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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. L. Marcus played Robbie the Robot in Forbidden Planet
  2. Q: While you are waiting for The Old Faithful Super-Volcano to wipe out half the country, would you like to share some pot with us? A: And then there were two. For about a minute. And then there was one.
  3. Did you just accuse everyone here of being insane?
  4. How far away is it? We need to start beaming radio signals at it so they can come looking for us in about 3-5 billion years.
  5. Q: Dude, chill out! It's just a mask! A: I'll have to plea the 5th on that one.
  6. They all need coal in their stockings. While they are wearing them. Hot, burning coals.
  7. Cancer named The Cloud after me, since he stole the idea off of me!
  8. Technically it's the MHI board Okay, bear in mind the following things: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Quantum Physics allows for multiple universes. Magic may exist in another universe, but not in ours, and it is possible it could leak over. Here we go (in order of least likely to most likely): Theory #1: Magic leaking over from an alternate universe where magic does exist. Or assuming magic does exist in our universe but has 'high-tides' and 'low-tides' and is not presently at high tide but that could change. Theory #2: Bio-Medical Nanotechnology to regenerate dead tissue that causes a corpse to animate and is spread through bodily fluid contact. Theory #3: Aliens using Nanotechnology to reanimate corpses to clean us from the planet so they can settle it.
  9. Q: Let me get this straight, you get paid to drink? Where do I sign up? A: Pizza! I want Pizza!
  10. You do realize you just made me Google "Vorlon Cosplay," right?
  11. A handful of zombies isn't a problem. It's when you have a full Apocalypse that you are well and truly f***ed. Best way to do that? make a lot of noise. You'll pull every zombie in hearing range straight towards you. Herd of Cows Murder of Crows Plague of Rats Apocalypse of Zombies Best way to deal with a full Apocalypse of Zombies? Farmer's combine with the blade set to just a few inches off of the ground. Pull all your Zed-heads into a wide open area and mow them down with Combines in a Chevron Formation. Afterwards, use bulldozers to pile all of the bodies into a dug-out pit and apply kerosine and fire liberally. Yes. I have thought about this extensively. My job as a baker leaves me with lots to and little to think about, so I can think about whatever I want and still be productive. And I'm fracking nuts Though I'm surprised that no one has asked my three theories on how a Zombie Apocalypse could actually happen. EDIT: And yes, I want someone to ask first. I'm trying not to (excessively) share my insanity with others unless they want me to.
  12. Wouldn't the metalic forms on the exo-suits be a dead givaway? Especially the life-support looking bits?
  13. Maybe use the Bestiary Rules for hit locations?
  14. Problem with Chainsaws is that they are noisy. I recommend The Zombie Survival Guide. Good read. Very funny, in a macabre sort of way. Loads of good tips and arguments should a Zombie infestation ever occur (and I can think of three ways that could actually happen).
  15. I said "corrupt your hard-drive" not "corrupt your mind." Oh, wait.
  16. Didn't they have mechanical suits so they could walk amongst the lesser races and not reveal themselves to be Angels?
  17. Q: What do you think of my new pickup truck I bought in Mexico. I've got it all decked out in Chrome and Hydrolics and stuff. But tell me, what is an El Burro? A: I'd say about an hour, give or take.
  18. What would the plot be, if they rebooted B5? Weren't the Shadows and those one mechanical guys really behind every plot?
  19. Better stay off of the interwebz then... nothing will corrupt your harddrive faster. Oh, wait.
  20. Which is funny, considering in the EU stuff they also have a warrior sect similar to the Klingons. They are Klingons and Ferengi... scary combo.
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