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Everything posted by randian

  1. The Analyze is more expensive, and range easily seems within the scope of it, along with things like albedo, emissivity, absorption, reflectivity, diffraction efficiency, etc.
  2. Re: Ideas needed for a 600 year old hero He was a steersman before making captain.
  3. Re: Ideas needed for a 600 year old hero You could spend lots on flavor, if you wanted to. My take on the centuries old hero had no-tech skills like: Combat Driving: Carts & Carriages, Riding Animals, and Wind-Powered Boats (navies need good captains) Weapon Familiarity: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, and Siege Engines (he's been soldiering with sword, arrow, and primitive cannon for far longer than there have been machine guns and bombs) PS: Blacksmith, Butcher, Cobbler, Farmer, Fence, Mason, Painter, etc KS: Numerous Cultures KS: Numerous Areas Lots of languages
  4. Re: Armour Piercing in Champions 6e Ok, that works. I don't know why you'd want to, though.
  5. Re: Armour Piercing in Champions 6e So long as the object isn't an Entangle. Entangle BODY/PD/ED are all double cost, so it takes 4 points of Drain per BODY. Drains are worse than Blast against them.
  6. Re: Armour Piercing in Champions 6e You could, but I wouldn't allow it. How about a partially area-effect Blast? I can't think of a sane way to handle either. Partially hardened defenses are much simpler: just halve the non-hardened defense.
  7. Re: Armour Piercing in Champions 6e It does seem rather pointless. Why would it have made sense in 5e?
  8. Re: Armour Piercing in Champions 6e AVAD Mental/Power/Sight-Flash/Hearing-Flash is a +1 advantage, not +1 1/2. My problem with Armor Piercing isn't so much the change in cost of AP, it's the change in cost of defense, to wit that you now need separate advantages to defend against Armor Piercing and Penetrating, and presumably another +1/4 to defend against any future alternate damage mechanic. With the absurdly cheap cost of Reduced Negation (and no means to defend against it, not that I think Damage Negation is a worthwhile defense in most cases) and the equally absurd cost of flashing multiple sense groups (while the defender must still buy defense separately for each), the balance of power has definitely tipped in favor of offense.
  9. Re: Pluses to OCV only used for blocks? Isn't "+1 OCV with one Maneuver" a 2 point level? There is no reason to get 3 point levels, normal block is entirely redundant if you have a martial block.
  10. Re: What is the advantage of buying Combat Skill Levels vs OCV? No, Combat Levels in 6E are still +1 to one thing, they're just overpriced. I wouldn't buy any combat level in 6E bigger than 5 points. If I wanted the equivalent of all-combat levels I'd get an OCV/DCV multipower with variable slots, for a cost of 7 points per virtual "level", 8 per with a +damage slot. Happily, the same as the old 3rd-5th all-combat levels. I don't know why you can't buy +1 OCV with a single attack in HD6, because those levels are standard in 6E1.
  11. Re: Is Clinging a perfect substitute for Climbing? Can you Cling to a rope or a scaffold? Neither are "surfaces" in the lay sense (though they certainly are in the mathematical sense).
  12. Re: Defense Maneuver IV What benefit would you give a character with a 360-degree sense in these situations? An attack from behind in that case surely cannot be considered "surprising" or "from behind", even if the sense isn't targeting. Personally, I don't think merely running around somebody should generate any sort of bonus, otherwise stupidly cheesy tactics become commonplace. By RAW 360-degree senses seem to have no effect on multiple attackers. Quite odd, I think. We've never bothered with trying to get or prevent multiple attacker bonuses, mostly because if you were fighting 4 or 5 supervillains by yourself the rest of the team was out of commission, making surrender or flight the better course of action regardless of DCV penalties.
  13. Perfect except for the triple cost, that is. Is there any circumstance where you would require a Climbing roll, notwithstanding the fact that the character had Clinging?
  14. 6E1 217 notes that, for purposes of Adjustment Powers, an Entangle's BODY costs 2 points per point. Is said paragraph: 1) A redundant reminder that BODY is a defensive characteristic and so requires double effect to Adjust. 2) A note that Entangle BODY is super-duper BODY and thus in fact requires four points of effect to Adjust, in comparison with BODY possessed by a character or Barrier, which only requires two points of effect to Adjust.
  15. 6E1 216 states that a character automatically hits the Entangle restraining him. Does this imply that if the restrained character attacks the Entangle with an Autofire attack he hits with all of his shots?
  16. Re: Enhanced Senses query: when do you need to buy Discriminatory? I would argue it this way. Normal sight lets you say "X is bigger than Y", but you don't know exact measurements. Fully discriminatory sight gives you exact dimensions. Analyze gets you albedo, absorption, emissivity, etc. I make a similar argument for hearing. Normal hearing lets you distinguish relative pitch. Discriminatory hearing gives absolute pitch and allows you to distinguish a fake Stradivarius from a real one. Analytic hearing makes you a walking spectrum analyzer: distinguish harmonic overtones from the base note, distinguish reflected and direct sounds from the same source, do fancy range and distance measurements based on sound, etc.
  17. Re: Stacking Damage Reduction? That's great, as long as you don't care about taking plenty of stun from Mental Blast. If you do the math I believe you will find that a combination of high EGO and Mental Defense to be much better. That is, both cheaper and more effective. The high Ego gives you a high Ego roll against EGO+X powers, and the Mental Defense takes care of stun. This wasn't the case before 6E, when EGO cost you 2/point. How so? Since DN is the only defense that gets less effective the more advantages an attack has, I don't see why you would want it as a defense against advantaged attacks. You wouldn't want Mental or Power DN either, at 10/DC it's absurdly overpriced. Don't forget the other design-breaking feature of DN: Reduced Negation at 2 points/DC. Compare with Piercing, a defense-reducing power a lot of people (irrationally in my opinion) think is too good, which costs ~10 points/DC. DN is not only weak, it's absurdly cheap to ignore.
  18. Re: Find Weakness and Lack of Weakness for 6th Edition. I substitute Piercing. 6E Advanced Player's Guide. It ignores Hardened but doesn't scale its effect to the value of the target's defense like Armor Piercing does. As a general purpose attack power regular dice are much better than Piercing (half the cost), but if doing BODY is more important to you than doing STUN Piercing is an acceptable substitute.
  19. Re: What 5th Ed Books to buy on sale? I ordered Ultimate Base, Ultimate Mystic, Book of the Machine, and Valdorian Age. I think the latter 3 are unlikely to be redone for 6E. I was a little miffed by the shipping charges though.
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