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Posts posted by Rapier

  1. Steve,


    I've a quick one, that I can't seem to find any examples for.


    If a character wants to purchase PSLs for Unbalanced and Unaerodynamic thrown objects, is an improvised thrown object (eg a bit of scenery) considered a single attack (Throw Object) or is it a small group of attacks (ie because of the scope of the amount of things that can be thrown). Or is it even a large group of attacks because in theory, he could pick up and throw anything?



  2. Re: If I had 500 slaves...


    Ohhh that reminds me. There was one game we had where all the slaves were in a mine in the middle of the desert. A heavily armed guard caravan would show up every week with a week's supply of food and water. No ore, no water.


    So they had no guards!


    The more guards you need, the less cost-effective each slave will be. People were actually rather ingenious when it came to how to effectively manage large groups of slaves with just a few guards.

  3. Re: If I had 500 slaves...


    It depends a lot on the condition of the slaves and how they are held and what level of rebellion they have, in general. There have been periods in history where a handful of guards/overseers have kept control of 50 or even 100 slaves.


    Are the slaves restrained? Are they branded/marked? Are they in good health? Can they blend in to the normal populace? I would guess that 1 guard / 10 slaves at the top of the scale.




    Hierarchy of modern armies.

  4. Re: Equipment costing and exceptions to cost scheme


    I've tried a number of things over the years. I once went positively crazy trying to figure out how much time/effort everything would cost to make and using a formula based off the income of the average person.


    I've tried using $x / AP and $x / RP. Both of those seemed to fail miserably because of the skewed way in which some items are built. A flashlight or candle is going to be much more AP and RP than warranted by it's cost. Have you seen the stats on a Taser? A taser has more AP and RP than many restricted, military grade guns.


    In the end, I either end up sticking an 'appropriate' price on everything or just allowing everyone to have a certain amount of stuff and don't worry with the bookkeeping.


    Have you made any of the conversions so far? I'd like to see some samples of how the costs come out.

  5. Re: Absorption of Knockback


    knockback could be defined as it's own attack

    currently there's a sort of knock back lottery into determining the amount.

    (count the body of the attack and subtract 2d6)


    I would argue limiting knockback will not scale to high points game

    where overcoming the subtracted cost is just a base cost average 7d6 (35 points)


    Maybe a pure knockback attack could cost 5 points per inch.


    IIRC, there are some published characters with KB Attacks that have the KB Only value at about -1 or so. So an EB/Blast, KB Only is about 2.5 or 3pts per die.

  6. Re: Absorption of Knockback


    So you're saying the power should look like this:


    30 Kinetic Absorbtion: KB Resistance 15pts

    30 Kinetic Redirection: EB 4d6; Trigger: When struck by an attack that would deal KB (+1/4), 0 END Cost (+1/2), Accurate to 1 Hex (+1/2), Double KB (+3/4); Attack only does KB (-1), Linked to Kinetic Absorbtion (-0). 60 AP


    This would allows the character to Absorb up to 15" of KB and deal up to 8" in return.


    The reason I put only does KB at -1 is that "Only does stun" is a -3/4." Dealing neither Body nor Stun seems to be worth more than that IMHO. It is probably worth more than just a -1 *shrug*


    Yes, that was more like what I was thinking, but you would still need the EB to go to 8d6 so that the x2 KB would be equal to 16" of KB, and match up the numbers (ie -16" KB and 8d6 EB, -14" KB and 7d6 EB).


    I'm almost wondering if building the EB as a Damage Shield might not be more effective and/or simpler.


    It certainly does turn out to be rather expensive, but I guess the effect is worth the cost. I could easily see this also being the characters signature power.

  7. Re: Absorption of Knockback


    Okay' date=' [i']now[/i] I have my copy of FRED available. Here is my take (5th ed style) on what radioKAOS's player was wanting to build:


    60 Kinetic Absorbtion: KB Resistance 30pts

    27 Kinetic Redirection: TK 18 STR; Trigger: When struck by an attack that would deal KB (+1/4), 0 END Cost (+1/2), Accurate to 1 Hex (+1/2); TK Affects whole object (-1/4), only up to Amount of Knockback resisted (-1/2), Push Only (-1/4), KB Resistance Applies (-1/4), Linked to Kinetic Absorbtion (-0). 60 AP


    What this will do is when the PC is struck by an attack that does knock-back, he will ignore the first 20 points and immediately strike at the offender. The offender will then be thrown by the TK a distance of the amount the the KB done, or the Throw's maximum distance - whichever is greater.


    I linked the two powers at a 0 value to represent that if someone were to dispell or drain KB resistance then the TK would be affected. I feel that the amount drained would be a percentage... so if Leechboy hit this PC with a Drain to his KB resistance and drained 10 Points, he would be reduced to 25KB Resist and 15 TK STR.


    And finally, this assumes a 60 pt AP limit on powers


    If anyone has another way to build this, I'd actually like to see it. And feel free to tell me how wrong I am, cuz I usually am :P


    In a 60AP campaign, you are going to MAX OUT KB at about 21" (barring special maneuvers or extra damage). So anything over 21" is going to be wasted. Even then, I think I would counsel the player that 10" or 15" would be sufficient for the most part. The character may take a couple of points of KB on occasion, but I would rather have the character take a couple of points and spend the XP later if desired rather than waste the points by over-purchasing defenses.


    Each 1" of KB = 1d6 of damage. Each 5 STR of TK = 1d6 of damage. 1" of KB = 5 STR of TK. Assuming the max KB is 21", the power should be appropriately built with 105 STR TK.


    For throwing you only consider the Extra STR. To lift a person requires 10 STR. So (from your build) the damage/throw distance is based off 8 STR. 8 STR is a throw of 12m (6" in the old parlance) and does 1.5d6 damage.


    I'm thinking that you build the Compound Power with KB Resist and I might simplify with a Triggered KB Only x2KB Blast, Limited to the amount of KB.


    I think I got all that right. I'm medicated right now, but I think I that's right.

  8. Re: Absorption of Knockback


    That does bring up a good point. While I don't think it is possible to directly Deflect, Reflect or Absorb KB, what IS KB? KB is determined by how much BODY the attack does. Couldn't you just Reflect the entire blast and call it 'absorbing KB and redirecting it at another target?' Especially if you further limit it to 'Only Reflect the Amount of KB Done.'


    That certainly sounds like the easiest, most straight forward, simplest and cheapest method.

  9. Re: Absorption of Knockback


    I don't think there is a specific mechanic to do this.


    But for starters, what do you mean by "Redirect?"


    You blast me and I focus the KB back to you? KB Resist and a Damage Shield.

    You blast me and I store the KB juice for later? Absorb (as a Defense) into an END Reserve that a Blast draws from.

    You blast me and right away I have to blast something else? KB Resist plus a Triggered Blast

  10. Re: Attack powers usable with Move-Bys and Move-Throughs?


    I'd allow a player to do this by buying a Naked Advantage sufficient to cover the damage of the moveby/movethrough' date=' including the velocity dice - if they bought it with the Accurate advantage (ie, AOE 1m radius, Accurate for +1/2).[/quote']


    That's probably how I would do it too, purchase a Naked Advantage to cover the entire damage of the attack.


    However, I would first urge the player to simplify with a couple of Move By/Thru CSLs.

  11. Re: Total NEWB gushing over how amazing this forum is


    I'm fairly certain inflicting Lycanthropy requires a Severe Transform' date=' both body and mind, maybe spirit. That way you give them a No Conscious Control Multiform power and Accidental Change. Probably need to do Damage Over Time, it takes at least one full lunar cycle. Then the Multiform has vulnerable to silver, enraged/beserk. As a GM I would encourage a Werewolf player character to work some beneficial aspects to the curse and would probably do the same if I were making a NPC Werewolf to bite a player. I think a common trope in todays Werewolf stories is the Werewolf tends to get the girl. One thing I'm thinking as I'm sitting here is that the body and mind Transforms can be healed through some sort of ritual, but the spirit transform is something that heals over time. Thus enraged/beserk may disappear.[/quote']


    Nope! You look down at the character sheet and say 'He's got those abilities because he's a werewolf!' :)

  12. Re: Any good character sheets for use on computer? That track END, STUN, BODY, etc.


    You don't mean the OCV vs Roll ToHit chart do you?


    There is a chart that has been around forever that has the OCV as the Y Axis and (depending on the chart) either the Roll or DCV as the X Axis. You find the intersection to find either the Roll required or the DCV hit (the other of the information on the X Axis).

  13. Re: Penalty Skill Levels versus the Size Modifier


    I think I could easily be convinced of that. I once had a sniper that was point blank accurate out to a mile. He also had enough PSLs to counter a full on head shot. So head shots at a mile out were at -0! :) But he once had to shoot a rope and had lots of issues because the PSLs didn't apply.


    Instead of allowing PSLs vs Size, I would be more inclined to just expand the definition of Called Shots to allow targetting of smaller than human sized targets.

  14. Re: ET Stay Home


    Unfortunately, I can't say I disagree. I think it might be very safe to assume that any alien encounter would involve the aliens having better technology than us, after all we can't leave yet leave the orbit of our planet (including that of the moon) with a manned ship. The aliens, by virtue of getting here, can leave their solar system.


    Look at what the Dutch did to Africans, the Spanish did to the Aztecs or early settlers did to Native Americans. He who has the best technology subjugates/destroys/enslaves/wins.

  15. Re: Newbie and GM shouldn't go together.


    Match the players.


    If there are 4 players have them battle teams of 4 villains.

    If the players have 60 AP attacks, the villains have 60 AP attacks.

    If the players have 25 DEF, the villains have 25 DEF.

    If the players have 5 SPD, the villains have 5 SPD.


    This way you know the battles are at least balanced. Once you get the hang of these types of battles you can experiment with tweaking the abilities of the villains a bit here and there for more or less effect. But it's never an easy answer and I can't tell you the number of times I've sat down saying "these villains will be quite the challenge" only to have them dropped within the first phase or two. It just happens. Shoot from the hip until you get some experience and then let experience lead you.

  16. Re: Stats for a Forklift


    Sometimes for stuff like this I usually tend to lean towards "as much as it needs to do." I basically let dramatic license just take over. However, if said forklift is going to be integral to the game and you can't get around statting it up, I believe 20 STR and 15m of movement, SPD 2 should just about do it.

  17. Re: Beating Dr. Destroyer...how do (or did) you do it?


    I've only gone up against him the onetime, and that was back in 4E (circa 1992).


    The key was everyone going defensive (Dodges, Blocks and Dive 4 Covers) until one of the Entangles could land. Then we relied on significant stacked Entangles. Two characters did nothing but fire off Entangles to keep him held down. He would blow his entire action (or 1/2 +) breaking free only to have us hit him with another round of Entangles.


    The bricks Haymakered every strike while the MA Found Weakness and I pinged away with my Ego Attack.

  18. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See?




    Lots and lots of teams. I tend to shy away from many 6 on 1 superbaddy battles. I could care less what Tokafanes's stats are. I'm never, ever going to use him...and if I wanted to he's going to be a plot device. I just have no use in my game for villains built on 1000+ points.


    A couple of loose average point villains are nice, but I get the most use out of teams.


    One of the things I've always thought that set CLOWN (oh CLOWN, how I miss thee [hint hint 8P]) and FoxBat apart was that you knew what kind of crimes and schemes they tended to prefer. I think that is part of why I do so favour them. If the book doesn't tell you that the Penguin likes bird-themed crimes, and CatWoman cat-themed crimes, it's almost a shame. Is EuroStar after global domination or would a small country be enough? Does Armadillo really care about who's in charge or what kind of crime he commits as long as it earns him a comfy lifestyle? Why a character commits crimes or acts how they do is very important, but as a GM the ability to fit the crime to the group/individual adds that extra bit of oomf that makes the game memorable.


    I guess what I'm asking for is a bit about Modus Operandi in the Motivation section of each character and group.


    I also find the bits about team dynamics important. If someone is rankling under the heavy-handed direction of the group's leader, that is important information for a heroic team to have.


    CLOWN? :)

  19. Re: New Gamers


    I taught myself how to play D&D way back in 1977 or so.


    [clipped for brevity and general laziness -- r]


    My best friend invited me over to play DnD. I had kind of heard of DnD but never played and didn't really have an idea what it was. He was taught by a family friend who was off to college. He was my introduction and we worked out a lot of the rules as we went along. For a long time, I had an assassin character (from the DnD Expert Box) that, unknowingly, carried around a 10' blowgun...IN HIS BACKPACK. I had always thought it was some kind of 2' long tube...nope, 10'.

  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...




    Josh: "I SO want a dire-badger"

    GM: "With LazerBeam eyes?"




    Lynn: "We're not being rude, we're being insensitive. There's a difference!"




    GM as Faerie Butler: "Walk this way!"





    James: "Well, there was that time at Blaster-Camp. What happens at Blaster-Camp, stays at Blaster-Camp."



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