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L. Marcus

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    L. Marcus got a reaction from tkdguy in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Baptism today, and I'm standing as the godfather. Couldn't happen to a cuter kid!
  2. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to SatinKitty in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    My Karate Test
    By Satin Kitty
    For those who are interested:
    This test was unlike any other I've ever had. Usually for tests, they set up a table and chairs for the Senseis and you simply demonstrate your stuff once or however many times are required.
    This test was combined with a class, so I had to hustle and go for a full hour and fifteen minutes. And I had had a strenuous class the night before. I usually step out and take a breather when I need to, but last night I could not do that.
    If you think your character can use Stun for End and then simply strut away, or go on to fight another battle, you are Pulm-Jack Crazy !
    I'm in the few days recovery category, not just one or two turns.
    I stumbled once. I had prepared Heian 5 for the test and was tested on Heian 4. Also had to do The Beginner Kata and 1-3. Then there were the punches, kicks and combinations. Like I said, there was no real rest for an hour and fifteen minutes. Just one for a few minutes as Sensei explained something and Boy did I need it.
    The Result ?
    A Kyu and a half to 5 Kyu. Highest marks. I am now Purple Belt and two tests away from Brown Belt.
    Whew !
    I am SO glad that's over.
    I hung my certificate on the fridge, but not for long, as I don't want any spills on it.
    And that , Teacher, is my report.
  3. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from AliceTheOwl in "Neat" Pictures   
    Re: "Neat" Pictures
    . . . If the word "Kawai!" could ever be used of a Kendoka, this is her.
  4. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to AliceTheOwl in The Last Word   
    Re: The Last Word
    Pools and armor? Aren't you worried about rust?
  5. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Cancer in The Last Word   
    Re: The Last Word
    Who's she?
  6. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Egyptoid in Complicate the Person Above   
    Re: Complicate the Person Above
    L.Marcus anonymously writes the last page
    editorials for EL CHAMPIONES magazine.
    He gets the dish on all mutants, morphs, mystics, and anyone else in spandex.
    His poison pen makes or breaks many a wanna-be hero,
    and the shallow seek to curry his favor.
    But this is his super-duper double-secret ID,
    cause if some thugs knew who exactly had dissed
    their powers, their costumes and their MOs,
    they'd seek vengeance fer shure.
    He writes the column on paper with pen,
    because it leaves no electronic trail,
    then its kept in a mayonaise jar underneath Takofanes front porch
    for 3 days before delivery to the publishing house
    by a non-gendered clone that can't be traced.
    Then when the next issue hits the stands,
    some super somewhere hits the roof, gai-ron-teed !
  7. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Vanguard00 in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    Just thought I'd wish everyone a good night and a pleasant tomorrow. I'm feeling very communal right now
  8. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to austenandrews in "Neat" Pictures   
    Re: "Neat" Pictures
    "Don't worry, Jim, these waters are perfectly safe. Just stay right behind me and -- Jim?"
  9. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to AliceTheOwl in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER
    YEARS ago, my parents bought me a cedar trunk for my birthday. It was very nicely carved, finished, very smooth and pretty.
    One day, there was a mass moving party, to help me and Josh move out of our burned apartment, and help our future roommates get all of their things into the moving van. It involved me, Josh, Ben, Wolf, Ben's parents (Barbara and Jim), Ben's brother Brandon, one of Brandon's friends and, at one point, my sister and some friends of hers.
    While Barbara was helping me move the cedar trunk, she remarked, "Nice chest!"
    I replied, "Yeah, it is nice. I got it from my parents, for my birthday. It's where I keep my sweaters."

  10. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from Basil in "Neat" Pictures   
    Re: "Neat" Pictures
    A very beautiful ship model . . . I'm thinking of doing a write-up of the original - a xebec - but I think the Small version of the Frigate in the Vehicle Sourcebook would cover it adequately.
  11. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Mantis in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER
    Well, I decided not to fork over any money to the Nigerian Golden Key Foundation, but then I received an email from the Uni telling me I'd been awarded a Scholarship. Now I had never applied for a Scholarship , so I was initially suspicious - a bit like your e-mail address winning a lottery you've never entered. But I found out it's on the up-and-up - there are 10 scholarships awarded annually by the School of IT to 2nd year students based on academic merit. The downside is the money will be paid in instalments "subject to satisfactory academic progress as defined by the School" so I'll have to keep up the good work (which reminds me, I have two assignments due next week which I haven't started yet.... ).
  12. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to James Gillen in Musings on Random Musings   
    Re: Musings on Random Musings

    Not if you're a Sith Lord.
  13. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Cancer in "Neat" Pictures   
    Re: "Neat" Pictures
    As the linked page says, some images of the Saturn system are surreal.
  14. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from Savinien in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER
    Just got back from cooking with the work crew. Pasta with fried veggies and ham. Tasted nice. I'm a good chef (one of the things I've inherited from dad. Another one is my shape) Crappy dessert, though. Dark chocolate and kiwi don't mix.
  15. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from death tribble in Complicate the Person Above   
    Re: Complicate the Person Above
    death tribble. He invented Velcro. Alas, soon afterwards, he got loose.
  16. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from Mantis in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER

    I posted a super-short fantasy story once. I wonder how many read it . . . ?
    Edit: Hah! Found it! Between Day And Night! Sixty-three views, no replies . . .
  17. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from AliceTheOwl in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread
    And of course a Big Hug each for Alice & Josh! Congrats, bot' of yez!
  18. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from RPMiller in Longest Running Thread EVER   
    Re: Longest Running Thread EVER

    I posted a super-short fantasy story once. I wonder how many read it . . . ?
    Edit: Hah! Found it! Between Day And Night! Sixty-three views, no replies . . .
  19. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from death tribble in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread

    . . . This is how the loon was created. In the first days of the world, when Almighty G-d walked the earth, creating all living things, the Devil was there, too. Being true to his nature, when the Lord gave life and movement to insects, fish, birds, four-footed animals - well everything that walked, crawled, swam and flew - the Evil One felt jealous. He wanted to create things, too! And when he looked at all the things that Creator had made, he felt a particularly bad twinge of jealousy when he saw the birds of the sky. "Oho!", said the Cloven-Hoofed, "I'll show him that he's not the only one who can create such beauty!" So the Devil sits himself down on a riverbank, and takes a fistful of black clay, spits in it and starts to knead. It is tough going, because between you and me, the Devil isn't the most gifted, creatively speaking. But after many tries and failures, there, in his black hand, sits a bird, black and white, with a sharp beak and a glistening eyes. The Horned Man laughs in joy and launches the bird into the air, and it opens its wings and flies away. It was just then that the Devil noticed something wrong - he hadn't given the creature any legs! Swearing the worst lithany he knows (and, he being who he was, those lithanies are bad!) he grabs a couple of twigs and flings them after the bird. They stuck right at the back of the bird, and has stayed there ever since.
    So, boys and girls, that is how the Devil made the loon. Touch wood when you hear the cries of that bird, and when it flies over you, and never eat its flesh, because the Devil himself made it and cursed it.
  20. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from AliceTheOwl in A Thread for Random Musings   
    Re: A Thread for Random Musings
    What coup?! Where?! The Militia's ready and at yer service, Ma'am!
  21. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Lightray in A Thread for Random Musings   
    I realized last night that I might be a tad bit out of practice with Call of Cthulu when I actually had my Investigator -- Cholmondeley Featherstonehaugh -- "just skim through" the copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts we'd recovered, to check our information.
    It wasn't until the GM's eyes lit up and he asked me for a SAN Check that I realized how long it'd been since I'd played CoC...
  22. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to Blue in The "Nice Happy" Thread   
    Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread
    A brief story about nothing
    By Blue
    There were film trailiers parked across the street from work. This is not the first time. I'm located in a downtown area across from a 100 year old court building that's in beautiful shape.
    Last time they filmed there it was some B-movie. Before that was some scenes from the live action/animated mix movie Rocky & Bullwinkle. I have a beautiful photo on my desk of a dear (and now deceased) friend taken when Catch me if you Can was being filmed there; She's standing just behind Spielberg & Hanks, while Stephen displays proudly his leatherbound script for the camera.
    So I'm eager to find out what's going on. Nobody seems to know or even have noticed the trailers.
    Lunch time finally comes! So I jaunt down the 9 flights of stairs (because an elevator at lunch could be a long wait) and stroll over. I spy a cop standing guard over the site. I stroll up to him.
    "Hi. What are they filming today?"
    "Oh. Uh. Taco Bell Commercial."
    "Really?" I rhetorically ask, disappointed inside but sounding mildly excited about it. Not gonna be any stars to ask about then. But because of the unexpected enthusiasm I displayed for no reason, I can't resist but follow up with, "Is the Chihauaha here?!?!"
    The cop looks at me blank faced. No sense of humor at all.
    So I came back to the office. It occurs to me then that I should have yelled "Yo Quiero Taco Bell!" a few times to see if it answered from one of the trailers.
    But it's probably a good thing I didn't think of that; I'm allergic to nightstick beatings.
  23. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from AliceTheOwl in Musings on Random Musings   
    Re: Musings on Random Musings
    Insomnia is a beeyach.
  24. Like
    L. Marcus got a reaction from AliceTheOwl in The Last Word   
    Re: The Last Word
    . . . Peacock Moves: Teleportation 10", Cannot Use If Watched (-2)
  25. Like
    L. Marcus reacted to austenandrews in "Neat" Pictures   
    Re: "Neat" Pictures

    "Major Callahan regrets smuggling that burrito to the space station."
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