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Posts posted by Mathew

  1. Re: The Atlantis city-ship from Stargate:Atlantis -> vehicle or base?


    The moved DS9 from it's original place to in front of the worm hole in the first episode. It has maneuvering thrusters and they made a simple warp field around the station to negate inertia.


    Okay, how about this one: Destiny from Stargate Atlantis - Vehicle or base? Sure it moves, but not under their control. it's living quarters and rooms are a non-mobile base set on a mobile ship.

  2. I used to watch the Tomorrow People as a kid, later watched the sequel TV series and listened to the audio dramas. Has anyone ever worked out rules for Tomorrow People in hero games? Seems like a natural fit for a low power The Ultimate Mentalist or Mutant File campaign.




    As I recall the "Telepath" from the shwo had vrious telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation powers. Some powerful character pulled off some stunts, like universal translator, or telling if people were lying using their powers. They also had access to alien devices that could enhance their power range (belts for teleporting across planets and interplanetary travel). The telepaths were prohibited from killing as a side effect from their telepathic powers (total Psych Lim?)


    If making up a package for a telepath it would probably have an EC of telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation, and for disads it would have CVK, Hunted (anti-telepathic forces) and Dist Feat - Detects as a mutant.


    Anyone remember anything else?

  3. Re: The Atlantis city-ship from Stargate:Atlantis -> vehicle or base?


    Metroplex, he's not just a Base, and a Vehicle, He's also a PC.




    I never wrote metroplex, but I did write Trypticon as a character for Champions, but I wrote him as the smaller verision seen in the Marvel comics, not the size of a city. He turns into a battle station.





  4. Re: Anyone thought about a post-apocalyptic cross genra setting - let's call it "Drif


    I don't know what you are talking about. It's a completlely non-copyright infringing setting.


    I was thinking it needs classes like the "Loonie" (brain implant directly play loonie toons into their heads, allowing them to do physical feats, but driving thema little insane), the "Veggiejuicer" (health nuts who have harnesses that pump massive amounts of veggie suppliments and vietmins into therir bodies to increast their physical stats) and the "Flamer" (psychic mutants with pyrokinetic powers).

  5. Re: The Atlantis city-ship from Stargate:Atlantis -> vehicle or base?


    One reason I'd stick with Vehicle is the disadvantages. You shouldn't buy disadvantages for location or somesuch, if there is potential that the base will move and those will change. I don't see why someone would buy a moving vehicle as a "base", even if they don't move it often. What is the advantage?


    I mean if you make it a base, why not make the Jupiter 2 from Lost in space into a base? They would spend entire seasons on one planet! Also, just following 4th edition it says simple "bases don't move!"I don't know if this changes in later editons, but it seems like an absolute rule.

  6. I was thinking of starting to make material for a future post apocalyptic setting for Hero games. It will combine magic, high tech, aliens, mutants, psionics, and mecha fighting.


    In the future interdimensional portals open causing other dimensions to "drift" into this one. We can call it "Drifts: The Pan-Dimensional Role Playing Suppliment"


    Anyone want to make race and occupation packages up? We'll need a "Boom Boy Pilot", a "Dog Soldier", a "Brain Melter", a "Psi Knight". Any other ideas?

  7. Re: Kingdom of Champions expanded character sheets.


    p135 - Aspen http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/ASPEN.pdf

    p146 - Mother Janet http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/MOJANET.pdf

    p158 - Monsoon http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/MONSOON.pdf

    p158 - Sandstorm http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/SANDSTOR.pdf


    Note: Mother Janet is based on the older, lower powered version of the character. Monsoon and Sandstorm are also the lower power versions.

  8. Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


    I know School o Hard Knocks is a GURPS suppliment, but the author did release Champions writeups for the characters in the book online, and i was going over them. First one I checked was Sizzler. Her RKA Damage shield should only cost 3 points, not 4. Also her "KS Artist" skill doesn't really make sense. She's not knowledgeable about "artist". Should probably either be "KS Art" or "PS Artist".

  9. Re: Help creating the D&D cleric's power Turn Undead


    If an undead can be "frightened" away then it's not an automaton, and make them vulnerable to PRE attacks from holy men with a holy item. So a priest with a 20 PRE would have a 40 PRE against an undead when presenting him with a holy symbol. This also works for evil preists, who have the command undead power. Commanding them is also a PRE attack.


    With simple animated corpses and skeletons, just have them have the disadvantage "repelled by holy items/ceremonies".

  10. Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe


    I think the 250 and 350 Point Project write-ups would be good for this. If a player wants to play someone "like Wolverine" just take the 250 or 350 point Wolverine writeup, which covers the basics of the character, rename the sheet "The Mad Badger" and you are all set. Instant homage.

  11. Re: 150 Point Project


    I love making character sheets for new toys I bought, so I wrote this one, and he works great as a 75+75 point sidekick for a technological hero.


    It's Hacker X-3 from the Transformers 2007 movie toy line! He's a tiny robot who becomes a handheld video game system. He likes to hack computer systems and share his enemies secrets with the world.








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