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Everything posted by nexus

  1. These aren't "heroes" they're arrogants tyrannts following a philsophy of "might makes right". The "reverence for the status quo" is the simple desire to give people some credit and not assume becuase I -can- do something that I should or my super duper powers give me some unique insight into the world situation or the needs of the common mans. Frankly, if these characters are that godlike, that divorced from the problems of the real people, I wouldn't -want- them in charge either.
  2. That was not what I meant. I was trying to say the extremes of both sides have some of the facts wrong, and should not have total sways. Assuming all conservatives are so called "Evil White Guys" trying to rule the world is wrong too. Being superpowered and "liberal" (note the quotes) isn't justification to start a facist regeime or any proof that you are "right".
  3. I'm not fond the assumption that just because some fluke of fate dropped a bunch of mostly physical power into a random character's lap, they now have a moral mandate to tell everyone else what to do. If somene handed me the power of a God, that doesn't nessecarily mean they handed me the wisdom and insight of one as well. The agenda Wanderer has espoused supporting is pretty much "liberal", but in my expeirence some of those views are supported just as much be misinformation and half understoon facts as "hardcore" conservatives. Unless you're going to alter the game world to be almost as black and white as a four color universe, your PC "saviours" are going to make some mistakes, possible big one if they are as drunk on their own power and "superority" as they seem to be.
  4. *shrugs* I can understand if you find it distasteful, but I do think it is a discussion about a superhero, just a particularly bizzare, comedic one.
  5. But its discussing a Japanese superheroine? It seems to have morethan the "Weird Conincidences" thread a a few down.
  6. Oh, thats sort of neat. Does that come out in the live action movies or the manga?
  7. I would imagine her crime fighting activities are limited to the warm months.
  8. From what I have been able to find on the live action versions, for an adaptation you would add "Concealed boot blades" 1d6 HKA, IIF Vehicle:Red souped up street racer bike or motor scooter, its hard to tell from the trailer and Combat driving:Motorcyle
  9. Yep, there were three live action versions. I think there might a fourth one in the works.
  10. No comments? Corrections? Cries of outrage?
  11. Just out of nostalgia Kekko Kamen Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 HTH damage 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 17 CON 14 12- 13 BODY 6 12- 12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 15 PRE 5 16- PRE Attack: 7d6 20 COM 5 13- 8 PD 5 Total: 11 PD (3 rPD) 8 ED 5 Total: 11 ED (3 rED) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 40 END 3 32 STUN 2 Total Characteristics Cost: 108 Movement: Run: 8"/NC" Swim: 2"/NC" Cost Powers END 3 High Acrobatic: Leaping +3" (6" forward, 3" upward) (added to Primary Value) 1 4 Quick on her feet: Running +2" (added to Primary Value) 1 6 Light on her feet: Gliding 8" (8 Active Points); Ground Gliding (-1/4) 9 "Open Thigh Jump!" : +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Limited Power:Only to make target lose action/drop DCV that Phase (Power loses about half of its effectiveness; -1), Limited PowerOnly vs targets of appropriate sexaual orientation that can see her (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) (added to Primary Value) 10 No one ever seems to escape.... : +20 STR (20 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power:Only witth "Muff o cation" Wring (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness; -1/2) (not added to totals) 2 Equipment 9 Nunchuku: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 11 "Ribbon of Love and Justice": Bought off Susceptibility (20 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Nuisance effect:Can't see while in use (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) Martial Arts: MA NAME Maneuver OCV DCV Notes 4 Kick/Punch +0 +2 STR +2d6 Strike 5 Roundhouse Kick -2 +1 STR +4d6 Strike 3 Throw +0 +1 STR +v/5, Target Falls 4 Dodge -- +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 "Chop" -2 +0 HKA 0 1/2d6 5 Muff-o-cation -2 +0 Grab one limb, 2d6 NND/FMOVE Talents 18 Combat Sense 14- 6 Combat Luck: 3 PD/3 ED Skills 7 Acrobatics 15- 5 Breakfall 14- 5 Climbing 14- 7 Stealth (Always appearing out of nowhere...) 15- 15 +3 with HTH Combat 6 +3 with any single attack:Nunchuku Total Powers & Skills Cost: 147 Total Cost: 255 200+ Disadvantages 15 Distinctive Features: Extremely attractive, totally nude, Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses 20 Hunted: The Principle of Satan's Toenail academy of Spartan higher learning and his staff, As Powerful, 14- (Very Frequently), Harshly Punish 5 Psychological Limitation: Slightly embarrassed by her "costume", Uncommon, Moderate 20 Psychological Limitation: Crusader for Justice!, Common, Total 15 Social Limitation: Secret ID, Frequently (11-), Major 20 Susceptibility: Handsome, Muscular men, Uncommon, 2d6 damage, per Phase 25 Dependent NPC: Takahashi Mayumi , Incompetent (-20 points or lower), 14- (Frequently) 35 Nude Crusader of Love and Justice bonus Total Disadvantage Points: 255 Kekko Kamen: The Masked Beauty herself. Strong, clever, quick-thinking, and actually gets a little embarrassed at her costume (or lack thereof) at one point in the series. What more do you want out of a secret heroine whose true identity is unknown? While she wields a mean nunchaku, seems to have studied at least one weaponless martial art, and has even used the secret weapon It's-Just-A-Blindfold-Stupid!, she is best known for her "final attack," the Open Legs Jump. This involves leaping into the air, spreading her legs (causing her attacker to stare at the area thus revealed), and landing so that said portion of her anatomy is mashed into her opponent's face. Nobody ever seems to get out of the way for some reason. Kekko Kamen is the product of the demented imagination of Go Nagai. She has been quite popular in Japan, starring in several animated episodes and 3 live action movies. The series is juvenile, but its also pretty funny, parodying several genre of anime and never ever takes itself seriously. Quote "Everyone knows my body, but nobody knows my face!" Disadvantages: Takahashi Mayumi This brainless beauty serves the purpose of cannon, that is, tentacle fodder. As such, the writers apparently thought she didn't need a personality. She is cute, though. Hunted:The Principle (Satan's Toenail) and the teaches from Hell. A variety of weirdos and freaks with various powers and generally bad intentions toward the academy's students. Perhaps the most powerful is the large bosomed android Tanaka. Guess where her off switch is? Susceptibility:Kekko get extremely weak in the knees around hunky muscular guys which leads to her defeat at the hands of the new Punishment Teacher in Ep 3. She is unable to return the favor because he's gay and is forced to flee the field. Later, she learns the "Ribbon of Love and Justice technique" from another student to overcome this weakness. It involves her tying a ribbon over her eyes which leads to her quote: "Its just a blindfold, stupid!" Powers:Kekko is pretty much the standard anime character. Quick, strong and fairly durable. She uses nunchuku in combat and seems experienced in the martial arts, but her style is undefined. Her "signature" move in the "Open Thigh Jump" (see background) which no one ever seems to escape from. Kekko is extremely quick but doesn't seem to be necessarily superhuman. She is very light on her feet and at one time fights one of the Punishment teachers on the heads of the student body during an assembly. Appearance:Kekko is tall and extremely...well proportioned. More so than most Japanese women. Overall, her build is athletic and limber. Her "costume" is a red ski mask with long floppy ears and a dove's feather on the forehead and blue eye plates with matching red gloves, boots, and a long flowing red scarf that hangs from a choker around her neck. And that's all. In the manner of anime women, she lacks body hair. Kekko likes to make dramatic entrances and usually opens a battle with speech about how her opponent's evil has offended her.
  12. I found this extremely annoying so this post might be more incoherent than ususal. But this whole set up smells. I've been following this thread and the one at RPG.net and it just sounds more like a thinly veiled political rant than a game. Its presented as a "realistic" situation but its sounds like GM (I assume) envisions an almost cartoonish world where good and evil, black and white are clearly divided. And the line falls squarely between conservative and liberal and the worst problem in world is "Evil White guys" (American, mind you) that are curerntly in power and deserve nothing but death. Its a world where these "crusaders" can blow up industries that they don't like and somehow never harm an innocent, cause massive unemployment or even cause more envieromental damage than that stop. I could also make a few statement about "peace loving" Europe, but this is the time or the place.
  13. I thought it was "Muff-o-cation"? She jumps on her target's shoulders and squeezes his head between her thighs. And I really really shouldn't be revealing I know that much about the show.
  14. I've only seen one RPG character that was totally Invulnerable. There were things tougher than him. He couldn't be hurt by physical or energy attacks, but he could be mentally controlled, entangled, grabbed and thrown, buried alive, teleported away, etc. He wasn't any more useful than the rest of us except in specific situations. Most uses of Invulnerability I have see have been either temporay, limited or both. Outside of power gamers, I haven't really seen players flocking to Invulnerability style powers unless they fit their character concept. But that has just been my experience, ymmv.
  15. Ah, all right. I was defining chance as risk more or less. I guess I'm not so big on the require there be "chance" as in a random factor.
  16. I don't see where Invulnerability or even Auto hit "eliminate" chance. There is always the chance the defender or attacker has something to get around the ability. Having played in systems with similar powers, I've never found them a problem. Exalted is full of such effects and its very balanced.I actually don't know of any GMs whee they are major issue. If they don't want them in their games, they just say No. I've also played Hero for about 20 years and the lack of those effects is something I've found somewhat annoying for a game where you can do "anything". If it was in the system, and you didn't want to deal with it. You can always just not use it. Just because its in the books doesn't mean you have to let players have it. It would simply be another option and add to the universal nature of the system.
  17. Thats how I feel about it. That "game" (for lack of a better word) has probably wrecked any chance of ever seeing sexuality/erotica handled in RPGs in anything resembling a serious, mature manner for who knows how long. And colored the opinins of those that want to try it besides its blemished the hobby as a whole. Something for people to point too when they want to label gamers as perverted geeks. Its almost worse that RAHOWA. At least that was clearly published by bigoted idiots. FATAL can be taken seriously.
  18. FATAL's not "erotic" its not even good porn. Its a mish mash of juvenile garbage mingled with a touch of racisim for good measure. Its putrid.
  19. I've seen it handled well, producing both some serious looks at sexuality and relationships between the characters. (and some well written erotica). And I've seen sniggering, juvenile things that was just painful to see. It takes a certain group to do it well (just like anything else, violence, comedy or anything can be ruined by immaturity), but I don't dismiss it off hand.
  20. Sorry, I didn't mean you in particular.
  21. Mostly PBEM. I've seen the Book of Erotic Fantasy. It does have some interesting things in it relating to love and sexuality in a fantasy setting. Useful role playing fodder for a more indepth, social style game, but it wouldn't be useful for the typical "dungeon crawls" thats for sure. Its always struck me as odd how prudish the gamer community can be though.
  22. Players that are totally passive and refuse to do -anything-. Players that have their character react in ways that just don't make sense to most sane people (and said character isn't described as insane), yet seem offended when NPCs and other PCs react to their odd behavior. Players that get angry if in game actions have in game consequences and accuse you being a "Killer GM". Players that create characters that are little more than thinly veiled sexual fantasies. They inevitably get bored with them and drop them a short while later. Note, this does not apply to games that are explicitedly stated as being erotic in nature. Avatars. A player making a character than is basically themselves is generally a bad sign. They will be incredibly sensitive to what happens to that PCs and usually take in game things personally.
  23. Everything is potentially unbalancing. In any game. Hero isn't unique in the fact "balance" rests on the GM. Such abilities would include advice on the potential abuse, but so should anything else.
  24. I can think of many things that are aboslutely invulnerable in various genres, but just to some things. "Classic" Lycanthropes are invulnerable to everything but their traditional banes, but they do have a weak spot. Several actually. An attack which "doesn't miss" say, the Accuracy without Distance Charm in Exalted can be defeated in several ways. Absolute does not have to mean "unbeatable". In fact, in a game enivernment it shouldn't. I have played in games with characters that were "invulnerable" to certain special effects, even more than one and it certainly didn't unbalance the game. Even in cases where that special effect was extremely broad, like Physical Damage. In one case it was Physical and Energy damage. But the character could still be affected by many things and was no more useful than the rest of us except as a shield and a target. And there were mental attacks. I don't mean these effects shouldn't have a chink somewhere.
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