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Everything posted by GenreFiend

  1. Have to disagree, Storn. The American Flag is red, white, and blue. Superman's costume is blue, red, and yellow. The idea wasn't to give Supes the colors of the flag, but to oufit him in primary colors. If Superman is a flag-suit, then so is Spider-Man, and I think we can all agree that nobody would ever call Spidey a flag-suit.
  2. Using your real-life city. I once tried to use my real home town for a campaign. But I had a hard time figuring out why six superheroes and dozens of villains would suddenly show up in Asheville, N.C. (population about 70,000 IIRC).
  3. Some responses LOL:D OK, I was thinking more of an homage than a straight write-up. That having been said, here are some things I know about Hourman (as set down in current DC Continuity): The original Miraclo formula was addictive, and could be taken 1 hour after the previous dose had worn off. Rex then re-engineered the pill into a non-addictive formula which would only work once a day. The formula only works for someone with a close match to Rex's DNA (such as his son, the current Hourman). When to "pop" was always a major consideration in Hourman's planning. I was thinking my homage would probably be the brain of the group, with some combat skills, and the "hour of power" when needed. I might enable him to go super more than once a day, but I think the challenge of figuring when to "power-up" could be fun ("I could take down three of these Viper agents without my powers, but we're facing 5 each! I could pop now, but what's waiting on us at the end of this corridor?"). Plus, with 350 points and a big limitation on all my powers, I could probably do a lot more than old Rex ever could.
  4. The easiest way Change their Psych Lims. Change the name. Design a new costume. If you want, you can change any Killing Attacks into equal-point Normal Attacks. There you go.
  5. I was thinking of doing a character based on DC Comics' Hourman character. For those of you not familiar with him, Rex Tyler took a formula of his own devising called Miraclo, which gave him super-human strength, speed, stamina, senses, and toughness. All for exactly one hour. He could only take the pill once a day. So, all powers usuable for only 1 hour from time of activation. Can only be activated once per day. What level of limitation would you, as a GM, give that? 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, or more? Just curious.
  6. Hmmm.......... Now THAT'S an idea!
  7. Yeah, but when I said "around here," I meant "in Western North Carolina." Not "on these boards."
  8. Re: Couldn't resist . . . Comments? What type of character is he? If he's a martial artist/ feral fighter type, I'd loose the cape. Otherwise AWESOME! I wish I had half the talent of the least talented person posting pics on this thread. Not that you're least talented, in fact I would have a hard time figuring out who was, it's just that I meant.......... what? Am I rambling again? Oh, sorry.
  9. Count me among those who prefer made-up cities for the main setting, but real cities for the rest of the world. But I never say, "Well, this place replaces such-and-such." I just leave it kind of vague. As for naming them, I either use a geographical feature, the place's role in the campaign, or just something I think is cool. For example, my last campaign was set is Seacoast, Texas. Seacost was misnamed, as it actually wason the Gulf Coast, but the name stuck. I also was planning to run a Golden Age game set in Campaign City. This would be a fairly large East Coast city somewhere between Washington, D.C. and New York City.
  10. I am SOOOOOO jealous! of you guys who have your players create the Old Guard by putting them in to their characters' backgrounds! And especially y'all who are actually able to run a campaign long enough for former PCs to become the "Old Guard." How do you find people willing to stick to one campaign long enough to do that? And why am I the only one around here who ever wants their character to have a legacy behind them?
  11. Why? What is this problem so many people on this biard seem to have with New Millenium? I liked it. I thought it was an interesting new take on the setting, and actually liked the idea of inter-connecting most of the characters somehow. I especially liked taking Dr. Destroyer's past further back than WWII (all the way back to the beginning of human history), but then I have always been a big fan of Vandal Savage.
  12. Thank You Thank you everyone for your input. Looking back, I don't think I'll ever get the chance to actually run this, anyway. But, I was thinking of this more along the lines of a massive Con Tourney or short-lived ultra-campaign, anyway. As for the heroes just sitting around, watching Drs. Destroyer fighting each other, that was never in the plan. The thinking on the Destroyers' part was more along the lines "The Champions of our realities are the only ones who have ever really beaten us. Perhaps several Champions teams can beat our enemy." As for a reason for the heroes to get involved, they would be made to understand that one Destroyer with the combined power of hundreds could conquer all realities and subjugate them to his rule. But, as I said, I'll probably never get to run it anyway. I have a hard enough time getting people together for a regular game. Oh, and I had not planned on all the Destroyers getting more powerful, only the one doing the actual killing.
  13. It Depends There are several factors to consider. Most of them have already been touched on, the most important being power level and playing style of ther group. But, yes, a skill based character can be usable and lots of fun, if you do it right.
  14. Re: Re: Hello? 5th Ed. Dr. Destroyer distrusts magic. The New Millenium Dr. Destroyer (who preferred, simply, Destroyer) was 90% magic-powered. The idea is that there are variants throughout the multi-verse, and while some use only tech, some use only magic, and some use both. The main bad-guy of the plot would be one who uses both. As for the other thing, as I said, this would be a very short mini-campaign, basicly limited to this one story. For full campaigns, I prefer using player-created heroes, instead of the teams from the book.
  15. It depends. When I run a game, who the Old Guard is (or was), and whether or not they are still active depends on several factors. What world is it set in? How long have Supers been around? How does the general public feel about them? How many giant-sized-multi-title-earth shattering-whole-line-crossover crises have there been? I ran a game a few months back in which the cities first super-hero appeared in the 1880s. He was called The Lightnin' Kid (Fastest Gun Alive).
  16. Hello? Is anyone going to reply to this? Even if you think it's the stupidest idea you've ever read, at least give me some feed-back. All comments, suggestions, questions, and even critiques are welcome.
  17. Whatever you decide to do... I also like the villain team bringing your heroes together. But, whatever you decide to do, make sure it leads into an on-going mystery. That way, your PCs have a reason to stay in touch with each other and even start working together to bring down a common foe.
  18. Re: Re: 3 ideas Now that is cool! You'd be surprised how many people don't even know who Ultra is (including a group I tried to run in the DC Universe), much less count themselves as his fan!
  19. I got this idea from two different sources: "The One" starring Jet Li. The annual, Pre-Crisis, JLA/JSA Team-Up. The Destroyer of an alternate reality, having killed his Earth's Champions and conquered the globe, Is trying to now conquer his whole universe. But, he doesn't have enough power. So, he sets about using both magic and science to try and find another power source. He discovers other universes. Destroyer then contacts the Dr. Destroyer of one of these other Earths, and offers him help in defeating that world's Champions, in exchange for his loyalty. Dr. Destroyer says no, and attacks, claiming that he follows no one, especially not some imposter. Dr. Destroyer is killed, and Destroyer absorbs his power, adding it to his own. Destroyer then begins travelling the Multiverse, contacting his duplicates and demanding their loyalty. If they turn him down (as they usually do), he slays them and absorbs their power anyway. Until a small group of Destroyers do the one thing he never expected them to do. They ask for help. From the Champions. I thought this could be an incredible (though very ambitious) short-term campaign. Bringing together various Champions teams from different realities (I was think 4th Ed., 5th Ed., and New Millenium [please, don't hurt me!]). A GM could even create teams in other systems and convert them to FReD. Possible complications include the fact that inter-dimensional transport is provided by the Destroyers, and they are almost definitly planning on betraying the Champions, as soon as their mutual enemy is out of the way. They may even be planning to turn on each other. Anyway, I would love to hear what people think of my idea. Any comments or questions would be more than welcme.
  20. Astro City is written by Kurt Busiek and published by Homage Comics, which is an imprint of WildStorm, which is now an imprint of DC. The faith-inspired team in question were called the Cross Breed, but the citizens of AC nicknamed them "the Jesus Freaks."
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