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Lowly Uhlan

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Everything posted by Lowly Uhlan

  1. I have mine on special order at Game Towne. They should have it by Friday at the latest. They'll have floor copies as well. So Rick, are you going to give us your impression on it?
  2. I think it's great that DC will involve low-powered supers. I've missed previous editions and had Draedevil-Spawn-Punisher stuff in mind for the characters, It would be great for the players to fallin with the 'wrong crowd" and run afoul of UNTIL! I'm really looking forward to it.
  3. Too add just a little; The Nazgul were called Ulari in quenya, the "high" elvish language. The LoTR CCG by Decipher has names for all nine on each of their cards, don't know what the source for those names was.
  4. Rivers and montains are good ideas. In Star Trek the runabouts were all named after rivers. Military leaders would be good, The Schwartzkof, the Kahn ,the Rommel. Or your favorite fictional characters:the Kirk, the Wu, the Boromir. Going a little further "out there" how about mythical places: the Numenor, the Melnibone, the Andrilhanka. Or just think up dark, ominous names. The dropship in my Star Hero game is called "Black Providence".
  5. Twilight Alpha-Stealth/ infiltrator battlesuit Colonel Payne-Alpha's hunted, later renamed Warlord by the GM Quarry-A brick with tunneling that transforms into granite Red White and Bruise-A patriot that swings a miniature Liberty Bell on a chain Living Weapon-Martial artist Shadow Jack- Infiltrator with a laser rifle Corinthian-A decadent crimelord Eight Ball-A villian that unleashes a big ole EB when kncked down (you lose when you sink the eight ball)
  6. I'm building a character to poosibly replace my current one. His primary attack power will be a STR of 30 coupled with a 4d6 Hand to Hand (physical) attack. My question is: If I buy rapid fire for the HTH Attack will I be able to use Martial Strike (applied to the HTH Attack)while rapid firing? Will my STR apply to damage while using RF? Thanks.
  7. This has been an informative thread. I hadn't been reading the stuff on these boards for a little while and did'nt know the SH line was being scaled back. That's too bad. I've bought all of the 5E SH stuff. And I never had any intention of running a game set in the Terran Empire/Alien Wars settings. I'll be running a "hard' SF SH game. I bought the books primarily for the equipment and skill packages. With a few very minor changes I'll have just about every package I need for my game.The equipment will be useful, the game is set 400 years from now, I can get a little "rubbery" with the science and not feel bad about it.And I love the weapons presented for SH. A signifigant amount of my time has been saved by the purchase of those books.I'm sure I'll get around to reading TE and AW at length,but the settings aren't what I bought them for. And from what I have read they're decent enough settings,just not the kind of game I want to run (wanted something bloodier than the Star Trek games I usually run) and definetely want to use the Hero rules (I'm a player in a Champions game, GMed Champs 20 years ago) I will probably buy any future SH books.To be totally honest, I don't want any of my players to have one-upmanship on me with regards to the books. And I like supporting the Hero line. The system rocks.And my LGS does carry the complete Hero line (Game Towne, San Diego).I'll be playing there and will probably drag a player or 2 from the game room into my game. The topic of supporting SH came up and I hope that qualifies as support. Long live Star Hero !
  8. I should have a better answer but this is all I can give you: Zephram Cochrane was first seen in the TOS episode"Metamorphisis"."Zephram Cochrane of Alpha Centauri? Inventor of the space warp?" I think were the exact words said by Kirk when they met. There was never another Canon (material represented in a movie or episode or one of a few books recognized by Paramount )reference made to him until "First Contact". I think they gave a clarification in the ST Chronology that Chocrane moved to A. Centauri later.
  9. I hear you, Lightray. Nutty rants like his/hers is what keeps me from posting with any regularity on those boards (and since I don't play Exalted half of the threads are useless to me anyway).Points off for mondo breasts? What game doesn't have artwork with well-endowed women? A sore spot for the transgendered, I guess.
  10. I was wondering the same thing since my game will be set entirely away from Earth or any other world with more than Mars gravity. So I'll cop right out: go rubber and call it "Nanotech Therapy". Backed up with plenty of exercise.
  11. What a hokey reveiw! I can't imagine why someone would waste enough time to post a review just so they could show their contempt for a game and it's designers. And he kind of makes up stuff as he goes along! Either that or he hadn't read the rules at all. This individual is getting slammed up and down the "Forums" section of the review. Rightly so.If I were to review D&D 3.0-3.5 or a WoD game (2 systems I don't like) I would make sure I had read everything and played a session before doing so,even mentioning the system's GOOD POINTS since every game has at least one.
  12. More good ideas.Thanks all. I'll post on the progress of the game as it develops. Have to take a break to run a couple sessions of the CODA-Trek game I'm plaing in to give the GM a chance to play.From Hard SF to completely rubber SF-oh well... BTW ,Keith that Solar Colonies game sounds cool.Have you posted any of your background stuff on these boards?
  13. A lot to consider. When I asked what about the volatility of frozen methane I guess I was wondering about what would happen if a really hot surface came in contact with the frozen gas. Its been a really long time since I've read The Forever War . And yeah, the martians will have a definite edge-in everything. It wouldn't be a proper roleplaying campaign without the odds not being in favor of the player characters:D
  14. Thank you Sirs! Liked the idea of the engineered mushrooms.Actually the Martians will be the dominant survivors, the player characters will end up in conflict with them. Beside the point though. Even thogh I new the Sun's light is diminished way out there I hadn't figured that in. Genetic engineering will be a good solution to the food production problem.Good call on the bacteria. Anyone else care to enlighten me?
  15. My computer is not cooperating... I am designing a hard SF Star hero campaign. Taking place mostly on the outer worlds of our Solar system. After scouring the web, I've found that several of the planets and their moons have organic compounds mixed with frozen methane, water ice,frozen hydrogen,ect..My chemistry knowledge is weak and I had a few questions for the collective minds on these boards: 1)Aside from these organic compounds being useful for production of plastics and petrochemicals, how useful would they be as the "basic stock" for food or hydroponic food production? 2)What process would be used to seperate the compounds from the water,hydrogen,methane,ect.? 3)How volitale is frozen methane? How much heat would be neede to ignite it say on the surface of Charon (very, very cold)? While I'm going for the "hard" SF approach, I'm definetely open to using "speculative" technology, nothing as advanced as replicators though.Trade with the inner planets is not an option, the game takes place after a devestating war. Everyone is fighting over the scraps of a defunct confederation. Even if one of the above questions can be answered, I would be greatful.
  16. There's a few examples of cyberware in Star Hero and several suggestions on how to use various aspects of the Hero system in a cyberpunk game. Check it out.The Spacers Toolkit has a few peices of cyberware as well.The Restrainable limitation is used in most of the items,charges,self only are used often.
  17. Good site,nice job on your history.Can't wait to play.
  18. 1st pick:Elric.Yes, Stormbringer was the best-ever fantasy weapon and the Law vs. Chaos conflict being copied in other "worlds" (even Battletech had the Chaos Marches,the map had the Chaos symbol on it) is kind of a testament to Moorcock's ingenuity. The Melniboneans were a great fantasy race. 2nd:Conan.The Howard originals rocked, Conans days as a theif in Zamora (most notably "The Tower of the Elephant") definetely fired my imagination as a kid. I went looking for those books at Borders and was kind of dissapointed that they didn't have them.I'm glad they're going to be reprinted. I would have gone with Brust's Vlad Taltos as my first pick but I wouldn't really consider those stories Sword and Sorcery, a little too much magic for that genre. I really like Brust's writing style, the combat scenes really are exciting. Gotta love a character that is an accomplished assassin,knows witchcraft and a little sorcery, is a crime boss, and later ended up on the run. Awesome!
  19. Some Ringworld RPing definetely sounds cool.
  20. Nice work. Gil is definetely a great character, right up there with Beowolf Schaefer and good ole' Louis WU. Are you running a Known Space campaign?
  21. Concerning the high point cost:Page 4 of the Grimoire gives the Turakian Age variant of dividing the real point cost by 3 in order to allow a spellcaster to buy more spells.
  22. Great suggestion on reading Avengers comics.I remember 1 old issue when Henry Gyrich was getting up their noses and laying out a bunch of governmental restrictions. Your local comic shop might have some in thier dollar box. Getting tangled in UN red tape could be a hook, occupying the heroes while evildoers are hatching a plan elsewhere. Or the restrictions put down by your Nightwatch could keep your players from taking a moral action that would save some innocents all because they are following orders. Have the PC's make the call as to whether to disobey orders to save lives while in the midst of combat with supervillians. If they do they could be fugitives for awhile, having your local supercops hunt them down. Then they would have to redeem themselves. San Diego was destroyed? That's cool .As long as they hit Ocean Beach first.
  23. Yeah, full time work and part time school is whoopin' me too. I think I can have my game up and running by break. I'll let you guys know.
  24. Picked mine up Thursday. I have never seen a better RPG spell list. LOVE all of the options given for the spells. Just like the rest of the Hero line , it is ultimately versatile. Can't wait to play Fantasy Hero. Thanks Steve.
  25. Interesting steampunk concept ,Rick.I'm currently playing CODA-Trek at Game Towne on alternate Mondays (Game Towne has become a decent place to play since a certain employee has left). It will be 6 weeks to a month before I kick off my Fantasy game. Maybe we could all get together for a session or 2.
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