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Marcus Impudite

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Posts posted by Marcus Impudite

  1. Not too surprising really.  As one who lives in the countryside area, it is fairly well known, "if a rat can get its head, it can gets its body through it.  The biggest danger I always figured for it was drowning.

    Well as they said in the video, they can hold their breath as long as 3 minutes and they're damn good swimmers. It's why you're well advised to check your ship thoroughly when entering or leaving port, not all stowaways are of the two-legged variety...

  2. Death Touch/Palm Strike Of Death: The downside to the ability to kill with a touch is the fact that you have to have physical contact with the target. Even when you successfully use the ability on someone, they'll still have an opportunity to strike back and possibly mortally wound you before they expire. Plus, anyone who knows about your ability would probably shoot you and/or run away rather than let you in close enough to use it.

  3. Brainwashing/Mind Control Powers: Unless you have some means of transmitting your power globally, you're limited to Mind Controlling whoever you can interact with personally. You might succeed in becoming the equivalent of a cult leader, but world domination is likely to remain out of your grasp. Sure, you could try going the route of targeting people in positions of power and authority (always assuming you can get anywhere near them to begin with), but the jig may very well be up the instant you have them do anything that is out of character for them and/or so blatantly unconstitutional that even the most oblivious members of society will notice something's fishy.

  4. I need a headline for an article to appear in the weekly news in my Champions game.  (We play on Sunday, so I'd appreciate suggestions before then.)  Since it involves CLOWN, I thought it appropriate to post here.


    Along with a headline, I'm willing to entertain possible additions or other suggestions to polish up the article:

    It largely depends on the particular news organization's political bias, which will show through in their choice of title and overall tone for the article. A left-leaning news outlet would be having a (not so) subtle laugh at Trump's expense, while a right-leaning outlet would be quick to condemn the perpetrators as "dangerous criminals" for breaking and entering and malicious mischief.

  5. So bees are genetically programmed to recognize royalty? Can we test that theory by releasing several swarms of Africanized honey bees into Buckingham Palace? It would amuse me.


    Also, the part where she says, "I love dogs, I've always loved dogs" with an orgasmic expression was hilarious, especially if you've seen a certain episode of Family Guy...

  6. Another power I'd consider (5th Ed):


    Major Transform 1d6 (non-precious metals into precious metals), Improved Results (any precious metal; +1/2); Limited Target (non-precious metals; -1/2), No Range (-1/2).


    The treasury departments of pretty much every government on the planet would probably soil themselves at the thought of someone running around with such a power, but used carefully I could make myself rich in a fairly short time (and squirrel away the lion share of my wealth in anonymous off shore holdings).

  7. Q: Why is there a midget dancing around with a bunch of dolls that look similar to us and a group of kids who are being obnoxious?


    A: Take the inverse left.

    Q: Which way to find the road to nowhere?


    A: Captain, ours sensors are detecting a gaseous anomaly near Uranus.

  8. Real life criminals are usually small and malnourished (that's what happens when you use lots of drugs instead of eating healthy).  But these are movie thugs, and they look all tough and scary.



    That's true of some, but there are also the ex-cons who spent the lion share of their time behind bars bulking up on prison food, lifting weights in the exercise room/yard, and getting into fights. The write-up I posted above represents those guys. A super criminal or crime boss looking for some hired muscle usually wants someone with some actual muscle, as opposed to the bag of bones crack addict who smells like cat urine.

  9. Things Starship Captains Should Do Before Allowing Shore Leave On Alien Worlds...


    1) Make sure the locals, and their government(s) in particular, are strong believers in concepts such as rule of law, innocent until proven guilty, trial by jury, and do not have such crazy laws on their books that a member of your crew might end up on death row just for picking his nose in public or jaywalking.


    2) For the love of the Q Continuum, make sure your first officer will be responsible and not bring back some exotic form of VD...AGAIN!

  10. Since common criminals are subject to Sturgeon's Law the same as anyone and anything else, they usually get low INT and EGO unless they're supposed to be more competent, with 8 or 9 being the highest among all but the really brainy criminals. The typical stats for a street lowlife in my games (5th ED):


    STR: 15

    DEX: 15

    CON: 15

    BODY: 10

    INT: 7

    EGO: 7

    PRE: 13

    COM: 8

    PD: 4

    ED: 4

    SPD: 3

    REC: 6

    END: 30

    STUN: 30


    Running: 6"/12"

    Leaping: 3"/6"

    Swimming: 2"/4"



    CK: Campaign City 8-

    KS: Criminal Underworld 11-

    Streetwise 12-

    WF: Small Arms, Blades



    Hunted: law enforcement 8-

    Social Limitation: Criminal Record and/or Parole Restrictions

  11. It can be frustrating for those of us who haven't switched yet.  I love posting various writeups and rules variations and interpretations, but when all of my work is based upon 5th edition when the vast majority has moved on to 6th edition, it makes it difficult to have meaningful conversations about the writeups as those who have moved on either get confused by your writeups and pricing or glance at it and move on once they realize its in the old format.


    So I don't post many writeups anymore.  Just comment occasionally on others posts.


    Its not like there are any forums for us to talk about the older stuff.


    Yeah, I'm still that guy.

    Funny, when I come across a 6th ed write up, I usually give it a glance and then I move on. There may be the occasional exception to that rule, but those exceptions have to be pretty damned exceptional. As I've stated before: I'm strictly 5th Edition, that's what I play, and that's what I post; and unless 7th Edition proves to be just awesome beyond all possible description (assuming it ever does come out), that's not going to change. If that makes me "That Guy" to some, so be it.

  12. Assuming one or more members of your group are the Adventure Archaeologist type, the PCs are in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt where the entrance to what is believed to be a lost tomb has been unearthed deep in the desert. While exploring the tomb, your character and the others pass through a corridor with alcoves carved into the walls on either side. Mummies appear to be on display in twenty of these alcoves, though curiously there are no markings to indicate who any of them are. That's when something unbelievable happens: the mummies' wrappings seen to come to life! A bandage grabs your character around the ankle, but he/she manages to tear/cut it off and run for it. As your entire group is running for the exit, the entire corridor behind you is filled with a swarm of writhing, tendril-like bandages chasing after you; and by now, it's fairly clear what will happen if they catch you...



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