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Lowly Uhlan

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Lowly Uhlan

  1. Re: So, Who Else Is Gonna Grab Galactic Champions ASAP?? I will buy this. Running a Gaurdians of the Galaxy-style game would be a blast.
  2. Re: Culture HERO The Klingons said the culture which once venerated Boy George obviously had NO honor.
  3. Re: Anyone using Sidekick? Yeah, dive for cover should be standard. I'm not sure I can live without the Autofire skills either.
  4. Re: Why do folks that dislike Hero hang out here? Because they are bitter, have no freinds, no life, and are home all alone with a computer?
  5. Re: Anyone using Sidekick? Both of those options are what I'm considering for SH. using the skill tweeks in that book. I'm requiring all players to have SK (Sidekick) if they don't have Fred. Only because a couple of the players in my group have an irrational fear of that big black book. Has anyone actually run SK yet?
  6. ...as the core rules for any genre? Looks complete enough to me. Just curious.
  7. Re: RPG.net I think I was a little guilty of being outright abusive. That Darrin guy made me pretty mad, especially when I saw someone on his ignore list that I game with. I'm on his ignore list now and...it felt pretty good.
  8. Re: RPG.net The moderator pretty much stated the mud slinging went too far. But yeah, after some constructive posts. The moderation policies on those boards need to be overhauled.
  9. I have a couple of questions concerning the viability of using Sidekick as the core rules for a SH game. I know some have tried Sidekick as the core, not sure which genre's they are running. I haven't GMed a HERO game since 1983 and while I am completely comfortable using 5E it scares a couple of people in my gaming group (blind terror of the big black book). My game is "hard" SF. Lots of combat, a lot of it in zero-g. Cybernetics and personal enhancement will only be something the bad guys use. Big guns will be a staple. I'll be using the standard heroic level (75/75). If I did use Sidekick it would be in conjunction with the SH book. My questions: How well would Sidekick work using the tweaks in SH? I'm using several of the optional rules for skills from that book. Optional combat manuvers from 5E. Would a hard SF game suffer without these? How satisfied are the GMs using SK (Sidekick) as a core book? Any problems so far? How often do the SK users have to go to 5E for rules not included in SK? I would really like to know.
  10. Re: RPG.net And now they've closed the Sidekick thread after 30 pages. Civility is impossible on rpg.net. I guess The "silence" on Sidekick has ended only to be silenced again. Seems like an anti-HERO bias to me.
  11. Re: Culture HERO Sounds like some really cool concepts as far as the tech goes. What's the name of the first book in the series? And Alhazred :Embrace the Uhlan mentality. Feel it flowing through you.
  12. Re: Bronze and Iron But hey this nifty new format immediately listed threads that related to my topic. Question answered.
  13. So beside an occaisional graphic novel I pretty much don't read comics any more and I have a question. What eras are considered to be Bronze and Iron age? I know what Golden and Silver are (unless the definition has changed in the past 10 years) but what comics, characters, and years of publication are considered Iron and Bronze? And I just thought of this as well; what era would the Death of Phoenix or the formation of the West Coast Avengers fall under (there's like what, an 8 year gap between those 2)? Please clue me in.
  14. (I won't derail the thread any more after this post) Lowly Uhlan Mentality: Shows a sometimes whacked but otherwise profound point of veiw. In San Diego: Best GMing skills on the planet.
  15. This sounds interesting. Not the Boy George part but the SF concept. Damn, now I have to go read the Culture books...
  16. Good thing no one will ever say "Lowly Uhlan mentality":D
  17. Seemed like a good analogy. I gave up on attacking any system a while back. Probably a lot kinder than D20 fans on rpg.net. Not a reflection on you. I just game too. CODA (the red headed stepchild of Decipher) is the best system IMO, HERO is the best generic system. I get baffled by people who stick to D20 without ever giving other games a chance.
  18. I read that post too, Alhazred. A whole lot of the lemming mentality going on over there. I've used rpg.net to research a couple of games before buying them and received mostly positive feedback. Other than that finding a coherent thread that doesn't turn into a flamewar or pointless discussion about something completely off-topic can be difficult. And posters over there do want to flame HERO even if they are going to be low key about it. I find it funny that the D20 fans over there can be elitist about that system. It's the system that EVERYONE plays and is quite easy to master. A few good OGL games exist, but they are by far in the minority. D20 is real bland IMO and a whole lot of the D20 offerings really suck due to poor writing/playtesting, bad production values, and redoing old cliche concepts to death. Playing D20 is like saying "since Britney Spears is so popular she's better than everyone else and she's all I'll listen to" when the fact of the matter is she has no talent beyond her looks and that you see her a lot in commercials. So I guess HERO would be the Radiohead or Miles Davis of gaming, much better but not aknowledged or comprehensible by Britney/D20 fans. Or by D20 gushers on rpg.net. And since I have no wish to find out how to play the X-Men using the Exalted rules, or to read speculation on WOD 2.0 I rarely post there and read some of the posts about once a week.
  19. Good call. I'll throw that in.
  20. Thank you sirs! In my game those "advancements" mentioned earlier have been made. I asked about a modern day bullet as a basis for where I was going to take ballistic tech..I had thought about normal bullets firing the firerer in the opposite direction, spent casings floating round, the effects of temperature. So the player characters (packing some of the highest tech the Sol System has to offer) will be firing caseless ammo from recoiless weapons. Liquid nitrogen as a propellant? I like the sound of that. The lower tech forces will be using smokeless gunpowder fired from guns that have heat and cold resistant weapons (and ammo casings). Probably recoiless. If the players ask about recoil (which I doubt they will) I'll say "It's because of the gun's special design.":D But hey, feel free to chime in further.
  21. Well after 3 months of design work, my Star Hero game is allmost ready to go. I'm going for "hard" SF and have a question: What would happen if a modern-day bullet was fired in vacuum? Would the absence of air stop the combustion needed to propel the bullet? I figured the collective intellect of this forum would be a good place to get an answer.
  22. I just Finished Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. It was quite good. A little dry but a very involved tale, a very beleivable story from a "future history" point of veiw. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'll give it an 8. the stength of the book came from the excellent depictions of Mars itself and how Robinson handled the whole corporate takeover and revolution. I'm taking a break from the series to read The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian then I'm back on the Martian horse for the other 2 books. I wanted some inspiration for my Star Hero game and it definetely gave me some!
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