Blast Effect I am not current in my comic book reading but the character had the name "Boom Boom" and I thought it was an interesting twist on the energy blast idea. Todd
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